Courses offered at KIPS Technical College


KIPS Technical College is one of the best business colleges in Kenya. The college offers engineering,business,ICT and several other courses which are marketable in Kenya.

Below we provide details of courses offered at KIPS, examination body and duration of each course. Here are comprehensive details:


Course Name Exam Body DURATION (months)
Artisan in Store Keeping KNEC 6
Craft Cert in Secretarial Studies mod I-II KNEC 6 each
Cert in Business Management mod I-II KNEC 6 each
Cert in Banking & Finance KNEC 6
Cert. in Supply Chain Management mod I-II KNEC 6 each
Cert. in Information Studies mod I-II KNEC 6 each
Cert in Human Resource Management mod I-II KNEC 6 each
Cert in Sales & Marketing mod I-II KNEC 6 each
Dip in Shipping & Logistics (level IV-VI) ABMA 6 each
Diploma in Business Management (level IV-VI) ABMA 6 each
Dip in Customer Service C&G 12
Dip in Business Management mod I-III KNEC 6 each
Dip in Human Resource Management mod I-III KNEC 6 each
Dip in Sales & Marketing mod I-III KNEC 6 each
Dip. in Information Studies KNEC 12
Dip in Supply Chain Management mod I-III KNEC 6 each
Dip in Banking & Finance KNEC 12
Dip in Secretarial Management Mod I-III KNEC 6 each
Higher Dip in Human Resource Management KNEC 12
ATD Level I-III KASNEB 5 each
CPA I (sec I & II) KASNEB 5 each


Course Name Exam Body DURATION(months)
Craft Cert in ICT KNEC 12
Dip in ICT Mod I-III KNEC 6 each
Dip in Computer software Engineering C & G 12
Adv Dip in Computer software Eng. C & G 12
School Of Journalism Exam Body DURATION(months)
Photography KIPS 3
Videography KIPS 3
Camera Operations ICM 3
Dip in Journalism & Media Studies ICM 18
Dip in Journalism & Media Studies (Level IV-IV) ABMA 6 each


Course Name Exam Body DURATION(months)
Artisan in Electrical & Electronics Engineering KNEC 12
Motor Vehicle Mechanics (Grade I-III) NITA 6 each
Motor Vehicle Electrician (Grade I-III) NITA 6 each
Electrical Wireman-Grade I-III NITA 6 each
Electronic Mechanics-Grade I-III NITA 6 each
Plumbing-Grade I-III NITA 6 each
Cert in Refrigeration & Air conditioning NITA 18
Cert in Electrical & Electronics Eng (Power) Mod I-II KNEC 9 each
Cert in Automotive Engineering Mod I-II KNEC 9 each
Cert in Building Technology (Plumbing) KNEC 9 each
Cert in Masonry Mod I-II KNEC 6 each
Dip in Architecture Mod I-III KNEC 9 each
Dip in Building Technology Mod I-III KNEC 9 each
Dip in Civil Engineering Mod I-III KNEC 9 each
Dip in Quantity Surveying Mod I-III KNEC 9 each
Dip in Land Surveying Mod I-III KNEC 9 each
Dip in Electrical & Electronic Eng (Level 2,3,4,5) C&G 6 each
Dip in Automotive Engineering Mod I-III KNEC 9 each
Dip in Electrical & Electronics Eng (Power) Mod I-III KNEC 9 each
Dip in Refrigeration & AirConditioning C & G 12


Course Name Exam Body DURATION(months)
Cert in Science Laboratory Technology KNEC 18
Cert in Food Science Technology KNEC 18
Cert in Human Nutrition and Dietetics KNEC 18
Dip in Food Science Technology KNEC 36
Dip in Human Nutrition and Dietetics Mod I-III KNEC/ KNDI 9 each


Cert in Social Development studies KNEC 12
Cert in Early Childhood Dev.Education (E.C.D.E) KNEC 12
Diploma in HIV/AIDS Management (level IV-Vi) ABMA 6 each
Dip in Community Devt. & Social work mod. I-III KNEC 6 each
Dip in Project Management mod. I-III KNEC 6 each
Dip in Community Development (Level IV-VI) ABMA 6 each
Dip in Early Childhood Dev.Education (E.C.D.E) KNEC 24


Course Name Exam Body DURATION(months)
Artisan in Food & Beverage Production & Service KNEC 9
Basic Cookery KIPS 3
Cert in catering & Accommodation Operations mod I -II KNEC 6 each
Cert in Food & Beverage Production mod I-II KNEC 6 each
Cert in Tour guiding & Travel Operations(Mod I-II) KNEC 6 each
Cert in Customer Service & House Keeping KIPS 3
Dip in Hospitality Management ICM 18
Dip in Cabin Crew IATA 12
Dip in Travel & Tourism level I IATA 12
Dip in Travel & Tourism level II IATA 9
Dip in Airport Operations IATA 12
Dip in Tourism Management(Mod I-III) KNEC 6 each
Dip in Tour guiding & Mgt mod I-III KNEC 6 each
Dip in Food & Beverage Production mod I-III KNEC 6 each


Course Name Exam Body DURATION (months)
Advanced Beauty C & G 2
Dip in Beauty Therapy C & G 6
Dip in Hairdressing C&G/NITA 7
Dip in Cosmetology C&G/NITA 12
Dip in Cosmetology C&G/NITA 12