The Chinese University of Hong Kong List of Courses


Chinese University of Hong Kong offers several degree courses. A list of academic programmes offered at Chinese University of Hong kong includes the following:


  1. Anthropology
  2. Architectural Studies
  3. Asian Business Studies
  4. BBA-JD (Bachelor of Business Administration (Integrated BBA Programme) and Juris Doctor)
  5. Biochemistry
  6. Biology
  7. Biomedical Engineering
  8. Biomedical Sciences
  9. Cell and Molecular Biology
  10. Chemistry
  11. Chinese Language and Literature
  12. Chinese Language Education
  13. Chinese Medicine
  14. Chinese Studies
  15. Community Health Practice
  16. Computer Engineering
  17. Computer Science
  18. Contemporary China Studies
  19. Cultural Management
  20. Cultural Studies
  21. Earth System Science
  22. Economics
  23. Electronic Engineering
  24. Energy and Environmental Engineering
  25. English
  26. English Studies / English Language Education
  27. Enrichment Mathematics (including Mathematics and Information Engineering)
  28. Enrichment Stream in Theoretical Physics
  29. Environmental Science
  30. Exercise Science and Health Education
  31. Financial Technology
  32. Fine Arts
  33. Food and Nutritional Sciences
  34. Gender Studies
  35. Geography and Resource Management
  36. Gerontology
  37. Global Business Studies
  38. Global Communication
  39. Global Economics and Finance
  40. Global Studies
  41. Government and Public Administration
  42. History
  43. Hospitality and Real Estate
  44. Information Engineering
  45. Insurance, Financial and Actuarial Analysis
  46. Integrated BBA
  47. International Business and Chinese Enterprise
  48. Japanese Studies
  49. Journalism and Communication
  50. Laws (LLB)
  51. Liberal Studies
  52. Linguistics
  53. Mathematics
  54. Mathematics and Information Engineering
  55. Mathematics and Mathematics Education
  56. Mechanical and Automation Engineering
  57. Medicine
  58. Molecular Biotechnology
  59. Music
  60. Natural Sciences
  61. Nursing
  62. Pharmacy
  63. Philosophy
  64. Physical Education and Sports Science
  65. Physical Education, Exercise Science and Health
  66. Physics
  67. Professional Accountancy
  68. Psychology
  69. Public Health
  70. Quantitative Finance
  71. Quantitative Finance and Risk Management Science
  72. Religious Studies
  73. Risk Management Science
  74. Social Work
  75. Sociology
  76. Statistics
  77. Systems Engineering and Engineering Management
  78. Theology
  79. Translation
  80. Urban Studies

Postgraduate Studies

The Graduate School offers two types of postgraduate programmes – taught postgraduate programmes and research postgraduate programmes – leading to the postgraduate degrees of DMus, EdD, PhD, PsyD, JD, LLM, MA, MAcc, MArch, MBA, MChiMed, MClinPharm, MDiv, MEd, MFA, MFM, MHSC, MMus, MNurs, MOM, MPAcc, MPH, MPhil, MSc, MSSc, MSW, and postgraduate diplomas.

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