Here are free HT/FT bets from Fixusjobs


We have 4 free HT/FT bets we wish to share with website readers.We also have a total of 6 games we are sending to subscribers.The list of subscribers is rising  and we welcome you on board.To subscribe for HT/FT bets you pay Ksh1099 to the till number 705909.Here is how to make the payment:

  1. Go to MPESA
  2. Select Lipa Na MPESA
  3. Select Buy Goods and Services
  4. Enter MPESA till number(705909)
  5. Enter amount(Ksh 1099)
  6. Enter MPESA password and send

We’ll send all the matches via SMS.

After making the payment we’ll send the games via SMS.

Below are 4 free matches:

Valerenga vs Ullensaker/Kisa—1/1(ID1894

HNK Sibenik vs NK Zagora—1/1(ID1757

FC Krasnodar vs Beijing Renhe—1/1(ID5846

Arsenal vs Cardiff—1/1(ID2375