List of JKUAT Courses, Admission Requirements and Fees Structure




Introduction and General Information

Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) is one of the leading Kenyan public universities, located at Juja town, 36 kilometers to the North-East of Nairobi. The location of the main campus in the serene suburbs of Nairobi, along the Thika-Nairobi Super-highway provides a conducive environment for learning, which has enabled the university to increasingly become a hub of academic activities which are open and accessible to Kenyan and non-Kenyans.

JKUAT has curved a niche for herself in Kenya and the region as a center of global excellence in Training in the fields of Agriculture, Engineering, Technology, Enterprise Development, Built Environment, Health Sciences and other Applied Sciences. JKUAT is the University of Choice as evidenced by the oversubscribed demand for her academic programmes. For this reason, JKUAT continues to attract students from Kenya, the East African region, the continent and the world at large. JKUAT endeavours to maintain the highest level of excellence and increased diversity of its academic programmes.

The university, which started in 1981 with about 180 students currently has a student population of about 35,000. Driven by the Vision of being a University of global excellence in Training, Research and Innovation for Development. In accordance with our mandate, JKUAT offers regular and self-sponsored programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate levels at the main campus in Juja, and in JKUAT campuses and centres spread all over the country, the region and the continent.

More courses are offered through Open Distance and e-Learning mode at JKUAT and its approved centres. In its bid to increase education access, the university has set up the following campuses across Kenya and the East African region.

  • JKUAT Karen Campus
  • JKUAT Westlands Campus
  • JKUAT Nairobi CBD Campus
  • JKUAT Mombasa CBD Campus
  • JKUAT Nakuru CBD Campus
  • JKUAT Kitale CBD Campus
  • JKUAT Kisii CBD Campus
  • JKUAT Kakamega Campus
  • JKUAT Kisumu Campus
  • JKUAT Arusha Campus in Tanzania
  • JKUAT Kigali Campus in Rwanda

In addition to the above campuses, the university has the following four (4) centres in various parts

of Africa where our academic programmes are offered:

  • Kaduna Polytechnic in Nigeria
  • Gollis University in Hargeisa in Somaliland,
  • University of Somali in Mogadishu, Somalia
  • University of Savanna in Mogadishu, Somalia.


Application Procedure

  1. Government of Kenya Sponsored Students (GoK)

Applications for admission to Public Universities for Government Sponsored undergraduate degree courses is done through the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Services (KUCCPS), which took over from Joint Admissions Board, (JAB). Application Forms are sent to respective secondary schools by KUCCPS Secretariat. After KCSE results are released, candidates are allowed to revise their degree choices according to their performance and preferences. NB: Cut off points are fixed every year and vary from academic year to academic year, and are based on actual marks scored in a subject and NOT the grade points attained in a subject as was previously done. The KCSE candidates can confirm their cluster weight points and degree courses admitted to by visiting the KUCCPS offices at the University of Nairobi, Kenya Science Campus. Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Services can also be contacted on the following address:

The CEO/Secretary, KUCCPS

P.O. Box 105166-00101,


E-Mail: [email protected]


  1. Self – Sponsored Degree Programme Students (SSP)

Advertisements for applications for the courses/programmes are carried in the press (local dailies in October/November; February/March and June/July each year for admission in January, May and September each calendar year. The September admission is the main intake session. It is important to note, application for courses is done on prescribed forms obtainable from the University; the campuses or University Website upon payment of an application fee as specified here below, which fee is subject to revision from time to time.

Certificate Courses – Kshs.500 (Kenya shillings five hundred only)
Diploma Courses – Kshs.1, 000 (Kenya shillings one thousand only)
Degree/Postgraduate Courses – Kshs.1, 500 (Kenya shillings one thousand five hundred
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Minimum entry requirement

Certificate Courses:                     – KCSE mean grade C- (Minus)


Diploma Courses:                          – KCSE mean grade C (Plain)

Degree Courses:                             – KCSE mean grade C+ (Plus)

Masters Courses:                           – Holders of a Bachelor’s degree with at least 2nd Class Honours

(Upper Division) in relevant fields.

In addition, applicants must meet specific Faculty/Schools/Institutes and Departmental requirements. The University equivalent qualifications will be considered for international students.

Fees Charged

The tuition fees charged for each programme is indicated against the courses offered in the brochure

and may vary from programme to programme and from time to time. It is important to note that

there are other statutory fees charged besides the tuition fees. For details of statutory fees you are

advised to visit the university website at: www: or the Registrar (AA) Office,

or the office of the Principals and Directors of respective JKUAT Campuses and Centres.




(Government of Kenya-sponsored Students)

Note: For specific Cluster Number for individual subjects visit the Colleges and Universities Placement Service Board (KUCCPS) website

      1 2 3 4  
1 Bachelor of Architectural Technology MAT PHY Any Group 2nd Group II
2 Bachelor of Landscape Architecture     III Or  2nd Group III
3 Bachelor of Construction Management       Or Any Group IV
4 Bachelor of Quantity Surveying       Or Any Group V
1. B.Sc. Civil Engineering          
2. B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering          
3. B.Sc. Electrical & Electronics Engineering       BIO
4. B.Sc. Mechatronic Engineering       or any Group III
5. B.Sc. Electronic & Computer Engineering MAT PHY CHEM or any Group IV
6. B.Sc. Telecomm. & Information Engineering       or any Group V
7. B.Sc. Geomatic Engineering and Geospatial          
    Information Systems.          
8. B.Sc. Agricultural Engineering (Biomechanical &          
9. B.Sc. Agricultural Engineering (Soil, Water &          
10. B.Sc. Marine Engineering          
11. B.Sc. Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering          
12. B.Sc. Materials and Metallurgical Engineering          
13. B.Sc. Mining and Mineral Processing Engineering          


1. Bachelor of Pharmacy         ENG or KISW
2. B.Sc. Medical Laboratory Science BIO CHE MAT or   or a 3rd  Group II subj.
3. B.Sc. Public Health     PHY   or any Group III
4. B.Sc. Community Health and Development         or any Group IV
        or any Group V
5. B.Sc. Nursing        
6. B.Sc. Clinical Medicine          
7. Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery          
8. Bachelor of Physiotherapy          
9. Bachelor of Radiography          
10. B.Sc. Medical Biochemistry          
11. B.Sc. Applied Bioengineering          
12. B.Sc. Zoology Biomedical Sciences          
13. B.Sc. Biochemistry          
14. B.Sc. Biotechnology          
15. B.Sc. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology          
16. B.Sc. Health Record Management & Informatics ENG MAT or Any group III   or any Group II
    or Any     or any Group IV
    KISW group II     or any Group V
1. B.Sc. Computer Science     2nd Group II   Group II subj.
2. B.Sc. Mathematics and Computer Science MAT PHY   or Group III subj.
        or any Group   or any Group IV
        III   or any Group V
3. B.Sc. Computer Technology         BIO
4. B.Sc. Information Technology MAT PHY CHEM   or any Group III
            or any Group IV
            or any Group V
5. Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)     2nd Group II   3rd Group II subj.
6. B.Sc. Biostatistics MAT Any   or any Group III
      Group II     or any Group IV
            or any Group V
7. B.Sc. Analytical Chemistry         BIO
8. B.Sc. Control and Instrumentation MAT PHY CHEM   or any Group III
9. B.Sc. Industrial Chemistry         or any Group IV
            or any Group V
10. B.Sc. Actuarial Science   ENG     2nd Group II
11. B.Sc. Financial Engineering MAT OR Any Group III   2nd Group III
12. B.Sc. Genomic Sciences   KISW     or any Group IV
13. B.Sc. Statistics         or any Group V
14. B.Sc. Mathematics & Computer Science          


1. B.Sc. Food Science & Postharvest Technology         ENG
2. B.Sc. Horticulture       MAT or KISW
3. B.Sc. Food Science & Nutrition BIO CHEM Or PHY or 3rd Group II subj.
4. B.Sc. Environmental, Horticulture and Landscaping       Or GEO or a Group III subj.
  Technology         or any Group IV
          or any Group V
5. B.Sc. Animal Health, Production and Processing        
6. B.Sc. Land Resource Planning and Management          
7. B.Sc. Human Nutrition and Dietetics          
8. B.Sc. Agricultural Economics and Rural          
9. B.Sc. Agribusiness Management & Enterprise          
10. B.Sc. Agricultural Economics and Food Industry          
11. B.Sc. Food Service and Hospitality Management          
1. Bachelor of Commerce       Any group III or any Group II
2. Bachelor of Purchasing and Supplies Management. ENG or MAT  
3. Bachelor of Procurement and Contract Management KISW or     2nd  Group III
4. Bachelor of Supply Chain Management   Any     or any Group IV
      or any Group V
      group II    
5. Bachelor of Business Information Technology MAT PHY   Any group II a Group II Subj.
          or Any group or  Group III Subj
          III or any Group IV
            or any Group V
6. Bachelor of Mass Communication       Any group II a Group II Subj.
7. Bachelor of Entrepreneurship ENG MAT   or Any group or  Group III Subj
8. Bachelor of Human Resource Management or     III or any Group IV
9. Bachelor of Development Studies KISW       or any Group V




  METAL WORK      


Candidates select the 7th Subject from the remaining subjects in





The College of Engineering and Technology comprises four schools namely School of Architecture and Building Sciences (SABS); School of Civil, Environmental and Geospatial Engineering (SCEGE), School of Electronic and Electrical Information Engineering (SEEIE) and School of Mechanical, Manufacturing and Materials Engineering (SOMMME).



  1. Diploma in Architecture

Minimum entry requirement:

KCSE mean grade C (plain) or equivalent and C-(minus) in English/Kiswahili, Mathematics, Physics, Geography / Drawing and Design or Art and Design or History and Government or Chemistry/ C (plain) in Physical Science or K.A.C.E. with one (1) Principle pass in Mathematics or Physics and two (2) Subsidiary passes or equivalent qualification from any other institution recognized by the University Senate.


Course Duration: 2 (two) academic years (6 semesters)

Tuition Fees per semester: Kshs. 46, 305.00 (Kenya shillings forty-six thousand three hundred and five only).


  1. Bachelor of Architectural Technology
  2. Bachelor of Landscape Architecture
  1. Bachelor of Construction Management
  1. Bachelor of Quantity Surveying

Minimum entry requirement:

KCSE B- (minus) mean grade, and C+ (plus) in Mathematics, Physics, and any group III, IV, or V. (Please refer to table 2 for details).

Course Duration: 4 (four) academic years   (2 semesters per academic year)

Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 216,477.00 (Kenya shillings two hundred sixteen thousand four hundred seventy-seven only).


Bachelor’s degree from JKUAT or any other institution recognized by the University Senate in relevant field.

Course Duration: 1 (one) academic year

Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 130, 000.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred thirty thousand only).


  1. Master of Architecture (Professional)

Minimum entry requirement

Bachelor of Architectural Technology with at least 2nd Class Honours (Upper Division) from JKUAT. Or Bachelor of Architectural Technology with 2nd Class Honours (Lower Division) and minimum of 1 (one) year refereed industry and /or travel portfolio, or Bachelor of Architectural Technology with PASS and a minimum of 2years of refereed Qualification Industry and /or travel portfolio. Or any other qualifications recognized by the University Senate as being equivalent or higher than those specified above.

  1. Master of Urban Design

Minimum entry requirement

Bachelor of Architecture degree (for those who went through the six year Bachelor of Architecture course) and Bachelor of Architectural Technology with at least 2nd Class Honours (Upper Division) from JKUAT. Or Bachelor’s degree in either Architecture, Urban Design or Landscape Architecture, or Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degree in Urban and Regional Planning from any other Institution recognized by the University Senate as being of equivalent academic standard.

Or Candidates admitted to Master of Architecture Degree by collaborating Universities through the NUFU Programme shall be eligible for registration for approved units at JKUAT.

Or Holders of any other academic qualification(s) acceptable to JKUAT Senate as being equivalent to or higher than those specified above.

