Canadian University Dubai Undergraduate and Postgraduate Fee Structure



Canadian University Dubai charges favourable fees for undergraduate and post graduate programs.The following is the fees structure for undergraduate and postgraduate programs


Estimated 1st Year Costs Based on Full Time Studies*
*Application Fee included
Accredited Programs Fee
per Credit Hour
Fee per Course
(3 Credit Hours)
per Year
per Year*
School of Architecture & Design
Bachelor of Science in Interior Design 2,250.00 6,750.00 67,500.00 3,725.00 AED 71,225.00
Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies 2,250.00 6,750.00 67,500.00 3,725.00 AED 71,225.00
School of Engineering, Applied Science & Technology
Bachelor of Science in Network Engineering 2,150.00 6,450.00 64,500.00 3,725.00 AED 68,225.00
Bachelor of Science in Telecommunication Engineering 2,150.00 6,450.00 64,500.00 3,725.00 AED 68,225.00
Bachelor of Computer and Networking Engineering Technology 2,150.00 6,450.00 64,500.00 3,725.00 AED 68,225.00
School of Public Health & Health Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health Management 2,100.00 6,300.00 63,000.00 3,725.00 AED 66,725.00
Bachelor of Science in Health Organizations Management 2,100.00 6,300.00 63,000.00 3,725.00 AED 66,725.00
Bachelor of Science in Health Information Management 2,100.00 6,300.00 63,000.00 3,725.00 AED 66,725.00
Associate Degree in Food Safety 2,250.00 6,750.00 67,500.00 3,725.00 AED 71,225.00
School of Business Administration
Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing 2,100.00 6,300.00 63,000.00 3,725.00 AED 66,725.00
Bachelor of Business Administration in International Business 2,100.00 6,300.00 63,000.00 3,725.00 AED 66,725.00
Bachelor of Business Administration in E- Business 2,100.00 6,300.00 63,000.00 3,725.00 AED 66,725.00
Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resource Management 2,100.00 6,300.00 63,000.00 3,725.00 AED 66,725.00
Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance 2,100.00 6,300.00 63,000.00 3,725.00 AED 66,725.00
Associate Degree of Marketing 2,100.00 6,300.00 63,000.00 3,725.00 AED 66,725.00
School of Communication & Media Studies
Bachelor of Arts in English Language & Translation 1,950.00 5,850.00 58,500.00 3,725.00 AED 62,225.00
Journalism (English / Arabic) 1,900.00 5,700.00 57,000.00 3,725.00 AED 60,725.00
Advertisement (English / Arabic) 1,900.00 5,700.00 57,000.00 3,725.00 AED 60,725.00
Public Relations (English / Arabic) 1,900.00 5,700.00 57,000.00 3,725.00 AED 60,725.00
  • Actual tuition fees are paid based on credit hours taken per semester
  • Canadian University Dubai reserves the right to revise its prices annually up to a maximum of 10%
  • Prices effective July 1st, 2015



Students who possess a degree in a field other than Business must complete the non-credited pre-MBA program before joining the MBA program.

Number of Courses Cost Per Course Total
6 2,300.00 AED 13,800.00
  • Canadian University Dubai reserves the right to revise its prices annually up to a maximum of 10%

MBA Program

(Human Resource Management, General Management, Finance, Islamic Banking, Marketing)

Number of Courses Total Credit Hours Cost Per Credit Hour Cost Per Course Tuition for 12 Courses Incidental Fees Tuition & Incidental Fees
12 36 2,500.00 7,500.00 90,000.00 2,480.00 AED 92,480.00
  • Canadian University Dubai reserves the right to revise its prices annually up to a maximum of 10%


All Students admitted in the MITGOV program with an IT, Engineering or Business related degrees must complete and pass the corresponding non-credited pre-MIT program before starting this master program.

Number of Courses Cost Per Course Tuition for the 7 courses
7* 2,500.00 AED 17,500.00
  • Only 6 courses for Business Majors
  • Canadian University Dubai reserves the right to revise its prices annually up to a maximum of 10%

Master in Information Technology Management and Governance

Number of Courses Total Credit Hours Cost Per Credit Hour Cost Per Course Tuition for the 10 Courses Incidental Fees Tuition & Incidental Fees
10 30 2,500.00 7,500.00 75,000.00 2,480.00 AED 77,480.00
  • Canadian University Dubai reserves the right to revise its prices annually up to a maximum of 10%


Programs Number Of Weeks Total
English for Academic Purposes 101-A (12 hours/week) 6 weeks AED 4,320
English for Academic Purposes 101 (15 hours/week) 12 weeks AED 10,800
English for Academic Purposes 201 (10 hours/week) 12 weeks AED 7,200
English for Academic Purposes 301 (12 hours/week) 6 weeks AED 3,600
 MTH 010  6 weeks AED 3,850
 MTH 011 15 weeks AED 3,850
 MTH 012 15 weeks AED 3,850
Foundation Program 30 weeks AED 25,300
TOEFL Preparation Course AED 3,465
  • Actual tuition fees are paid based on credit hours taken per semester
  • Canadian University Dubai reserves the right to revise its prices annually up to a maximum of 10%
  • Prices effective July 1st, 2015