Best P1 Teachers Colleges in Kenya


When choosing a college for P1 training, go for the best rated college/university. When you graduate from a good college, there are high chances you’ll secure employment faster than those who graduated from less competitive colleges.

We have sampled the list of best P1 Colleges in Kenya alongside their admission requirements and website links to help you make the right decision when choosing a course.

  1. Moi Teachers Training College Baringo

P1 Course (School Based)

The P1 certificate school based (PTE) course is conducted in April /August/December holidays. The course intake is every August for 1st year’s admission. The minimum requirements are; KCSE C Plain in order to qualify for the two year PTE course. Candidates KNEC Exam similar to the Full time P1 course.

School based applicants submit their handwritten applications to the Principal anytime before the month of August every year. School based course lasts six holidays, ie, the months of AUGUST, DECEMBER AND APRIL every year for two years.

P1 Course (Regular)

Kenyan government train Primary school teachers on the basis of KCSE cut off grade of C plain.

Annual intake is in the month of September. This is done in all the 25 public Teacher training colleges in Kenya.

The course duration is two years for a well-trained primary school teacher.

Application procedure for p1 course.

Applications for this course are normally done between the months of March and May every year through the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.

Through the above levels, the Institute is able to offer an opportunity to the less advantaged to gradually climb the career ladder


  Moi Teachers College
P.O Box 348-30400

  +254 706469456

  [email protected]


Website link:

  1. MIT Teachers Training College


PTEC 100 Primary  Teacher  Education 93,660 73,000 3,900

Website link:


MIT Teachers Training College,
Posta Building, 1st Floor, Mbolu Road
P.0. Box 2656, 90100
Machakos – Kenya

Cell: +254 708 829 487 / +254 733 287 555
E-mail: [email protected]

  1. Kaimosi Teachers Training College

Trainees are selected from all over Kenya and have to meet the minimum requirement which is grade C(plain) at Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E).

The Dean of Curriculum’s office is charged with the task of overseeing implementation of core – curriculum activities at the college. The core-curriculum is organized in 13 subject areas together with the vital teaching aspect.

To qualify for the award of P1 certificate, a candidate must pass in practical teaching; and take all the eight (8) subjects and obtain a pass in all the subjects.

Currently, the certificate is categorized on the basis of aggregate points as follows;

Pass with distinction –Between 8 and 19 points,

Pass with credit-Between 20 and 43 points while ordinary pass – Between 44 and 59 points.

Website link:


Kaimosi Teachers’ Training College

P.o Box, Private Bag, 50309, Kaimosi.

Phone: (+254) 705-564-121

E-Mail: [email protected]

  1. Kagumo Teachers Training College

Minimum Requirements for Diploma in Teacher Education

  1. i) Mean Grade C+ (Plus) at KCSE
  2. ii) Grade  C (plain) in English

iii) Grade D+ (plus) in Mathematics for Art based Courses only.

  1. iv) Grade C (plain) in Mathematics for Science based courses only.
  2. v) Grade C+ (plus) in the two teaching subjects.

NB: For applicants with special needs (visual and hearing impairment)

  1. i) Mean Grade C ( plain) at KCSE
  2. ii) Grade C- (minus) in English

iii) Grade D (plain) in Mathematics for Art based courses only.

  1. iv) Grade  C- (minus) in Mathematics for Science based courses only.
  2. v) Grade C (plain) in the two teaching subjects.

Website link:


Kagumo Teachers’ Training College

Email:  [email protected]

, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Telephone No. 0203500519  Mobile :  0701 972912
Address:  P.O. BOX 18, 10100 Nyeri

Location:  Kagumo – Kangaita Road, Nyeri, Kenya

  1. Islamic Teachers Training College Mombasa

This is two year full time courses which include classroom attendance and practical teaching practice on alternative terms i.e. term 2, term 4 and term 6 are for teaching practice. The admission requirements to this course are similar to those for government. Two year pre-service teacher’s course. Students of ITTC also follow the same pre-service government syllabus at the end of which they are required to sit and pass the same examination as the students in government teachers college.
To be admitted to this course, one must have obtained at least C (plain) and above in the KCSE examinations. Subjects offered in this curriculum include:

  1. Professional studies ( curriculum, school administration, child psychology, methodology and philosophy education)
  2. English language
  3. Kiswahili language
  4. Islamic Religion Education
  5. Physical and health education
  6. Music
  7. Arts and crafts
  8. H/science
  9. Science
  10. Agriculture
  11. Social studies
  12. Teaching practice

Website link:

  1. Thogoto Teachers College

Address: Thogoto Teachers Training College, Karuri Thogoto-Gikambura-Mutarakwa Rd, Kiambaa

Phone: 0735 357608

  1. Shanzu Teachers College

Address: Shanzu Teachers College, Malindi Rd, Mombasa

Phone: 0708 598656

Mount Kenya University Diploma in Education (DTE)

Admission requirements for the Programme.
The following shall be the minimum admission requirements for registration in the DTE Programme which in no way entitles the applicant to a place in the university. In addition, candidates shall be required to fill in specific admission requirements of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction to which they have applied for.

  1. Mean C (plain) and above or its equivalence from any other public or private university recognized by the Commission of University Education (CUE)
  2. For the purposes of this regulation, approved subjects shall be such subjects as senate shall from time to time determine.
  3. Candidates must give name and full address of a referee who is a person conversant with University Standards- preferably a graduate and who is well placed to assess the candidate’s potential as a University student. Candidates shall also be required to ensure that the referee has consented to report on them, and that their addresses are correct.
  4. No candidate, who has previously attended any University shall be admitted to the DtE course under these regulations, for which they failed to qualify during their previous attendance, unless they produce evidence of further study satisfactory to the University.

Website link:

  1. Paul’s Kibabii Diploma Teachers Training College
  2. Minimum KCSE mean grade – C
  3. C plain in English
  4. D+ in Mathematics
  5. At least C+ in two teaching subjects.

Website link:

  1. St John’s TTC Kilimambogo


Certificate in Primary Teacher Education

This course trains students to become primary school teachers. These teachers are usually referred to as P1 teachers. The course graduates are best suited to teach primary schools institutions either public or private. Its also a bridge to do higher courses like Diploma in Education, Degree in Education and eventually Masters and Doctorate in Education

The course curriculum includes comprehensive training in languages, basic mathematics, children development, Human and child rights, psychology and administration geared towards the primary school curriculum delivery.

The course is examined by Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) .

Website link:

  1. Migori Teachers College

Website link:

  1. Kamwenja Teachers College

Website link:

  1. Nakuru Teachers Training College