Course Duration: 2 (two) academic years (2 semesters per academic year)

Tuition Fees per Academic Year: Kshs. 140,000.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred forty thousand only


  1. Masters of Construction Project Management

Minimum entry requirement:

Bachelor’s degree with at least 2nd Class Honours (Upper Division) in a field related to the built environment. Or, a graduate of any other Institution of higher learning recognized by the University Senate as being of equivalent academic status for the purpose of admission to the program. Or, holders of 2nd Class Honours (Lower Division) from JKUAT or any other Institution recognized by the University Senate as being of equivalent academic status, and who in addition must show proof of either two (2) years relevant experience and professional development of academic advancement through research, publication and postgraduate certificate course related to project Management since graduation with the Bachelor’s degree, or a postgraduate Diploma in the relevant field. OR holders of Bachelor degree with a pass plus five years post qualification experience in built environment.


Course Duration: 2 (two) academic years (2 semesters per academic year)

Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 140,000.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred forty thousand only)


Doctoral courses available in all the above areas of specialization

Minimum entry requirement:

Master degree from JKUAT or any institution recognized by the University Senate in relevant field.

Duration: 3 (three) academic years

Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 140,000.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred forty thousand only)



  1. Sc. Civil Engineering
  2. Sc. Geomatic Engineering and Geospatial Information Systems
  1. Sc. Geospatial Information Science


  1. Sc. Electrical & Electronics Engineering
  1. Sc. Electronic & Computer Engineering
  1. Sc. Telecommunication. & Information Engineering



  1. Sc. Mechanical Engineering
  1. Sc. Mechatronics Engineering
  1. Sc. Agricultural Engineering (Biomechanical & Processing)
  2. Sc. Agricultural Engineering (Soil, Water and Environment)
  1. Sc. Marine Engineering
  2. Sc. Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering
  1. Sc. Materials and Metallurgical Engineering
  1. Sc. Mining and Mineral Processing Engineering

Minimum entry requirement: (SCEGE, SEEIE and SOMMME)

KCSE B- (minus) mean grade, and at least B (plain) mean grade for the total score in the four JAB cluster subjects, and the following minimum grades in the individual cluster subjects: Mathematics C+ (plus), Physics C+ (plus), Chemistry C+ (plus), Geography or Biology, or 2nd group III, or any group IV.

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‘A’ level from the examination body approved by the University Senate with at least three Principle passes of nine (9) points and above in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Geography,


Ordinary Diploma holders with Credit pass in a relevant field shall be admitted in the second year of study. Higher National Diploma (HND) holders in a relevant field shall be admitted in the third year of study.

NB: All Diploma holders MUST meet the basic entry requirements at KCSE level or ‘A’ level.

Course Duration: 5 (five) academic years, except for B Sc. Geospatial Information Science: 4 (four) academic years).

Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 203,742.00(Kenya shillings two hundred and-three thousand seven hundred forty two only).



  1. Sc. Mechanical Engineering
  2. Sc. in Sustainable Energy Engineering


  1. Sc. Mechatronic Engineering


  1. Sc. Electrical Engineering


  1. Sc. Telecommunication Engineering


  1. Sc. Civil Engineering (Options)


  1. Sc. Global Environmental and ASAL Engineering
  2. Sc. Transportation Engineering


  1. Sc. Structural Engineering


  1. Sc. Soil and Water Engineering


  1. Sc. Environmental Engineering and Management


  1. Sc. Agricultural Processing and Engineering


  1. Sc. Biomechanical Engineering
  2. Sc. Bio systems Structural Engineering


  1. Sc. Geospatial Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing


  1. Sc. Environmental Information Systems


  1. Sc. Construction Engineering and Management



Minimum entry requirement: (for the above Masters Courses)


Bachelor’s degree with at least 2nd Class Honours (Upper Division) in relevant field from JKUAT or any other institution recognized by the University Senate.


Or B.Sc. degree 2nd Class Honours (Lower Division) from JKUAT or any other institution recognized by the University Senate as being of equivalent academic status and who in addition must show proof of either two years relevant experience and professional development or academic advancement through research and publication since graduation with the Bachelor’s degree or a postgraduate Diploma in the relevant field.


Duration: 2 (two) academic years

Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 130,000.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred thirty thousand only)


Doctoral courses in all the above areas of specialization

Minimum entry requirement:

Master degree from JKUAT or any institution recognized by the University Senate in relevant field.


Duration: 3 (three) academic years

Tuition Fees per Academic year: Kshs. 140,000.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred forty thousand on






  1. Certificate in HIV/AIDS Management


Minimum Entry requirements:


KCSE Mean Grade: C-(minus), or KCPE and 2 (two) years of Secondary School Education with proven involvement in HIV/AIDS community programs.

Course Duration: 3 Months

Tuition Fees: Kshs. 40,000 (Kenya shillings forty thousand only)



  1. i) Diploma in HIV/AIDS Management & Counselling

Minimum Entry requirements:


KCSE Mean Grade C (plain) with C (plain) in English/Kiswahili and C (plain) in Biology, Or K.C.E Division three (III) with a Credit pass in English/Kiswahili and Biology, Or KACE with a Principle pass in Biology


Course Duration: 3 (three) semesters

Tuition Fees for 3(three) semesters: Kshs. 112,050.00(Kenya shillings one-hundred twelve thousand and fifty only).


  1. ii) Diploma in Clinical Medicine


Minimum Entry requirements:


K.C.S.E Mean Grade C (plain) with C (plain) in Biology and English/Kiswahili. Additional Subjects: C-(minus) in any two of the following: Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, and Physical Science


Course Duration: 3.5 (three and half) academic years

Tuition Fees: Kshs. 152, 805.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred fifty-two thousand eight hundred and five only)




  1. Bachelor of Science in Public Health (Full Time & Part Time)


Minimum entry requirements:


KCSE C+ (plus) mean grade with C(plain) in Biology/Biological Sciences and Chemistry, C- (minus) in English/Swahili and C- (minus) in Mathematics/ Physics, or K.A.C.E. 2 (two) Principle passes in relevant subjects. Or Diploma/HND in Clinical Medicine, Public Health, Community Health, Human Nutrition, Pharmacy.


NB: Diploma Holders with Credit pass join 2nd year of study while HND holders join 3rd year of study.

(Part-time classes on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays)


Course Duration: 4 (four) academic years

Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 160,000.00(Kenya shillings one hundred sixty thousand only)


  1. ii) Bachelor of Science in Community Health & Development (Full Time & Part Time)


Minimum entry requirements:


KCSE C+ (plus) mean grade with C+ (plus) in Biology/Biological Sciences, C in English/Swahili, and C in any two: Mathematics, Chemistry or Physics, or Mathematics, Physical Science, Geography/Agriculture. Or K.A.C.E. 2 (two) Principle passes in relevant subjects or Diploma/HND in Community Health Development, Clinical Medicine, Public Health, Human Nutrition, Pharmacy



Course Duration: 4 (four) academic years

Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 160,000.00(Kenya shillings one hundred sixty thousand only).


  • Bachelor of Science in Health Records Management & Informatics (Full Time & Part Time)


Minimum entry requirements:

KCSE C+ (plus) mean grade with either of the qualifications listed below:


Alternative  A   Alternative B  
English/Swahili C(plain) English/Swahili C(plain)
Biology C(plain) Biological Sciences C(plain)
Mathematics C(plain) Mathematics C(plain)
Chemistry /Physics C(plain) Physical Sciences C(plain)

Or 2 (two) Principle passes in Mathematics and Biology at K.A.C.E. or equivalent.




Holders of Diploma in Health Records and Information Technology, or any other equivalent qualifications from an institution recognized by the University Senate may be admitted to second year of study


Course Duration: 4 (four) academic years

Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 160,000.00(Kenya shillings one hundred sixty thousand only).


  1. iv) Bachelor of Pharmacy (Full Time)


Minimum entry requirements:


K.C.S.E C+(plus) mean grade with an average cluster weight of B-(minus) in the subjects shown below, provided that no subject in this cluster shall have a grade below C+(plus).


Alternative A                                       Alternative B

Chemistry                                             Biological Sciences


Biology                                                  Physical Sciences


Mathematics/physics                         Mathematics


English/Kiswahili                                 English/ Kiswahili


Or G.C.E/A level (KACE) with two (2) Principle passes in Chemistry and Biology and a Subsidiary pass or Credit in Mathematics/Physics or its equivalent, or Credit pass at ‘O’ level in Mathematics/Physics


Biology                                  – Principle


Chemistry                             – Principle


Physic/Mathematics           – Subsidiary


General Paper                      – Pass


Or KCSE C+ (plus) mean grade with a Diploma in Pharmaceutical Technology, Clinical Medicine or Nursing and recognized by the relevant regulatory bodies.


Course Duration: 5 (five) academic years


Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 360,000.00 (Kenya shillings three hundred sixty thousand only)



  1. v) Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Full Time)


Minimum entry requirements:

K.C.S.E C (plain) mean grade plus either of the qualifications listed below:


Alternative A   Alternative B  
English /Kiswahili C+ Physical science C+
Mathematics/Physics C+ Biological Sciences C+
Chemistry C+ Mathematics C+
Biology C+ English /Kiswahili C+



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Or K.A.C.E. 2 (two) Principles or more , with at least one each in Biology and Chemistry, or any other qualifications accepted by the University Senate as equivalent to any of the above.(For full- time study only)


Course Duration: 4 (four) academic years


Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 225,000.00(Kenya shillings two-hundred twenty-five thousand only)



  1. vi) Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Upgrading Module) Part Time


Minimum entry requirements:


KCSE C (plain) mean aggregate, plus a Diploma in Nursing from an institution recognized by the University Senate. OR KCE/EACE Division 2 (two), OR K.A.C.E; with 2 (two) Principle passes in Biology and Chemistry.


At least 2 years working experience after attainment of the Diploma in nursing, and must be registered with Nursing Council of Kenya with a current practice certificate




The programme will comprise of 8 semesters spread over two and half (2.5) years. Classes will run for 2 days in week (Wednesdays & Thursdays) at the JKUAT Main Campus in Juja.


Course Duration: 2.5 (two and half) academic years


Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 225,000.00(Kenya shillings two-hundred twenty-five thousand only)



vii) Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine (Full Time & Part Time)


Minimum Entry requirements:

KCSE C+ (plus) mean grade, plus either of the qualifications listed below:


Alternative  A   Alternative B  
Biology C+ Biological Sciences C+
Chemistry C+ Physical  Sciences C+
Mathematics /Physics C+ Mathematics C+
English/Swahili C+ English/Swahili C+

Or At least 2 (two) Principle passes in Science subjects at IGCE/GCE or equivalent.


Course Duration: 4 (four) academic years


Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 231,649.00(Kenya shillings two hundred thirty one thousand six hundred forty-nine only)


  • Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MB.ChB) (Full Time)


Minimum entry requirements:

All candidates must satisfy the common requirements for entry into the University. In addition:


  1. C.S.E. with an average of B+ (plus) in the 4 cluster subjects shown below provided that no subject in the cluster shall have a score below B (plain).


– Biology


– Chemistry


– Physics/Mathematics – English/Kiswahili


  1. A.C.E. or equivalent with at least 2 (two) Principle passes; one each in Biology and Chemistry, and one Subsidiary pass in Mathematics/Physics. In addition, they should have a Credit pass in English.


  • Diploma in Clinical Medicine with at least KCE/EACE Division II pass or C+ (plus) Mean Grade and Credit pass C+ (plus) in the cluster subjects in K.C.S.E. in addition to a Credit pass in the professional qualification from a recognized medical training institution.


  1. Bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences from JKUAT or equivalent qualification from an institution recognized by the University Senate

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Applicants seeking transfer of credits for similar courses taken in other institutions recognized by the university senate may:


  1. Send a formal application seeking transfer of credits, justification of the request and attach evidence of the credentials which would support such request;


  1. Apply for transfer of credit which is processed only after paying the prescribed exemption fee;


Course Duration: 6 (six) academic years


Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 395,584.00(Kenya shillings three hundred ninety-five thousand five hundred eighty-four only)


  1. Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy (Full Time & Part Time)
  2. Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy (Full Time & Part Time)


Minimum Entry requirements:

K.C.S.E C+ (plus) mean grade with C+ (plus) in the subject clusters indicated.


Alternative A: Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics/Physics and English/Kiswahili


Alternative B: Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences, Mathematics, English/Kiswahili


Or K.A.C.E with at least 2 (two) or more Principle passes in Biology and Chemistry.


Conversion entry program


Entry at Year 2: Holders of Diploma in OT/PT from a recognized Medical Training Institution Entry at Year 3: – Holders of a Diploma in OT/PT and a Higher Diploma a relevant field.

