Supermarket Cashier Salaries in Kenya


Supermarket Cashiers in Kenya earn a salary of between Ksh20,000 and Ksh 70,000 per month based on the type of supermarkets they work for and the amount of experience accumulated over time. For entry level workers, average salary is Ksh25,000.

The highest paying supermarkets in Kenya include: Carrefour, Naivas and Quickmat.Nakumatt and Tuskys used to be among the highest paying supermarkets but their businesses collapsed.

If you aim to work for the leading supermarkets in Kenya as a cashier, here is the salary to expect per month:

  1. Quickmat Supermarket—Ksh 25,000 to Ksh70,000 per month
  2. Chandarana Foodplus Supermarket—Ksh30,000 to Ksh 80,000 per month
  3. Carrefour Supermarket—Ksh 30,000 to Ksh 70,000 per month
  4. Naivas Supermarket—Ksh 20,000 to Ksh60,000 per month
  5. Mulley’s Supermarket—Ksh 20,000 to Ksh 50,000 per month
  6. EastMatt Supermarket—Ksh15,000 to Ksh 50,000 per month

If you are planning to become a cashier in a Kenyan supermarket, be prepared to work from 7 am to 10pm on daily basis—this is one of the most stressful careers in Kenya. For those without prior experience, don’t expect to earn more than Ksh40,000. When you are asked to quote a salary, Ksh 30,000 is the most ideal figure to quote.


  1. I would really appreciate if I get to work as a cashier in either quick mart or chandarana supermarket