Betin Contacts

Betin Contacts


You can contact Betin through email,Live Chat,telephone or Twitter.The company’s phone numbers are:

– 0709942101
– 0709942102
– 0709942103

LIVE CHAT (07:00 – 23:00)

Chat to a member of the Betin Kenya Help team with our dedicated Live Chat service.

Find Live Chat in the bottom right corner of this page or in the bottom right of the Betin Kenya desktop site.

You can also contact them through Twitter.The company’s Twitter handle is:

Another way you can contact Betin is through email,which is: [email protected].

I have tried to contact them before and found out that the best way to get their attention is through live chat and calls.If you need something urgent, take the numbers provided above and call. But I prefer Live Chat because you are given an answer promptly.