Courses offered at Skylink Flying School



Following are courses offered at Skylink Flying School


At skylink have the 3rd generation Aircraft, newer model trainers that break down down less often and are very safe for training.

Their fleet consist of modern but less fuel consuming Aircraft, the 3rd generation models, reducing costs and easy on the candidates’ pockets. They offer a range of experience by training on both high and low wing Aircraft which allow a candidate complete his/her training at Skylink with multiple ratings in his/her license.

Cessna 150 Aerobat Single Engine VFR
Cessna 152 H Sparrow Hawk Single Engine IFR
Cessna 172 K Sky Hawk Single Engine VFR
Cessna 172 M Sky Hawk Single Engine IFR
Cessna 172 XP Super Hawk Single Engine IFR
PA 28-140/160 Cherokee Single Engine IFR
PA 28-181 Cherokee Single Engine VFR
PA 42-180T Seminole Multi-Engine IFR



What you study

Year 1:
Introduces you to Aircraft flight and Systems. You will also gain the basic knowledge and skills that are applicable to all areas of engineering, such as mechanics, heat, fluids, design and mathematics. All subjects are taught in a challenging and active leaning environment.

Course Content

Mechanical Engineering
Piston Engine

Workshop Technology
Basic Electricity and projects.

Year 2:
Continue with your detailed education in key areas of Aeronautical Engineering. Course units in Aircraft design, Aircraft performance, flight dynamics and control systems provide the technical foundations for project work. Units in Aerodynamics, propulsion, Structures and dynamics provide the underlying scientific base. You also study further mathematics and numerical methods.


Skylink Flight Services is an ATO (Approved training Organization) Center and offers modern ground training in class with the CBT programs integrated in their grounds (theory) training, Theory lessons at Skylink are offered in a secluded place far from Aircraft noise which offers a good ambiance for lessons.

With the integrated system, candidates are able to finish PPL in 2 – 3 Months and Commercial License CPL in 7 – 8 Months, Multi IR in 2 months. If all the factors are corrected one can finish their Pilot training between 1 1/2 years. They also offer other courses like CRM (Crew Resource Management), Cabin Crew Training, Flight Dispatch.


The objective of this course is to equip you with the basic knowledge of duties and responsibilities that you will be expected to perform as cabin Crew, including safety and emergency procedures, food and beverage service, handling medical emergency, passenger handling and communication. In addition, this course gives you the basic background on effective customer service, which is essential skill to being a successful cabin crew.

INTAKE:                               JANUARY, MARCH, MAY AND AUGUST
QUALIFICATIONS:               C-


1 : Working as a Cabin Crew
2 : Customer Service
3 : Fire Fighting
4 :Dangerous Goods

5 : Aviation Security
6 : Aviation Medicine
7 : Safety and Emergency Procedures

8 :Theory of Flight
9 : Grooming
10 : Airline Catering Service
11 : Meteorology.