In addition, the applicant must be registered with the respective national professional bodies, and be compliant with all the respective professional associations in Kenya.


NB:        Diploma holders targeting to join Mid-Level are required to have scored at least KCSE C (plain) mean

grade with a C-(minus) in both Mathematics and English.


(Part-time classes on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays)


Course Duration: 4 (four) academic years


Tuition Fees per academic year Kshs. 168,000.00(Kenya shillings one hundred sixty-eight thousand only)



  1. xi) Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences (Full Time & Part Time)


Minimum Entry requirements:


KCSE C+ (plus) mean grade, plus either of the following alternative combinations of cluster subjects at the minimum grades shown:


Alternative A   Alternative B  
Biology   C+ Biological Sciences B
Chemistry C+ Physical  Sciences B
Mathematics/Physics C+    
NB: HND & Diploma Holders in MLS and Registered with KMLTTB will join 3rd year level of the Part Time
  Module (Part-time classes on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays).


Course Duration: 4 (four) academic years


Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 152, 800.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred fifty-two thousand eight hundred only



xii) Bachelor of Radiography (Full Time)


Minimum Entry requirements:


KCSE C+ (plus) mean grade, plus either of the following alternative combinations of cluster subjects at the minimum grades shown:


Alternative A   Alternative B  
Physics C+ Biological Sciences B– (minus)
Biology C+ Physical Sciences B– (minus)
Mathematics or Chemistry   C+ English/Kiswahili C+ (plus)
English/Kiswahili   C+  


Course Duration: 4 (four) academic years


Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 186, 240.00(Kenya shillings one hundred eight-six thousand two hundred forty only)



  • Bachelor of Radiography (Upgrading Module) – Part Time


Minimum Entry requirements:


Applicants must have a Diploma or HND Medical Imaging Science.


NB: Learning for the upgrading module will be done on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.


Course Duration: 2.5 (two and half) academic years


Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 186, 240.00(Kenya shillings one hundred eight-six thousand two hundred forty only)


  • Bachelor of Science in Applied Bioengineering,


  1. Bachelor of Science in Medical Biochemistry,


  • Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
  • Bachelor of Science in Industrial Biotechnology


Minimum Entry requirements:


KCSE C+ (plus) mean grade with C+ (plus) in Biology/Biological Sciences and Chemistry. In addition the applicant must have passed either Mathematics/Physics/Physical Science with a minimum grade of C (plain) or K.A.C.E or the equivalent with at least 2 (two) Principle passes in Biology and Chemistry or a Diploma in relevant science subjects with at least a Credit Pass from an institution recognized by the University Senate.


Course Duration: 4 (four) academic years


Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 152, 806.00(Kenya shillings one hundred fifty-two thousand eight hundred and six only)


  • Sc. in Medical Microbiology


Minimum Entry requirements:


KCSE C+ (plus) mean grade. In addition, the applicant must have C+ (plus) in Biology, C-(minus) in Mathematics and C- (minus) in Chemistry. Or a Minimum of 2 (two) Principle passes in science subjects in IGSE/GCE or KACE.


Or Have a Diploma in the relevant science subject from an institution recognized by the University Senate. Exemptions: Diploma holders with Credit pass will join 2nd year, whereas HND holders will join 3rd year of study.


Course Duration: 4 (four) academic years


Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 152, 806.00(Kenya shillings one hundred fifty-two thousand eight hundred and six only





Minimum entry requirements:


Bachelor’s degree in any relevant biological – based discipline from an institution recognized by the University Senate, with at least the equivalent of an honours degree.


Course Duration: 1(one) academic year


Tuition Fees: Kshs. 162,350.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred sixty-two thousand three hundred fifty only)





Minimum Entry Requirements:


Bachelor degree with Second Class Honours (Upper Division) from JKUAT in the respective discipline or from any other institution recognized by the University Senate. Or Bachelor’s degree with Second Class Honours (Lower Division) from JKUAT in the respective discipline or any other institution plus acceptable evidence of research ability or academic work recognized by the University Senate.


In addition, applicants wishing to join the programmes specified below must be holders of degrees indicated:-


-M.Sc. in Medical Chemistry – Pharmacy or Botany or Chemistry or Biochemistry.-M.Sc. in Medicinal Phytochemistry


– holders of a degree in: – Pharmacy, or Botany, or Chemistry or Biochemistry.


Areas of Specializations:

  1. Master of Science Medical Microbiology


  1. Master of Science Medical Virology


  1. Master of Science Medical Mycology
  2. Master of Science Medical Biotechnology


  1. Master of Science Mycobacteriology


  1. Master of Science Medical Parasitology and Entomology
  2. Master of Science Molecular Medicine in the following specialization areas:


  1. Applied Immunology


  1. Clinical Immunology


  • Molecular Biology


  1. Master of Science Medicinal Phytochemistry


  1. Master of Science Medicinal Chemistry
  2. Master of Science Epidemiology


  1. Master of Science International Health


  1. Master of Science Public Health


  1. Master of Science Medical Biotechnology


  1. Master of Science Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics
  2. Master of Science Biochemistry (Molecular Medicine Option)


  1. Master of Science Agricultural and Environmental Biotechnology


  1. Master of Science Pharmacology (Drug Design and Development)


  1. Sc. Biochemistry


  1. Sc. Molecular Parasitology


  1. Sc. Molecular Entomology


Master of Medical Laboratory Sciences (MMLS)

Areas of Specializations:


  1. MMLS (Clinical and Public Health Bacteriology)


  1. MMLS (Clinical and Public Health Mycology)


  • MMLS (Clinical and Public Health Virology)


  1. MMLS (Clinical and Public Health Parasitology)
  2. MMLS (Clinical and Public Health Immunology)
  3. MMLS (Clinical Hematology and Blood Transfusion)


  • MMLS (Clinical Chemistry)


  • MMLS (Clinical Histopathology & Diagnostic Cytology)




Minimum entry requirements:


B.Sc. Degree in Medical Laboratory Sciences with Second Class Honours (Upper Division) from JKUAT or any other KMLTTB approved training institution recognized by the University Senate. Or Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Laboratory Sciences of JKUAT or any other KMLTTB approved training institution recognized by the University.


Entry Requirements (serial no. 18)


Bachelor’s degree with at least Second Class Honours (Upper Division) with Biochemistry as a major or regular subject, or Bachelor of Science degree in Entomology, Animal Science, or Agronomy or Biotechnology or any Biological Sciences recognized by the University senate. Or Bachelor of Science degree in Horticulture, or Food Science and


Technology, or Crop Science, or Agronomy. A holder of Bachelor’s degree with Second Class Honours (Lower Division) in Biochemistry combined with relevant Science discipline recognized by University Senate and work experience of at least three (3) years in a closely related field may be considered.


Entry Requirements (serial no. 19)


Bachelor’s degree with at least Second Class Honours (Upper Division) with Biochemistry as a major or regular subject, or Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine, or Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, or Bachelor of Pharmacy or any other degrees in Biological Sciences recognized by the University Senate. Or Bachelor’s degree with Second Class


Honours (Lower Division) in Biochemistry/Parasitology combined with another relevant Science discipline may be considered subject to work experience of at least two (2) years in Biochemistry/Parasitology or a closely related field.


Entry Requirements (serial no. 20)


Bachelor’s degree with at least Second Class Honours (Upper Division) with Biochemistry as a major or regular subject, or Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine, or Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, or Bachelor of Pharmacy or any other degrees in Biological Sciences recognized by the University Senate. A holder of Bachelor’s degree with Second Class Honours (Lower Division) in Biochemistry/Parasitology combined with another relevant Science discipline may be considered subject to work experience of two (2) years in Biochemistry/Parasitology or a related field.


Course Duration: 2 (two) academic years


Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 156,000.00(Kenya shillings one hundred fifty-six thousand only)




Minimum entry requirements: (as shown above)


Course Duration: 2 (two) academic years


Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 210, 000.00(Kenya shillings two hundred ten thousand only)





Ph.D. Courses available in above-listed master’s areas of specializations


Minimum entry requirements:

Master’s degree from JKUAT or any institution recognized by University Senate in relevant areas.


Course Duration: 3 (three) academic years


Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 210,000.00 (Kenya shillings two hundred and ten thousand only)


Note: For more information concerning academic programmes and admission requirements please contact the office of the Principal, COHES, P.O. Box 62000-00200, Nairobi. Tel no. 067 52167/52711 Ext. 2226 or (020)2027952. E-mail: [email protected]. Website:http/


Or The Registrar (AA), JKUAT, P.O. Box 62000-00200, NAIROBI. Tel. 067 52167/52711 Ext. 2235 or 52390. Email: [email protected] Website:http/



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The College of Pure and Applied Sciences Comprises four Schools namely: School of Computing and Information Science (SCIT), School of Biological Sciences (SBS), School of Mathematical Sciences (SMS) and School of Physical Sciences (SPS):


a).          School of Computing and Information Science (SCIT),




  1. Certificate in Information Technology


Minimum entry requirement:


Mean Grade: KCSE C- (Minus) Or KCE Division III (three) in with at least a Credit in Mathematics and English. Or an equivalent qualification recognized by the University Senate.


Course Duration: 3 months.

Tuition Fees for the course: Kshs. 38,890.00 (Kenya shillings thirty-eight thousand eight hundred ninety only)



  1. Sc. Computer Science
  2. Sc. Computer Technology


  1. Bachelor of Science in Information Technology


Minimum entry requirements

a).           Course serial no. 1


KCSE C+ (Plus) mean grade and an average of A- (minus)in one of the following combinations of three subjects taken at KCSE(or equivalent examination) Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry or Mathematics, Physical sciences, Biological sciences.


Course Duration: 4 (four) academic years


Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 164,934.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred sixty-four thousand nine hundred thirty-four only).


b).           Course serial no. 2.

KCSE C+ (Plus) mean grade and at least grade C+ (plus) in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry/ Physical


sciences or Biological sciences.


Course Duration: 4 (four) academic years

Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 164,934.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred sixty-four thousand nine


hundred thirty-four only).


c).           Course serial no. 3.

KCSE C+ (Plus) mean grade and at least grade C (plain) in English and Mathematics, or equivalent




Course Duration: 4 (four) academic years (which are fast tracked to three years through trimester process)


Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 182,413.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred eighty-two thousand four


hundred thirteen only).











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i).             M.Sc. Software Engineering


Minimum entry requirement:

Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science/Computer Technology/Information Technology, Mathematics and Computer


Science, and Electronic Engineering with at least Second Class Honours (Upper Division) from JKUAT. Or, Holders of a Bachelor’s degree in a related discipline: Engineering, Mathematics, Statistics and Physics with at least Second Class Honours (Lower Division). In addition, he/she must be a holder of a Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Science with a minimum of Credit from an institution recognized by the University Senate, or equivalent qualifications from any other Institution recognized by the University Senate


Course Duration: 2 (two) academic years for full time students and 3 (three) years for part time students Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 192,000.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred ninety-two thousand only)


ii).           M.Sc. Human -Centered Computing


Minimum entry requirement:


Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science/ Computer Technology, Information Technology/, Mathematics and Computer Science, and Electronic Engineering with Second Class Honours (Upper Division) from JKUAT. Or, holders of a Bachelor’s degree with at least Second Class Honours (Lower Division) from JKUAT or an institution recognized by the University Senate and must have working experience of at least three years. Or, Holders of Bachelor degree with a Pass in a relevant area, with working experience of at least five (5) years. Or, any other equivalent qualification from an institution recognized by the University Senate


Course Duration: 2 (two) academic years for full time and 3 (three) academic years for part time. Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 126,000.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred twenty-six thousand only


iii).         M.Sc. Computer Systems


Minimum entry requirement:


Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science/ Computer Technology, Information Technology/, Mathematics and Computer Science, and Electronic Engineering with at least Second Class Honours (Upper Division) from JKUAT or any institution recognized by the University Senate. Or holders of a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science/Computer Technology/Information Technology, Mathematics and Computer Science, and Electronic Engineering with at least Second Class Honours (Lower Division) from JKUAT, and three years’ experience, or any other equivalent qualification from an institution recognized by the University Senate.


Course Duration: 2 academic years for full time and 3 academic years for part time.

Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 192,000.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred ninety-two thousand only)


iv).         M.Sc. Artificial Intelligence


Minimum entry requirement:


Holders of a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science/Computer Technology, Information Technology/ Mathematics and Computer Science, and Electronic Engineering with at least Second Class Honours (Upper Division) from JKUAT. Or, Holders of a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science/Computer Technology/Information Technology, Mathematics and Computer Science, and Electronic Engineering with at least Second Class Honours (Lower Division) from JKUAT and three (3) years’ experience or any other equivalent qualification from an institution recognized by the University Senate.


Course Duration: 2 academic years for full time and 3 academic years for part time.

Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 126,000.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred twenty-six thousand only).








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  1. School of Biological Sciences (SBS), School of Mathematical Sciences and School of Physical Sciences (SPS).


The following Science Options are offered at degree level in the three schools: Bachelor of Science (Chemistry/Physics/Mathematics /Statistics and Actuarial Sciences/Botany (Microbiology, Plant Pathology) Zoology (Ecology).



  1. Bridging Certificate in Mathematics/Physics/Biology/Chemistry

Note: Bridging in Mathematics/Physics/Biology/Chemistry is done in University approved Centres)


Minimum entry requirement:

Holders of KCSE/KACE who failed in some subjects and seek to upgrade their grades in the failed subjects.


Course Duration: 3 Months


Tuition Fees per course duration of (3) three months: Kshs. 31,926.00 (Kenya shillings thirty one thousand nine hundred twenty six only)



  1. Sc. Analytical Chemistry
  2. Sc. Industrial Chemistry


  1. Sc. Biotechnology
  2. Sc. Botany plant Ecology and Environmental Sciences


  1. Sc. Physics


  1. Sc. Mathematics and Computer Science


  1. Sc. Actuarial Science


  1. Sc. Financial Engineering


  1. Sc. Control and Instrumentation
  2. Sc. Zoology (Biomedical Sciences)


  1. Sc. Statistics


  1. Sc. Biostatistics


  1. Bachelor of Science in Zoology


  1. Sc. Mathematics
  2. Sc. Genomic Sciences


  1. Sc. Biomedical Sciences


  1. Sc. In Chemistry


  1. Bachelor of Science (B.Sc. General)


Minimum entry requirement:


KCSE C+ (plus), or an equivalent qualifications from institution(s) recognized by University Senate. In addition, applicants must meet specific minimum requirements in respective subjects as per Faculty / School/ Institute/Departmental requirements (Please refer to table 1 (above) for cluster subjects)


NB: Diploma holders with Credit Pass and above in relevant subjects, qualify for entry into second year of study while those with Higher National Diploma in relevant subjects qualify for entry into third year of study.


Course Duration 4 (four) academic years


Tuition Fees per academic year: Ranges between Kshs. 140, 000.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred forty thousand only) and Kshs. 180,000.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred eighty thousand only).





  1. Postgraduate Diploma Applied Statistics


  1. Postgraduate Diploma Applied Mathematics


  1. Postgraduate Diploma Pure Mathematics


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Minimum entry requirement:

Bachelor’s degree from JKUAT or any institution recognized by the University Senate in a relevant field.


Duration: 1 (one) academic year

Tuition Fees: Kshs. 140,000.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred forty thousand only)



  1. Sc. Botany
  2. Sc. Chemistry


  1. Sc. Analytical and Applied Chemistry


  1. Sc. Zoology
  2. Sc. Physics


  1. Sc. Pure Mathematics


  1. Sc. Applied Mathematics


  1. Sc. Applied Statistics


  1. Sc. Statistics


  1. Sc. Applied Geophysics
  2. Sc. Agricultural Entomology


  1. Sc. Genetics


  1. Sc. Botany (Mycology)


  1. Sc. Botany (Plant Physiology)


  1. Sc. Botany (Animal Physiology)


  1. Sc. Botany (PLEES)
  2. Sc. Immunology


  1. Sc. Microbiology


Minimum entry requirement:


Bachelor’s degree with at least 2nd Class Honours (Upper Division) from JKUAT or any other institution recognized by the University Senate in relevant field.


Duration: 2 (two) Academic years

Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs.140, 000.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred forty thousand only)





Ph.D. offered in all the above Masters areas of specialization/fields.


Minimum entry requirement: Master’s Degree from JKUAT or any institution recognized by the University Senate in relevant field


Duration: 3 (three) academic years

Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 140, 000.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred forty thousand only)


Note: For more information concerning academic programmes and admission requirements please contact the office of the Principal, COPAS, P.O. Box 62000-00200, Nairobi. Tel no. 067 52167/52711 Ext. 2331.


E-mail: [email protected] Website: http/


Or The Registrar (AA), JKUAT, P.O. Box 62000-00200, NAIROBI. Tel. 067 52167/52711 Ext. 2235 or 52390. Email: [email protected] Website: http/











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  1. Sc. Food Science & Technology


  1. Sc. Food Science & Nutrition


  1. Sc. Human Nutrition and Dietetics


  1. Sc. Food Service & Hospitality Management
  2. Sc. Agribusiness Management and Enterprise Development


  1. Sc. Agricultural Economics and Rural Development


  1. Sc. Agribusiness Economics and Food Industry Management


  1. Sc. Horticulture


  1. Sc. Environmental, Horticulture and Landscaping Technology
  2. Sc. Animal Health, Production and Processing


  1. Sc. Land Resource Planning and Management


  1. Sc. Agriculture


Minimum entry requirement:


KCSE Mean grade of C+ (plus), and should have a minimum grade of C (plain) in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics/Geography or C (plain) in Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences, Mathematics / Geography or any of the Group IV subjects (please refer to table I above).


Or Diploma with credit pass in relevant field from Institution(s) recognized by the University Senate.


Duration: 4 (four) academic years


Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 183, 368 (Kenya Shillings one hundred eighty three thousand three hundred and sixty eight only).



  1. Sc. Food Science & Technology
  2. Sc. Plant Breeding


  1. Sc. Landscape, Planning & Conservation


  1. Sc. Research Methods


  1. Sc. Plant Health Science and Management


  1. Sc. Food Science & Nutrition


  1. Sc. Horticulture


Minimum entry requirement:


Bachelor’s degree with at least 2nd Class Honours (Upper Division) from JKUAT in relevant field(s), Or any other Institution recognized by the University Senate.


Holders of 2nd Class Honours (Lower Division) shall be considered provided that the candidate has at least 2 years relevant work experience after graduation.


Duration: 2 (two) academic years


Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 140,000.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred and forty thousand only).





Doctoral courses are available in the above Masters areas of specialization.


Minimum entry requirement:

Master degree from JKUAT or any institution recognized by the University Senate in relevant field.


Duration: 3 (three) academic years

Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs 140,000.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred and forty thousand only).



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  1. Certificate Purchasing and Supplies Management


  1. Certificate Business Administration


  1. Certificate Business Process Outsourcing.


  1. Certificate County Governance


  1. Bridging English/Kiswahili


Minimum entry requirement:


KCSE C- (minus) mean grade or KCE Division III (three) or any other equivalent qualification recognized by the University Senate.


Duration: 3 Months

Tuition Fees: Kshs. 37, 438.00 (Kenya shillings thirty-seven thousand four hundred thirty-eight only)



  1. Diploma Purchasing and Supplies Management
  2. Diploma Business Administration
  3. Diploma Supply Chain Management
  4. Diploma Mass Communication


  1. Diploma Transport and Logistics (CILT)


  1. Diploma Community Development


  1. Diploma Sales and Marketing


  1. Diploma Business and Information Technology
  2. Diploma Public Relations


  1. Diploma Microfinance


  1. Diploma Human Resource Management


  1. Diploma County Governance


Minimum entry requirement for Serial Nos. 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10:


KCSE C (plain) mean grade with at least C- (minus) in Mathematics and English or KCE Division II (two) with credit in Mathematics and English, or Credit Pass in any relevant Certificate course with at least KCSE Grade C-(minus) or KCE Division III with at least C-(minus) in Mathematics and English


Minimum entry requirement for Serial Nos. 3, 4, 7:


KCSE C (plain) mean grade with at least C-(minus) in English/Kiswahili, or KCE Division II with credit in English/Kiswahili, or Credit pass in any relevant Certificate course with at least KCSE Mean grade C-(minus) or KCE Division III (three) with at least C-(minus) in English/Kiswahili.


Duration: 4 (four) stages

Tuition Fees per stage: Kshs. 33,109.00 (Kenya shillings thirty-three thousand one hundred and nine only)



  1. Bachelor of Procurement and Contract Management
  2. Bachelor of Commerce
  3. Bachelor of Business and Information Technology


  1. Bachelor of Development studies


  1. Bachelor of Mass Communication


  1. Bachelor of Human Resource Management


  1. Bachelor of Entrepreneurship


  1. Bachelor of Supply Chain Management
  2. Bachelor of Logistics and Fleet Management


  1. Bachelor of Arts and Applied Linguistics


  1. Bachelor of Economics


Minimum entry requirement:


KCSE C+ (plus) mean grade (or equivalent), with a minimum of C (plain) in both Mathematics and English, Or KACE with at least 2 (two) Principle passes and one Subsidiary pass and a minimum of a credit in mathematics at KCE Or a

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Diploma in relevant discipline from an institution recognized by the University Senate, or any other qualification accepted by the University Senate as equivalent to any of the above.


Course Duration: 4 (four) academic years   (which are fast tracked to three years through trimester process)


Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 133, 707.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred thirty-three thousand seven hundred and seven only).


Minimum entry requirement for serial no. 6 and 7:


KCSE C+ (plus) mean grade (or equivalent) with a minimum of a pass in Mathematics and English, Or KACE with a minimum of 2 (two) Principle passes and 1 (one) Subsidiary pass and a minimum of a pass in mathematics at KCE, Or a Diploma in relevant discipline from an institution recognized by the University Senate, Or any other qualification accepted by the University Senate as equivalent to any of the above.


Course Duration: 4 (four) academic years   (which are fast tracked to three years through trimester process)


Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 133, 707.00(Kenya shillings one hundred thirty-three thousand seven hundred and seven only).



  1. Postgraduate Diploma Conflict Resolution and Negotiation Skills.
  2. Postgraduate Diploma Entrepreneurship


  1. Postgraduate Diploma Human Resource Management


  1. Postgraduate Diploma Management of Non-Profit Organizations


  1. Postgraduate Diploma Project Management
  2. Postgraduate Diploma ICT Policy and Regulation


Minimum entry requirement:

Bachelor’s degree from JKUAT or any institution recognized by the University Senate in any relevant field.


Course Duration: 1 (one) academic Year

Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 126,000.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred twenty-six thousand only)




  1. Sc. Entrepreneurship


  1. Sc. Human Resource Management


  1. Sc. Development Studies
  2. Sc. Procurement and Logistics


  1. Master in Business Administration (MBA) – Marketing, Finance or Strategic Management options


  1. Sc. Mass Communication


  1. Sc. ICT Policy and Regulation


  1. Executive Master of Business Administration


  1. Sc. Project Management
  2. Sc. Extension Studies


  1. Sc. Microfinance


  1. Sc. Information Knowledge Management


  1. Sc. Conflict Management


  1. Sc. Finance
  2. Sc. Finance and Accounting
  3. Sc. Strategic Management


  1. Sc. Leadership and Governance


  1. Master Logistics and Freight Management


  1. Master of Business Information Technology


Minimum entry requirement:


Bachelor’s degree with at least 2nd Class Honours (Upper Division) from JKUAT or any institution recognized by the University Senate. Or holders of a Bachelor’s degree with at least 2nd Class Honours (Lower Division) with at least three

(3) years working experience.



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Course Duration: 2 (two) academic years

Tuition fees per academic year: Kshs. 126,000.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred twenty six thousand only),


Serial no 8: Executive MBA:


Course Duration: 1(one) academic year

Tuition fees per academic year: Kshs. 246,000.00 (Kenya shillings two hundred forty-six thousand only).



  1. D. Entrepreneurship
  2. D. Human Resource Management


  1. D. Mass Communication


  1. D. Business Administration – Strategic Management and Chain Supply Management options


  1. D. Supply Chain Management


  1. D. Development Studies


  1. D. Strategic Management
  2. D. Procurement and Contract Management


  1. D. Health Communications


  1. D. International Business


  1. D. Accounting


  1. D. Accounting and Finance
  2. D. Finance
  3. D. Leadership and Governance


Minimum entry requirement:

Master’s degree from JKUAT or any institution recognized by the University Senate in relevant field.


