Average Income of a Blogger in South Africa Per Month


The average income of a blogger in South Africa is R10,000 per month. This amount may go up or down depending on the traffic a blog receives, type of niche, monetization strategy and the geographical location where you attract traffic from.

Generally, when a blog is new the income is low. For a blog with less than 10,000 monthly visitors, income is less than R100.A blog receiving more than 1 million monthly visitors will earn above R20,000 per month.

Since over 90% of bloggers in South Africa generate their income via AdSense, our income statistics will majorly come from the platform. If you are planning to monetize from AdSense, here is the amount of money to expect every month:

20,000 visitors per month—R600

50,000 visitors per month—R1500

100,000 visitors per month—R3000

300,000 visitors per month—R10,000

500,000 visitors per month—R 20,000

1 million visitors per month—R40,000

The income figures will also be determined by niche. Those bloggers covering finance, health, education, mortgage,real estate,banking,insurance and loans earn the highest amount of money. The CPC will range between $0.2 and $2 for those topics. Entertainment, politics and news niches attract lowest the lowest CPC from AdSense.

Bloggers doing affiliate marketing earn more than those in AdSense. Some of them make over R100,000 every month, especially those promoting gambling content. One of the best affiliate programs to register for is 22Bet,click here to register and start making money

One of the problems you’ll face when traffic numbers increase is the cost of hosting—the more traffic your site gets,the higher the cost of hosting.I will suggest two best web hosting companies which you will join and never regret at all:

Kinsta(Click here to visit Kinsta website)

Bluehost(Click here to visit Bluehost)

For blogs receiving less than 2 million monthly visitors, Bluehost will be the most ideal web hosting company. For those receiving more than 2 million monthly visitors, join Kinsta. Both hosting companies will satisfy your needs.

Another thing, if you want to earn over R100,000 every month from blogging, do affiliate marketing. You should also source for stand-alone advertisements.