Langara college address


What is the address for Langara College? Here we provide contact details for the college, including email address, phone numbers and physical address

Langara College
100 West 49th Avenue,
Vancouver B.C., Canada
V5Y 2Z6

Tel: 604.323.5511

Langara College
100 West 49th Avenue, Vancouver, BC
Canada V5Y 2Z6

Monday to Friday: 7:00 am – 10:30 pm
Saturday and Sunday: 7:00 am – 7:00 pm
Closed on statutory holidays.

Directions (Transit & Car)

Main Switchboard & Information Line
Tel: 604.323.5511
Fax: 604.323.5555

International Students
Tel: + 1.604.323.5023
Fax: + 1.604.327.9210

Continuing Studies
Tel: 604.323.5322
Fax: 604.323.5899

Registrar & Enrolment Services
Tel: 604.323.5241
Fax: 604.323.5590
HelpLine: 604.323.5595

Safety & Security
Tel: 9-1-1 (life-threatening emergency)
Tel: 604.374.2373 (campus emergency)
Tel: 604.562.1011 (non-emergency)

Tel: 604.323.5221
Fax: 604.323.5590

General Questions & Comments[email protected]

Media Enquiries[email protected] or 604.323.5702

International Students[email protected]

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