Course Duration: 3 (three) academic years

Tuition Fees per academic year: 280,000.00 (Kenya shillings two hundred and eighty thousand only)


Note: For more information concerning academic programmes and admission requirements please contact the office of the Dean SHRD, JKUAT, P.O. Box 62000-00200, Nairobi. Tel no. 067 52167/52711 Ext. 2551


Website: http/


Or The Registrar (AA), JKUAT, P.O. Box 62000-00200, NAIROBI. Tel. 067 52167/52711 Ext. 2235 or 52390. Email: [email protected] Website: http/








  1. Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Audit.
  2. Environmental Leadership Program


  1. Occupational Safety, Health and Environment


  1. Biogas Energy Technology
  2. Cleaner Production, Pollution, and Waste Management


  1. Solar Energy Technology


  1. Energy Management


  1. Wind Energy Management.


Course Duration: 3 (three) months.

Tuition Fees per academic year: Refer to fees in the respective Institute.




  1. Postgraduate Diploma in Occupational Safety and Health (PGO.OSH)


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Minimum entry requirement:


Bachelors degree in any Medical Engineering, Agricultural and Applied Biological/Physical Sciences and Law from JKUAT or any other Institution recognized by the University Senate.


Course Duration: 1 (one) Academic year

Tuition Fees per Academic year: Kshs. 144,000.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred forty-four thousand only)




  1. Sc. Environmental Legislation & Management (M Sc. ELM)
  2. Sc. Energy Technology (MSC.ET)


  1. Master of Science in Occupational Safety and Health (M.Sc. OSH)


Minimum entry requirement:


Bachelor’s degree with at least Second Class Honours (Upper Division) from JKUAT in relevant fields or any other Institution recognized by the University Senate.


Course Duration: 2 (two) Academic years

Tuition Fees full course: Kshs. 176,000.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred seventy-six thousand only)



Doctoral courses available in the fields of Environment, Energy, Occupational Safety and Health Fields.


Minimum entry requirement:

Master’s degree in relevant disciplines


Course Duration: 3 (three) academic years

Tuition Fees full course: Kshs. 140,000.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred forty thousand only)


Note: For more information concerning academic programmes and admission requirements please contact the office of the Director, IEET, JKUAT, P.O. Box 62000-00200, Nairobi. Tel no. 067 52167/52711 Ext. 2418. Website: http/


Or The Registrar (AA), JKUAT, P.O. Box 62000-00200, NAIROBI. Tel. 067 52167/52711 Ext. 2235 or 52390. Email: [email protected] Website: http/






  1. Certificate Basic Microbiological Techniques
  2. Certificate Molecular Biology


  1. Certificate Bio-Informatics


  1. Certificate Plant Cell Tissues & Organ culture
  2. Certificate Biosafety &Risk Assessment, Biopolicy and Bioethics


Minimum entry requirement:

Refer to requirements in the respective Institute.


Course Duration: 3 (three) months.

Tuition Fees: Refer to fee requirements in the respective Institute.








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  1. M.Sc. Biotechnology


Minimum entry requirement:


Bachelor’s degree with at least 2nd Class Honours (Upper Division) in Biological Sciences, Health Sciences, Biochemistry, Food Science and Technology, Horticulture, Chemistry or Agricultural Engineering from JKUAT or any other institution recognized by the University Senate.


Course Duration: 2 (two academic years)

Tuition Fees per academic years: Kshs. 192,000.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred thousand ninety-two only)


  1. Ph.D. Biotechnology


Minimum entry requirement:


Holders of M Sc. in Biological Sciences, Biochemistry, Horticulture, Food Science and Technology, Chemistry or Agricultural Engineering from JKUAT or any other institution recognized by JKUAT Senate.


Course Duration: 3 (three) academic years

Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 140,000(Kenya shillings one hundred forty thousand only)


Note: For more information concerning academic programmes and admission requirements please contact the office of the Director, IBR, JKUAT, P.O. Box 62000-00200, Nairobi. Tel no. 067 52167/52711


Or The Registrar (AA), JKUAT, P.O. Box 62000-00200, NAIROBI. Tel. 067 52167/52711 Ext. 2235 or 52390. Email: [email protected] Website: http/






H1.             JKUAT KAREN CAMPUS




  1. Bridging Certificate in Mathematics (Full Time )


  1. Certificate in Information Technology (Full time)




  1. Diploma Business and Information Technology
  2. Diploma Information Technology


  1. Diploma Mass Communication


  1. Diploma Purchasing and Supplies Management


Minimum entry requirement:

Refer to requirements in the respective Colleges, Faculties, Schools and Institutes.


Course Duration: 3 months for Certificate courses and 18 months for Diploma courses Tuition Fees per year: Refer to fees in the respective Colleges, Faculties, Schools and Institutes.



  1. Bachelor of Science Information Technology
  2. Bachelor of Science Actuarial Science


  1. Sc. Mathematics and Computer Science
  2. Bachelor of Science Medical Microbiology

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  1. Bachelor of Commerce


  1. Bachelor of Business and Information Technology


  1. Bachelor of Purchasing and  Supplies Management


  1. Bachelor of Mass Communication


  1. Bachelor of Business Administration


  1. Bachelor of Science in Biostatistics


Minimum entry requirement:

Refer to requirements in the respective Faculties, Schools and Institutes.


Course Duration: 4 years (which can be fast tracked to 3 years through the trimester process)

Tuition Fees per academic year: Refer to fees in the respective Colleges, Faculties, Schools and Institutes.


  1. Bachelor of Laws (LLB)


Minimum entry requirement:


Minimum aggregate of C+ (plus) in KCSE and B (plain) in English or two principle passes (A,B and C in each subject taken) at KACE (A-level) or equivalent A-level Or any other qualifications recognized by the University Senate as equivalent to any of the above.


Course Duration: 4 (four) academic years

Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 196,000(Kenya shillings one hundred ninety-six thousand only)




  1. Sc. Entrepreneurship
  2. Sc. Human Resource Management


  1. Sc. Mass Communication


  1. Masters of Business Administration


  1. Sc. Procurement and Logistics


  1. Sc. Finance
  2. Sc. Applied Mathematics


  1. Sc. Conservation Biology


  1. Sc. Botany (Plant ecology, Plant Physiology, Economic Botany)


Minimum entry requirement:


Relevant Bachelor’s degree at least with second class honours (Upper Division) from JKUAT or any other institution recognized by the University Senate.


Course Duration: 2 (two) academic years

Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 126,000.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred twenty-six thousand only)




  1. D. Entrepreneurship


  1. D. Human Resource Management
  2. D. Mass Communication
  3. D. Business Administration


Minimum entry requirement:

Master degree in relevant field from JKUAT or any institution recognized by the University Senate.



Course Duration: 3 (three) academic years

Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs. 140,000.00(Kenya shillings one hundred forty thousand only).





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Note: For more information please contact the office of the Principal, JKUAT Karen Campus, P.O. Box 62000-00200, Nairobi. Tel no. +254-020-892223, 892224, 891566, 0727803636, 0735865163 or 0770292 440; email [email protected].


Or The Registrar (AA), JKUAT, P.O. Box 62000-00200, NAIROBI. Tel. 067 52167/52711 Ext. 2235 or 52390. Email: [email protected] Website: http/






Certificate courses

  1. Bridging Certificate in Mathematics (BCM)
  2. Bridging Certificate in English
  3. Certificate Information Technology


  1. Certificate Computer Technology


  1. Certificate County Governance


Diploma courses

  1. Diploma Information Technology
  2. Diploma Computer Technology


  1. Diploma Purchasing and Supplies Management (part time)


Minimum entry requirement:

Refer to entry requirements in the respective Faculties, Schools and Institutes.


Course Duration: 3 (three) months and 18 (eighteen) months for certificate and diploma courses respectively. For details on Tuition fee per academic year: Refer to fees in the respective Faculties, Schools and Institutes or the office of the Principal, JKUAT Karen campus.


Undergraduate Degree courses:

  1. B Sc. Computer Technology
  2. B Sc. Computer Science


  1. B Sc. Actuarial Science


  1. Bachelor of Science in Statistics


  1. Bachelor of Science in Financial Engineering
  2. Bachelor of Science Information Technology


  1. Bachelor of Business Information Technology.


  1. Bachelor of Commerce (BCOM) – (full-time and part- time)


  1. Bachelor of Purchasing and Supplies Management (part- time)


  1. Bachelor of Business Administration


Minimum entry requirement:


Refer to entry requirements in the respective Faculties, Schools and Institutes, and the office of the Principal, JKUAT Westlands Campus.





  1. Sc. Procurement and Logistics


  1. Sc. Human Resource Management


  1. Master of Business Administration


  1. Sc. Entrepreneurship
  2. Sc. Computer Systems


  1. Sc. Accounting


  1. Sc. Finance


  1. Sc. Economics


  1. Sc. Computer Systems
  2. Sc. Software Engineering

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Minimum entry requirement:

Refer to entry requirements in the respective Faculties, Schools and Institutes,


Course Duration: 2 (two) academic years

Tuition Fees per academic year: Refer to fees in the respective Faculties, Schools and Institutes.


Note: For more information please contact the office of the Principal, JKUAT Westlands Campus, P.O. Box 62000-00200, Nairobi. Tel no. +254 729 958 003 / 020 4447769 Email: [email protected] or [email protected]


Or The Registrar (AA), JKUAT, P.O. Box 62000-00200, NAIROBI. Tel. 067 52167/52711 Ext. 2235 or 52390. Email: [email protected] Website: http/






  1. Bridging Certificate in Mathematics (BCM)
  2. Bridging Certificate in English


  1. Certificate Information Technology


  1. Certificate Computer Technology


  1. Certificate County Governance


Minimum entry requirement:

Refer to requirements in the respective Colleges, Faculties, Schools and Institutes.


Duration: Duration: 3 months for Bridging and other Certificate courses


Tuition Fees per Year: Refer to fees in the respective Faculties, Schools and Institutes, and the office of the Director, Nairobi CBD Campus.


Diploma Courses


  1. Diploma County Governance


  1. Diploma Purchasing and Supplies Management


  1. Diploma Information Technology


  1. Diploma Business Administration


  1. Diploma Micro Finance


  1. Diploma Human Resource Management
  2. Diploma Business and Information Technology









Duration: 18 (eighteen) months


Tuition Fees per Year: Refer to fees in the respective Faculties, Schools and Institutes, and the office of the Director, Nairobi CBD Campus.




  1. Bachelor of Purchasing and Supplies Management (part time/ full time)
  2. Bachelor of Commerce (part time/ full time)


  1. Bachelor of Business Information Technology

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  1. Bachelor of Science Information Technology


  1. Bachelor of Science Human Resource Management


  1. Bachelor of Business and Office Management (B.BOM)


Minimum entry requirement:

Refer to entry requirements in the respective Faculties, Schools and Institutes.


Duration: 3 (three) academic years

Tuition Fees per academic year: Refer to fees in the respective Faculties, Schools and Institutes, and the office of the

Director, JKUAT Nairobi CBD Campus.




  1. Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA)


  1. Master of Business Administration


  1. Sc. Development Studies


  1. Sc. Entrepreneurship


  1. Sc. Human Resource Management


  1. Sc. ICT Policy and Regulation


  1. Sc. Microfinance


  1. Sc. Procurement and Logistics


  1. Sc. Project Management


Minimum entry requirement:

Refer to requirements in the respective Faculties, Schools and Institutes.




Is a bridging process to enable candidates who do not meet direct entry requirements to Ph.D. courses to bridge in order to join the programme.


  1. Pre-Doctoral Programme in Entrepreneurship


  1. Pre-Doctoral Programme in HRM



Course Duration: Depends on the number of deficit units to be bridged – maximum six (6) units. Tuition fees: Kshs. 63,000.00(Kenya shillings sixty-three thousand only).





  1. D. Leadership and Governance


  1. D. Business Administration


  1. D. Entrepreneurship


  1. D. Human Resource Management


  1. D. Supply Chain Management


  1. D. Development Studies


Minimum entry requirement:

Master degree in relevant field from JKUAT or any institution recognized by the University Senate.


Duration: 3 (three) academic years

Tuition Fees per academic year: Refer to fees in the respective Faculties, Schools and Institutes.


Note: For more information please contact the office of the Principal/Director, JKUAT Nairobi CBD Campus, Pension Towers (13th Floor), Loita Street, P.O. Box 62000-0200, Nairobi. Tel no. +254-020-2213306 or 0705950712, Email: [email protected]

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Or The Registrar (AA), JKUAT, P.O. Box 62000-00200, NAIROBI. Tel. 067 52167/52711 Ext. 2235 or 52390. Email: [email protected] Website:http/





Short Courses

  1. Corporate leadership and Governance
  2. Strategic Management


  1. Administrative Skill


  1. Strategic Planning for Organizational Success


  1. Project Management


  1. Project Proposal (Preparation and Appraisal)
  2. Fundamentals of Research Methodology


  1. Management of Academic Institutions- Tools and Frameworks


  1. Public Procurement


  1. Small Enterprise Management


  1. Management of Customers and Front Office Public Relations


  1. Advanced Records Management (Computer based)
  2. Records Management


  1. Security Management


Target groups: CEO’s; Top, Middle and Lower level Managers; Administrative Officers; Record Managers/Clerical Officers; Auditors; Health Officers; Security Officers etc.


Duration: Varies between 2-6 weeks


Cost: Varies between Kshs. 40,000.00-150,000.00 (Kenya shillings forty thousand to one hundred and fifty thousand) depending on the nature and duration of the course.


Certificate Courses


  1. Bridging Certificate in Mathematics


  1. Certificate Information Technology


  1. Certificate County Governance



  1. Diploma County Governance
  2. Diploma HIV/AIDS Management and Counselling


  1. Diploma Business Administration


  1. Diploma Purchasing & Supplies Management
  2. Diploma Information Technology


  1. Diploma Business and Information Technology





  1. Bachelor of Purchasing and Supplies Management (part time)
  2. Bachelor of Commerce


  1. Bachelor of Business and Information Technology


  1. Bachelor of Science Information Technology


  1. Bachelor of Science Supply Chain Management


  1. Bachelor of Science Public Health
  2. Bachelor of Science Community Health and Development


  1. Sc. Food Science and Nutrition


  1. Bachelor of Business Office Management (B.BOM)

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  1. M Sc. Human Resource Management


  1. Master of Business Administration


  1. M Sc. Entrepreneurship
  2. M Sc. Procurement and Logistics


  1. Master of Science Occupational Safety and Health (MSc. OSH)


  1. Master of Science Computer Systems


  1. Master of Science Project Management


  1. Master of Science ICT Policy and Regulation
  2. Master of Science Software Engineering


  1. Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA)


Minimum entry requirement:

Bachelor’s degree with at least Second Class Honours (Upper Division) from JKUAT or any institution recognized by


University Senate. Or Bachelor’s degree with at least Second Class Honours (Lower Division) from JKUAT or any institution recognized by University Senate with at least three (3) years relevant experience. Or Bachelor’s degree with Pass from JKUAT or any institution recognized by University Senate, with at least five (5) years working experience.


Serial no.5: Master of Science in Occupational Safety and Health (MSc. OSH)


Bachelor’s degree with at least Second Class Honours (Upper Division) from JKUAT or any institution recognized by University Senate in Medical, Agricultural, Engineering, Biological/Physical/Applied Science or related disciplines. Or Bachelor’s degree with at least Second Class Honours (Lower Division) from JKUAT or any institution recognized by

University Senate in any Science discipline with at least two (3) years’ work experience or research evidenced by publications.


Duration: 2 (two) academic years

Tuition Fees per academic: Refer to fees in the respective Faculties, Schools and Institutes, and the office of the

Director, Mombasa CBD Campus.


Serial no.9: Master of Science in Software Engineering


Bachelor’s degree with at least Second Class Honours (Upper Division) from JKUAT or any institution recognized by University Senate in Computer Science/Computer Technology, Mathematics and Computer Science, Electronic


Engineering. Or Bachelor’s degree with at least Second Class Honours (Lower Division) from JKUAT or any institution recognized by University Senate in any related field i.e. Engineering, Statistics, and Physics, with a Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Science with at least Credit pass.


Serial no. 10: CPA K, Bachelor’s degree with at Least Second Class Honours (Upper Division) in relevant field from JKUAT or any institution recognized by the University Senate. Or Bachelors Degree with Second Class Honours (Lower Division), with at least three (3) years of relevant experience, Or Bachelor’s Degree with pass with at least five


(5) years of relevant postgraduate experience.


Duration: 1 (one) academic year


Tuition fee per academic year: Kshs 246,000.00 (Kenya shillings two hundred forty six thousand only)




  1. D. Entrepreneurship
  2. D. Human Resource Management
  3. D. Business Administration


  1. D. Supply Chain Management


Minimum entry requirement:

Refer to requirements in the respective Faculties, Schools and Institutes.



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Course Duration: 3 (three) academic years

Tuition Fees per academic year: Kshs 140,000.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred forty thousand only)


Note: For more information please contact the office of the Director, JKUAT Mombasa CBD Campus, P.O. Box 81310-80100 Mombasa- KENYA. Tel no. +254-0412315434/ 041 2006404; 0735628272 or 0705628272,


Email: [email protected] or [email protected]


Or The Registrar (AA), JKUAT, P.O. Box 62000-00200, NAIROBI. Tel. 067 52167/52711 Ext. 2235 or 52390. Email: [email protected] Website:http/





Certificate Courses

  1. Bridging Certificate in Mathematics


  1. Certificate Information Technology


  1. Certificate Business Administration


  1. Certificate Purchasing and Supplies


  1. Certificate HIV/AIDS Management and Counselling


  1. Certificate County Governance


Diploma Courses:


  1. Diploma Purchasing and Supplies Management
  2. Diploma Business and Information Technology


  1. Diploma Business Administration


  1. Diploma Human Resource Management


  1. Diploma Information Technology
  2. Diploma Community Development


  1. Diploma Public Relations


  1. Diploma Microfinance


  1. Diploma County Governance
  2. Diploma HIV/AIDS Management and Counseling


  1. Diploma Sales and Marketing



Undergraduate Degree Courses


  1. Bachelor of Purchasing and Supplies Management


  1. Bachelor of Science- Human Resource Management


  1. Bachelor of Science -Entrepreneurship


  1. Bachelor of Commerce


  1. Bachelor of Business and Information Technology


  1. Bachelor of Science Information Technology
  2. Bachelor of Business and Office Management


  1. Bachelor of Development studies
  2. Bachelor of Science Mathematics and Computer Science


  1. Bachelor of Science Supply Chain Management


  1. Bachelor of Science Logistics and Fleet Management


  1. Bachelor of Science Public Health
  2. Bachelor of Science Community Health and Development
  3. Bachelor of Science Actuarial Science


  1. Bachelor of Science Statistics



  1. Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management



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  1. Sc. Entrepreneurship
  2. Sc. Human Resource management
  3. M Sc. Procurement and Logistics


  1. Sc. Computer Systems


  1. Sc. Project Management


  1. Master in Business Administration (MBA)


  1. Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA)
  2. Post Graduate in Applied Statistics


  1. Sc. Applied Statistics


  1. Sc. Finance



  1. D. Entrepreneurship
  2. D. Human Resource Management


  1. D. Business Administration


  1. D. Supply Chain Management


  1. D. Finance


For details on minimum entry requirement, duration and tuition fees per academic year: Refer to fees in the respective Faculties, Institutes and Schools.


Note: For more information please contact the office of the Director, JKUAT Nakuru CBD Campus, P.O. Box 1063-20100 Nakuru, Kenya. Tel no. +254-051-2216660 or 0714716957, Email: [email protected], [email protected]


Or The Registrar (AA), JKUAT, P.O. Box 62000-00200, NAIROBI. Tel. 067 52167/52711 Ext. 2235 or 52390. Email: [email protected] Website:http/





Certificate Courses

  1. Bridging Certificate Course in Mathematics


  1. Certificate Business Administration
  2. Certificate Purchasing and Supplies Management


  1. Certificate Information Technology



  1. Diploma Purchasing and Supplies Management


  1. Diploma Business and Information Technology


  1. Diploma Business Administration


  1. Diploma Information Technology


  1. Diploma Community Development


Minimum entry requirements


KCSE C (plain) mean grade, with at least C-(minus) in Mathematics and English, Or KCE Division two (2), Or Credit pass in any relevant Certificate course with at least KCSE C- (minus) mean grade, or KCE Division three (3) with at least C- in Mathematics and English.


Undergraduate Degree Courses

  1. Bachelor of Commerce
  2. Bachelor of Purchasing and Supplies Management


  1. Bachelor of Human Resource Management


  1. Bachelor of Business and Information Technology


  1. Bachelor of Development Studies

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  1. Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  2. Master of Science Entrepreneurship


  1. Master of Science Human Resource Management


  1. Master of Science Procurement & Logistics
  2. Master of Science ICT Policy and Regulation


  1. Master of Science Project Management





  1. D. Entrepreneurship


  1. D. Business Administration


  1. D. Human Resource Management


Minimum entry requirement

Master degree in relevant field from JKUAT or any institution recognized by the University Senate.


Course Duration: 3 (three) academic years.

Tuition fee per academic year: Kshs 140,000.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred forty thousand only).


Note: For Minimum entry requirement, duration, and tuition fees per academic year for certificate, diploma, bachelors and masters courses please refer to entry and fee requirements in the respective Faculties, Schools and Institutes.


Note: For more information please contact the office of the Director, JKUAT Kitale CBD Campus, P.O. Box 3347, Ambwere Plaza, KITALE, Tel no. +254-054-30800 or 0202626372, Email: [email protected]


Or The Registrar (AA), JKUAT, P.O. Box 62000-00200, NAIROBI. Tel. 067 52167/52711 Ext. 2235 or 52390. Email: [email protected] Website:http/






Certificate Courses


  1. Bridging Certificate in Mathematics


  1. Certificate Business Administration
  2. Certificate Purchasing and Supplies Management


  1. Certificate Information Technology


  1. Certificate County Governance


Minimum entry requirement


KCSE C- (Minus) mean grade

Duration: 3 (three) Months




  1. Diploma Purchasing and Supplies Management
  2. Diploma Information Technology


  1. Diploma Business Administration


  1. Diploma Human Resource Management


  1. Diploma Community Development


  1. Diploma Retail Management


  1. Diploma County Governance



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Minimum entry requirement


KCSE C (plain) mean grade, with at least C-(minus) in Mathematics and English, Or KCE Division two (2), Or Credit pass in any relevant Certificate course with at least KCSE C- (minus) mean grade, or KCE Division three (3) with at least C- in Mathematics and English.


Duration: 18 (eighteen) Months




  1. Bachelor of Commerce
  2. Sc. Purchasing and Supplies Management
  3. Bachelor of Human Resource Management


  1. Bachelor of Business and Information Technology


  1. Bachelor of Entrepreneurship


  1. Bachelor of Business and Office Management


  1. Sc. Economics


  1. Sc. Supply Chain Management
  2. Sc. Development Studies


  1. Sc. Leadership and Governance


  1. Sc. Information Technology


  1. Sc. Geographic Information Science (Remote –Sensing and Geomatic Engineering)


  1. Sc. Public Health


  1. Sc. Community Heath and Development


Minimum entry requirement


KCSE C+ (plus) mean grade or equivalent, with at least C (plain) in Mathematics and English, Or KACE with at least two (2) Principle passes and one subsidiary pass, and a minimum of Credit pass in mathematics at KCE level.


Or Holders of Diploma or professional certificate in a relevant discipline from an institution recognized by the University Senate, Or be a holder of any qualifications accepted by the University Senate as equivalent to any of the above.


Note: Holders of JKUAT Diploma in Purchasing and Supplies Management, Human Resource Management (with Credit and above) are admitted to second year of study.


For serial nos. 9 and 10: KCSE C+ (plus) mean grade or equivalent, with at least C (plain) in English or Kiswahili. For serial no. 11: KCSE C+ (plus) mean grade or equivalent, with at least C+ (plus) in Mathematics and Physics. For serial no. 12: KCSE C+ (plus) mean grade or equivalent, with at least C+ (plus) in Mathematics and Geography For serial nos. 13 and 14: KCSE C+ (plus) mean grade or equivalent, with at least C (plain) in Biology and Chemistry and C- (minus) in Mathematics. Or KCSE C+ (plus) mean grade or equivalent, with at least C- (minus) in


English/Kiswahili and Mathematics/Physics. Or KACE with two (2) Principle passes. Or Diploma/HND in the relevant courses and from institution recognized by the University Senate.


Duration: 4 (four) academic years for serial nos. 12, 13 and 14 (day and evening classes), and 4 (four) academic years for serial nos. 1-11 (but reduced to three (3) years through the trimester process (day and evening classes).


Tuition fee: Kshs. 66,707.00 (Kenya shillings sixty-six thousand seven hundred and seven only) for serial no. 1-11; Kshs 80,000.00 (Kenya shillings eighty thousand only) for serial no 12, and Kshs 94,023.00 (Kenya shillings ninety-four and twenty-three only) for serial no. 13 and 14 per semester.





  1. Master of Business Administration (MBA)-(Finance, Marketing, Strategic Management, Accounting and HRM


  1. Master of Science Entrepreneurship


  1. Master of Science Human Resource Management


  1. Master of Science Procurement & Logistics


  1. Master of Science Project Management
  2. Sc. Statistics


  1. Sc. Computer Systems

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  1. Sc. ICT Management


  1. Sc. Leadership and Governance


  1. Sc. Development Studies


  1. Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA)


Minimum entry requirement


Bachelor’s degree with at Least Second Class Honours (Upper Division) in relevant field from JKUAT or any institution recognized by the University Senate. Or Bachelor’s Degree with Second Class Honours (Lower Division), with at least three (3) years of relevant experience, Or Bachelor’s Degree with pass with at least five (3) years of relevant postgraduate experience.


For serial no. 11: CPA K, Bachelor’s degree with at Least Second Class Honours (Upper Division) in relevant field from


JKUAT or any institution recognized by the University Senate. Or Bachelors |Degree with Second Class Honours (Lower Division), with at least three (3) years of relevant experience, Or Bachelors |Degree with pass with at least five


(5) years of relevant postgraduate experience.


Course Duration: 2 (two) academic years (part-time with course work (on weekends – Saturdays and Sundays) for serial nos. 1-10 and 1 (one) academic year for serial no. 11.


Tuition fee: Kshs 126,000.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred twenty six eighty thousand only) for serial no 1-10 and Kshs. 246,000.00 (Kenya shillings two hundred forty six only) for serial no. 11.





  1. D. Entrepreneurship


  1. D. Business Administration


  1. D. Human Resource Management


  1. D. Development Studies
  2. D. Supply Chain Management


  1. D. Leadership and Governance


Minimum entry requirement

Master’s degree in relevant field from JKUAT or any institution recognized by the University Senate.


Tuition fee per academic year: Kshs 140,000.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred forty thousand only).


Note: For more information please contact the office of the Director, JKUAT KAKAMEGA CBD Campus, AMBWERE Fraha Centre, 3 -5th Floor, P.O. Box 1014, 50100, KAKAMEGA. Tel no. 05631784/0728 837 498/0734 774 538.


Or The Registrar (AA), JKUAT, P.O. Box 62000-00200, NAIROBI. Tel. 067 52167/52711 Ext. 2235 or 52390. Email: [email protected] Website:http/





Short Courses

  1. Herbal Sciences and Health


  1. Environmental Impact Assessment


  1. Occupational safety, Health and Environment


Bridging /Certificate Courses

  1. Bridging Course in Mathematics


  1. Bridging Course in English


  1. Certificate Information Technology
  2. Certificate HIV/AIDS Management and Counseling


  1. Certificate Business Administration


  1. Certificate County Governance

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Diploma Courses

  1. Diploma HIV/AIDS Management and Counseling
  2. Diploma Business Administration
  3. Diploma Human Resource Management
  4. Diploma Entrepreneurship


  1. Diploma Clinical Medicine


  1. Diploma Information Technology


  1. Diploma County Governance


  1. Diploma Purchasing & Supplies Management
  2. Diploma Business and Information Technology


  1. Diploma Community Development




  1. Bachelor of Science Information Technology(B.Sc.IT)


  1. Bachelor of Business and Information Technology (BBIT)
  2. Sc. Community Health and Development


  1. Sc. Public Health


  1. Bachelor of Commerce


  1. Bachelor of Purchasing and Supplies Management


  1. Bachelor of Human Resource Management
  2. Bachelor of Entrepreneurship


  1. Bachelor of Business and Office Management



  1. Postgraduate Diploma Applied Statistics


Minimum entry requirement


Bachelor degree in a relevant discipline area, from JKUAT or any institution recognized by the University Senate Duration: One (1) academic year



  1. Sc. Human Resource Management
  2. MBA (Marketing, Finance, or Strategic Management)
  3. Sc. Entrepreneurship


  1. Sc. Procurement


  1. Executive MBA


  1. Sc. Botany


  1. Sc. Applied Statistics


  1. Sc. Pure & Applied Mathematics
  2. Sc. Project Management




  1. D. Entrepreneurship
  2. D. Human Resource Management


  1. D. Business Administration


Minimum entry requirement

Master degree in relevant field from JKUAT or any institution recognized by the University Senate.


Tuition fee per academic year: Kshs 140,000.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred forty thousand only).


Note: For details of minimum entry requirement, duration, and tuition fees per academic year please refer to entry and tuition fee requirements in the respective Faculties, Schools and Institutes.


Note: For more information please contact the office of the Director, JKUAT KISII CBD Campus, P.O. Box 268-40200, KISII. Tel no. 020-2623007/05831129 or 0722860934; Email: [email protected]


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Or The Registrar (AA), JKUAT, P.O. Box 62000-00200, NAIROBI. Tel. 067 52167/52711 Ext. 2235 or 52390. Email: [email protected] Website:http/





Short Courses

  1. Herbal Sciences and Health
  2. Environmental Impact Assessment


  1. Occupational Safety, Health and Environment


  1. Short Skills in Research Management


  1. Short training in Aqua culture and Fisheries


Minimum entry requirement:

Practicing herbalist or anyone interested in herbal medicine (for serial no. 1)


Any Relevant Diploma and above (for serial nos. 2-4)


Any interested (trainable standard 8 and above) Fish farmer (for serial no. 5)



Evenings: 1 Week (5days)-3 Hours each day

Evenings: Two weeks



Bridging/Certificate Courses

  1. Bridging Mathematics


  1. Bridging Physics


  1. Certificate Information Technology


  1. Certificate Business Administration


  1. Certificate HIV/AIDS Management and Counselling
  2. Certificate County Governance


Minimum entry requirement:


Minimum mean grade C- (minus) or relevant qualification (those who qualify with credit or distinction proceed as Diploma students)


Diploma Courses

  1. Diploma County Governance
  2. Diploma Business Administration
  3. Diploma Human Resource Management


  1. Diploma Purchasing & Supplies Management


  1. Diploma Information Technology


  1. Diploma Business and Information Technology


Undergraduate Degree Courses

  1. Bachelor of Science Information Technology(B.Sc.IT)


  1. Bachelor of Business and Information Technology (BBIT)


  1. Sc. Community Health and Development
  2. Sc. Public Health


  1. Sc. Development Studies


  1. Sc. Statistics


  1. Bachelor of Commerce


  1. Bachelor of Business and Office Management


  1. Sc. Mathematics and Computer Science
  2. Bachelor of Purchasing and Supplies Management


  1. Bachelor of Human Resource Management


  1. Bachelor of Entrepreneurship



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  1. Pre-masters Certificate in Statistics



  1. Postgraduate Diploma Applied Statistics



  1. Sc. Human Resource Management


  1. MBA (Marketing, Finance, or Strategic Management)


  1. Sc. Project Management
  2. Sc. Entrepreneurship


  1. Sc. Procurement


  1. Sc. Microfinance


  1. Executive MBA


  1. Sc. Occupational Safety & Health (M.Sc. OSH)


  1. Sc. Applied Statistics



  1. D. Entrepreneurship
  2. D. Human Resource Management
  3. D. Business Administration


Minimum entry requirement

Master degree in relevant field from JKUAT or any institution recognized by the University Senate.


Tuition fee per academic year: Kshs 140,000.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred forty thousand only).


Note: For details regarding minimum entry requirement, duration, and tuition fees per academic year: Please refer to requirements in the respective Faculties, Schools and Institutes.


Note: For more information please contact the office of the Director, JKUAT Kisumu CBD Campus, First floor, MURBS building – Opposite KIWASCO, along Makasembo Rd, P.O. Box 3433 – 40100 Kisumu. Tel. 0736693960 or 0724333534, Email: [email protected]


Or The Registrar (AA), JKUAT, P.O. Box 62000-00200, NAIROBI. Tel. 067 52167/52711 Ext. 2235 or 52390. Email: [email protected] Website:http/








  1. Certificate Accounting Finance and Management
  2. Certificate Purchasing and Inventory Management


  1. Certificate Business Administration


  1. Certificate Communication and Information Technology
  2. Certificate HIV/AIDS Management


Minimum entry requirement:


KCSE C- (minus) mean grade or equivalent qualification (those who qualify with credit or distinction proceed as Diploma students)



  1. Diploma Communication Skills in English


  1. Diploma Human Resource Management


  1. Diploma Community Development


  1. Diploma Communication Skills


  1. Diploma Purchasing and Supplies Management

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  1. Diploma Business Administration


  1. Diploma Business and Information Technology


  1. Diploma Information Technology



  1. Bachelor of Business Information Technology (BBIT)
  2. Bachelor of Commerce



  1. Postgraduate Diploma Project Management
  2. Postgraduate Diploma Human Resource Management


Note: For details regarding minimum entry requirement, course duration, and tuition fees per academic year:

Please refer to requirements in the respective Faculties, Schools and Institutes.


For more information please contact the office of the Director, JKUAT Arusha Centre, Olorien Mtoto House, off Njiro Road, P.O. Box 16857, Arusha – Tanzania, Tel no. +255 (0) 27 2543577 Gen. Line: +255 (0) 27 2543383 Mobile: +255


(0) 68 3226639 / +255 (0) 76 7326639; Email: [email protected]


Or The Registrar (AA), JKUAT, P.O. Box 62000-00200, NAIROBI. Tel. 067 52167/52711 Ext. 2235 or 52390. Email: [email protected] Website:http/








i).          Business and Enterprise Development Undergraduate Courses


  1. Bachelor of Procurement and Contract Management


  1. Bachelor of Human Resource Management


  1. Bachelor of Entrepreneurship


  1. Bachelor of Supply Chain Management (option: Clearing and Forwarding, Shipping/Marine Management, Transport and Logistics)


  1. Bachelor of Commerce


  1. Bachelor of Business and Office Management (B.BOM).


Minimum entry requirements


KCSE C+ (plus) Mean grade (or equivalent examination) with a minimum C (plain) in both Mathematics and English. Or A LEVEL certificate with at least two (2) Principle passes and one subsidiary pass, and a minimum of a credit pass in Mathematics at O LEVEL. Or Diploma or professional certificate in a relevant discipline from an Institution recognized by the University Senate. Or be a holder of any other qualification accepted by the University Senate as equivalent to any of the above.


Note: For middle-level entry: Candidates wishing to join the Bachelors programs in 2nd year of study must be holders of a Diploma with CREDIT pass from JKUAT, or from any other institution recognized by the University Senate in the relevant area of interest. Or Holders of final level professional qualifications in related fields such as ACCA, CPA K, CISA, CFA or any other recognized by the University Senate as equivalent to the above




  1. Bachelor of Mass Communication.


  1. Bachelor of Development Studies.


  1. Bachelor of Arts in Applied Linguistics.
  2. Bachelor of Community Development.

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Minimum entry requirements:


KCSE C+ (plus) mean grade (or equivalent) with at least C (plain) in English or Kiswahili and a pass in Mathematics. Or A LEVEL certificate with a minimum of two (2) principle passes and subsidiary pass in general paper and a minimum of credit pass in Mathematics at O LEVEL. Or Diploma in Mass Communication with minimum of Credit pass from JKUAT or any institution recognized by the University Senate. Or be a holder of any other qualification

accepted by the University Senate as equivalent to any of the above.


Note: For middle-level entry: Candidates wishing to join the Bachelor programs in 2nd year of study must be holders of Diploma with CREDIT PASS and above from JKUAT from relevant field of interest.



iii).       Department of Agricultural Sciences and Engineering


General entry requirements

  1. Holders of a Diploma in the relevant discipline will be admitted into the first year of study;


  1. Holders of a Diploma with Credit pass in the relevant discipline will admitted into the second year of study


  • Holders of a Higher Diploma with Credit pass in the relevant discipline will be admitted into the third year of study;


  1. Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics and Rural Development.
  2. Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness Management and Enterprise Development


Minimum entry requirement

Two (2) Principle passes, with one subsidiary pass in either Biology/ Chemistry/ Mathematics/ Physics/ Geography.


  1. Bachelor of Science Civil Engineering


Minimum entry requirement


Two (2) Principle passes in Mathematics and Physics and a subsidiary pass in Chemistry with at least a total score of 9 (nine) points or equivalent.


  1. Bachelor of Science Electrical and Electronics Engineering


Minimum entry requirement

Two (2) Principle passes in Mathematics and Physics with at least a total score of 9 (nine) points or equivalent.


  1. Bachelor of Science in Telecommunications Engineering


Minimum entry requirement

Two (2) Principle passes in Mathematics and Physics and a subsidiary pass.


  1. Bachelor of Science in Geomatic and Geospatial Engineering


Minimum entry requirement

Two (2) Principle passes in Mathematics and Physics and a subsidiary pass in any other relevant subject.



iv).       Department of Computing and Applied Sciences (DCAS)


  1. Bachelor of Science Mathematics and Computer Science.


Minimum entry requirements


A level with at least two (2) Principle passes in Science subjects and a subsidiary pass.


  1. Bachelor of Science in Information Technology.


Minimum entry requirements


A level with at least two (2) Principle passes and a minimum of a credit pass in Mathematics at O level.

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  1. Bachelor of Science Actuarial Science


Minimum entry requirements


A level with at least two (2) Principle passes, including Mathematics and a subsidiary pass.


  1. Bachelor of Science in Statistics


Minimum entry requirements


A level with at least two (2) Principle passes in science subjects, one of which must be Mathematics


  1. Bachelor of Business Information Technology


Minimum entry requirements


A level with at least two (2) Principle passes and one subsidiary pass, and a minimum of a credit pass in Mathematics at O LEVEL,


  1. Bachelor of Science in Public Health


Minimum entry requirements


A level with at least two (2) Principle passes including Biology and a subsidiary pass in Mathematics / Physics/ Chemistry.







  1. Procurement and Logistics.


  1. Human Resource Management


  1. Entrepreneurship


  1. Project Management


  1. Accounting
  2. Finance


  1. Economics


  1. Development Studies


  1. Leadership and Governance


  1. Post Graduate Diploma Applied Statistics


Minimum entry requirement


Bachelor degree in a relevant discipline area, from JKUAT or any institution recognized by the University Senate Duration: One (1) academic year



  1. Master of Science in Project Management.


  1. Master of Business Administration Options: Finance, Marketing, Accounting, Human Resource Management and Strategic Management.


  1. Master of Science in Accounting and Finance – Areas of Specialization; Corporate Finance, Accounting and Financial Markets.


  1. Master of Science Entrepreneurship


  1. Master of Science Economics


  1. Master of Science Human Resource Management.


  1. Master of Science Procurement and Logistics.
  2. Master of Science Mass Communication.


  1. Master of Development Studies


  1. Masters in Leadership and Governance


  1. Master of Science Finance.


  1. Master of Science Strategic Management.


  1. Masters of Science Energy Technology.
  2. Masters of Science CIVIL ENGINEERING.


  1. Master of Construction Project Management.

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  1. Masters of Science Botany (Plant ecology, Plant physiology, Economic Botany).


  1. Masters of Science Zoology in the following areas:- Ecology and Conservation Biology – with bias training in GIS and Environmental Impact Assessment skills


  1. Masters of Science Research Methods.


  1. Master of science Agricultural and applied Economics
  2. Master of Science Agricultural Economics and Rural Development


  1. Master of Science Computer Systems


  1. Master of Science Software Engineering


  1. Sc. Applied Statistics.


  1. Sc. Applied Mathematics
  2. Sc. Pure Mathematics.


  1. Sc. Software Engineering


Minimum entry requirement


Bachelor’s degree with at least Second Class Honours (Upper Division) in relevant field from JKUAT or any institution recognized by the University Senate. Or Bachelor’s Degree with Second Class Honours (Lower Division), with at least three (3) years of relevant experience, Or Bachelors Degree with pass with at least five (3) years of relevant postgraduate experience.


Course Duration: 2 (two) academic years

Tuition fees per academic year: Equivalent of Kshs. 126,000 (Kenya shillings one hundred twenty six thousand only),


iii).         DOCTORAL COURSES


  1. D. Human Resource Management


  1. D. Business Administration. – Options Strategic Management, Marketing, Accounting and Finance
  2. D. Entrepreneurship


  1. D. Supply Chain Management


  1. D. Leadership and Governance


  1. D. Finance


  1. D. Accounting
  2. D. International Business


  1. D. Mass Communication


  1. D. Development Studies


  1. D. Construction Project Management


  1. D. Computer Science


  1. D. Information Technology


Minimum entry requirement:

Master degree in relevant field from JKUAT or any institution recognized by the University Senate.


Course Duration: 3 (three) academic years

Tuition Fees per academic year: Equivalent of Kshs.140, 000.00 (Kenya shillings one hundred forty thousand only)


Note: For more information please contact the office of the Director, JKUAT Kigali Campus, Kicukiro beside RSSB Building, near Shell Petrol Station and Classic Hotel, B.P. 3373, Kigali Rwanda, Tel no.: +250787888881 / +250787888882, Email: [email protected]


Note: For more information please contact the office of the Director, JKUAT


Or The Registrar (AA), JKUAT, P.O. Box 62000-00200, NAIROBI. Tel. 067 52167/52711 Ext. 2235 or 52390. Email: [email protected] Website:http/








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The School of Open, Distance & e-Learning Programmes are geared towards extending University education to the doorstep of the students. SODEL centers take care of students who wish to study and get accommodated in their homes or in towns where they are working. Moreover, the School offers various courses on line based on Distance and e-learning mode.


Diploma and Certificate in Information Technology offered at:-

  1. African Institute of Research and Development Studies (AIRADS)- Eldoret and Kericho Towns


  1. Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development-Kasarani, Nairobi


  1. Nairobi Institute of Technology- Nairobi Westlands


  1. Zetech College-Nairobi
  2. DEFTEC – Nairobi


  1. Embu College – Embu


  1. Nyandarua Institute of Science and Technology – Nyahururu Town


  1. United Africa College – Harambee Avenue, Nairobi


  1. Century Park College – Machakos


Diploma and Certificate in Purchasing and Supplies Management offered at:


  1. Zetech College-Nairobi.
  2. United Africa College, Nairobi


  1. Century Park College – Machakos


  1. Nyandarua Institute of Science and Technology – Nyahururu Town


Diploma in Public Relations offered at:


  1. a) Zetech College-Nairobi


Diploma in Business Information Technology (DBIT) offered at:

  1. a) African Institute of Research and Development Studies (AIRADS) Eldoret Town & Kericho Town


  1. Zetech College-Nairobi


  1. United Africa College, Nairobi
  2. Century Park College – Machakos


Diploma in Community Development (DCD) offered at:


  1. a) African Institute of Research and Development Studies (AIRADS) Eldoret Town & Kericho Town c) Zetech College – Nairobi


Diploma in Business Administration offered at:

  1. Zetech College-Nairobi


  1. United Africa College, Nairobi
  2. Century Park College – Machakos


  1. Nyandarua Institute of Science and Technology – Nyahururu Town


Diploma in Mass Communication offered at: a) Zetech College-Nairobi


Diploma and Certificate in HIV/AIDS Management offered at:

  1. a) Zetech College-Nairobi


Diploma in Microfinance offered at:

  1. Zetech College-Nairobi


Diploma in Marketing offered at:

  1. Nyandarua Institute of Science and Technology – Nyahururu Town


  1. Zetech College-Nairobi

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Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Stage I and II offered at:

  1. Zetech College – Nairobi
  2. Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD)- Nairobi
  3. Nairobi Institute of Technology (NIT)- Nairobi


  1. DEFTEC – Nairobi
  2. Embu College- Embu
  3. Tracom College – Nairobi
  4. Pioneer International College – Nairobi


Bachelor of Commerce and Business Administration offered at:

  1. Zetech College – Nairobi


  1. Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development(RCMRD) – Nairobi


  1. Nyandarua Institute of Science and Technology – Nyahururu Town


Bachelor of Commerce offered at:

  1. Zetech Colleg – Nairobi


  1. Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD)- Nairobi


  1. African Institute of Research and Development Studies (AIRADS) – Eldoret and Kericho Town


  1. Nairobi Institute of Technology (NIT)- Nairobi


  1. Embu College – Embu
  2. Tracom College – Nakuru


  1. Pioneer International College – Nairobi


  1. Nyandarua Institute of Science and Technology – Nyahururu Town


Bachelor of Cooperative Business Offered at:

  1. a) Cooperative College of Kenya- Karen Nairobi


Bachelor of Development Studies (BDEV) offered at:

  1. a) African Institute of Research and Development Studies (AIRADS) – Eldoret Town & Kericho Town


Bachelor of Business Information Technology (BBIT) offered at:

  1. Zetech College – Nairobi
  2. Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD) – Nairobi


Bachelor of Purchasing and Supplies Management (BPSM) offered at:

  1. a) Zetech College – Nairobi


Bachelor of Mass Communication (BMASS) offered at:

  1. Zetech College – Nairobi


Bachelor of Business and Office Management (BBOM) offered at:

  1. Zetech College – Nairobi


Bachelor of Science in Public Health offered at:

  1. a) Lake Institute of Tropical Medicine, Kisumu


Bachelor of Science in Community Health & Development offered at:

  1. a) Lake Institute of Tropical Medicine, Kisumu




  1. Sc. Finance (MF)
  2. Sc. Financial Economics (MFE)


  1. Sc. Public Policy Analysis (MPPA)


  1. Sc. Economic Policy Analysis (MEPA)
  2. Post-Graduate Diploma in Business Science (PgDBSc)

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Minimum entry requirements:


For serial no. 1, 2, and 3: Candidates should be holders of a Bachelor’s degree in either finance, economics, or any other relevant field, with at least 2nd Class Honours (Upper Division) OR 2nd Class Honours (Lower Division) with 3 years proven experience, OR Pass Degree with 5 years proven experience. All degrees MUST be from institutions recognized by the University Senate.


For serial no. 4: candidates should be holders of a Bachelor’s degree in any field with at least 2nd Class Honours (Upper Division) OR 2nd Class Honours (Lower Division) and 3 years proven experience, OR Pass Degree with 5 years proven experience. All degrees MUST be from institutions recognized by the University Senate.


For serial no. 5: Candidates should be holders of a Bachelor’s degree in any field of study with at 2nd Class Honours (Lower Division) OR Pass Degree with 3 years proven experience. All degrees MUST be from institutions recognized by the University Senate.


Duration: Two (2) Academic years for serial no. 1-4, and 1 (one) academic year for serial no.5. Tuition Fees per academic year: Refer to fees in the respective Faculties, Schools and Institutes.




The curriculum offered is approved by the University Senate and taught by Senate approved lecturers. The examinations are moderated, administered and processed by the University Senate. The graduation for the award and conferment of the respective Diplomas and Degrees take place at the JKUAT Main Campus, Juja upon successful completion of the programmes.


The University continues to develop new academic programmes with focus to the changing market (labour) requirements to satisfy the needs of a dynamic world.


Note: For more information please contact the office of the Director, School of Open, Distance & E-Learning (SODeL) JKUAT, JKUAT, P.O. Box 62000-00200, NAIROBI. Tel. 067 52167/52711



Make your choice and join a team of successful JKUAT alumni. JKUAT is the University of Choice for students who want to experience a quality life-changing education and become professionals, role models and dynamic leaders who will drive the transformational process of this country to the next level of development. You are most welcome to JKUAT – your University of choice.


The Academic Registrar

Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

Main Campus, Juja – Thika Super-highway

P.O. Box 62000-00200, CITY SQUARE, NAIROBI

Email: [email protected]









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