Higher Education Students’ Financing Board(HESFB) Uganda Loans



Higher Education Students’ Financing Board(HESFB) Uganda offers loans to undergraduate and postgraduate students. The loans are subject to meeting minimum application criteria, which include specific university courses and the type of a university the student is enrolled.

The board considers the following courses when awarding the loans:

1 B. Medicine & B. Surgery

2 B. Dentistry

3 B. Physiotherapy

4 B.Sc. Medical Radiography

5 B. Pharmacy

6 B. Pharmaceutical Sciences

7 B. Nursing

8 B. Nursing Completion

9 B. Clinical Medicine & Comm. Health

10 B. Community Health

11 B. Medical Lab. Sciences

12 B. Medical Lab. Completion

13 B. Veterinary Medicine

14 BSc. Animal Production and Management

15 BSc. Education

16 B. Voc. Studies in Agric. with Educ.

17 B. Agriculture

18 BSc. Agriculture Mechanization

19 BSc. Water Resource Engineering

20 BSc. Agro Processing Engineering

21 BSc. Mining Engineering

22 B. Agriculture & Entrepreneurship

23 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering

24 B.Sc. Civil Engineering

25 B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering

26 B.Sc. Petroleum Engineering


The Selected disciplines are:-

Computer Science, Statistics, Pure Sciences, Agricultural Extension Education and Special needs Education.

Discipline Programme
Computer Science BSc. Computer Science
  BSc. Information Technology
Statistics B. Statistics
  BSc. Quantitative Economics
Pure Science BSc. Industrial Chemistry
Education Special needs Education
  Agricultural Extension Education


1 Diploma in Mental Health
2 Diploma in Paediatrics
3 Diploma in Nursing
4 Diploma in Midwifery
5 Diploma in comprehensive Nursing
6 Diploma in Medical Lab Technology
7 Diploma in Pharmacy
8 Diploma in Occupational Therapy
9 Diploma in Physiotherapy
10 Diploma in Medical Radiography
11 Diploma in Clinical Medicine
12  Diploma in Environmental Health Science
13 Diploma in Dental Technology
14 Diploma in Public Health Dentistry
15 Diploma in Clinical & Community Nutrition
16 Diploma in Audiology
17 Diploma in Medical Entomology
18 Diploma in Health Counselling and Social Care
  Diploma Courses offered at Technical Colleges, Meteorological & Survey Institutions
1 Diploma in Land management and evaluation
2 Diploma in land Surveying
3 Diploma in Cartography
4 Diploma in Physical Planning
5 Diploma in Metrology
6 Diploma in Architecture
7 Diploma in Building & Civil Engineering
8 Diploma in Ceramics
9 Diploma in Electrical Engineering
10 Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
11 Diploma in Water Engineering
12 Diploma in Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
13 Higher Diploma in Building & Construction Engineering
14 Higher Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
15 Higher Diploma in Electrical Engineering


University Programme Name
Bugema University D. Mechanical and Production Engineering.
D. Building Engineering
D. Information Technology
Busitema University D. Ginning  Engineering
D. animal production & Management
D. Agricultural Engineering
D. Crop production &Management
D. Computer Engineering
GULU UNIVERSITY D. Computer Science
D. in Pharmacy
IUIU D. Computer Science and Information Technology
A.D. Health Services Management
D. Livestock Science
A.D. Health Services Management
D. Comprehensive Nursing
D. Midwifery
D. General Nursing
KIU D. Computer Science
D. Medical Lab Technology
KYAMBOGO UNIVERSITY O.D. in Science Technology (Biology)
O.D Science Technology(Chemistry)
O.D Science Technology (Physics)
D. Computer Science
D. Textile Design and Technology
D. Physical Education and Sports Management
D. Food Processing Technology
D. Ceramic Technology
O.D Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
H.D Civil and Building Engineering
D. Ceramics
O.D. Mechanical and Production Engineering
O.D. Civil and Building Engineering
O.D. Telecommunications Engineering
O.D. Water Engineering
O.D. Automobile Engineering
O.D. Architecture
O.D. Computer Engineering
D. Biomedical Engineering
H.D. Mechanical Engineering
H.D. Electrical Engineering
O.D. Electrical and Electronic Engineering
D. Education Secondary (Technological Studies)


D. Palliative Care with Hospice Uganda
D. Orthopaedic Technology
D. Medical Entomology
D. Orthopaedic Medicine
D. Medical Radiography
D. Public Health Nursing
D. Otolaryngology
D. Occupational Therapy
D. Medical Radiology
D. Anesthesia
D. Medical Laboratory Technology
D. Pharmacy
D. Health Tutors
D. Clinical Psychiatry
D. Ophthalmology
D. Physiotherapy
D. Civil Engineering Surveying
H.D. Clinical Instruction Curriculum
D. Public Health Dentistry
MUST D. Community HIV/AIDS Care. In Cooperation with the Mildmay Centre
D. Science Laboratory Technology
NDEJJE UNIVERSITY D. Science Laboratory Technology
D. Physical Education and Sports Management
D. Sustainable Agriculture
D. Computer Science
NKUMBA UNIVERSITY D. Environmental Sciences
D. Sustainable Agriculture
UCU D. Health Administration
UMU D. Health Insurance Management
D. Computer Science and Information Technology
D. Clinical Mentoring

Eligibility Criteria:

An applicant shall be considered for funding on condition that:

  1. They have an admission to accredited programme/courses from a chartered University or listed Higher Education Institution.
  2. They are citizens of Uganda.

iii. They have passed the Means Test.

Application for funding

An advert shall be placed in the national newspapers annually soliciting applications from eligible students.

Application forms for the Loans and/or Scholarships shall be completed and submitted to HESFB in a manner defined by the advert.

All applications shall attract an application fee determined by HESFB.

Evidence of payment for the application fee shall form part of the application.

Loan Application Requirements All completed application forms shall be accompanied with:

  1. 3 coloured pass port size photographs
  2. Acceptable valid form of Identification which can be (National ID, Passport, Driver’s License, Voter’s Card, School ID, NSSF Card).

iii. Bank slip confirming payment of the Application fee

  1. Academic Certificates / pass slips
  2. Birth Certificate
  3. Admission letter to HEI vii. CRB / Financial Card [mandatory]

viii. Sketch map to applicant’s home of origin.

Funding scope

The financial support (Loans/Scholarship) shall cover:

  1. Tuition fees
  2. Functional fees

iii. Research expenses

  1. Aids and Appliances for PWDs


Loans shall be repayable with interest.

The interest shall be determined and defined by HESFB. Scholarships shall not be repayable, except where a student:

  1. Abandons the course without reasonable cause
  2. Changes a course

iii. Fails to comply with any other terms and conditions of the scholarship.


  1. a) Repayment:

A loanee shall start repaying the loan together with the applicable interest one year after the study period, on gaining employment. The one-year-after-study period is called the Grace Period. The loan shall be repaid over a period equal to the study period as defined in the admission letter. On completion of study, the loanee shall make contact with HESFB to pick the loan repayment schedule.

b)Early Repayment

HESFB shall allow loan repayment before due date (even during the study period) as this reduces the financial burden on the student in terms of the loan and applicable interest. Interest shall be charged on only outstanding loan amounts.

  1. c) Loan Period

Loan period for purposes of this manual, shall mean, the predetermined period within which the borrower is expected to complete repayment of the loan and the applicable interest. This period for purposes of the Students Loan Scheme, shall be twice the borrower’s study period plus the Grace period.

  1. d) Loan repayment period:

The loan repayment period shall be the period within which the loanee is expected to complete repayment of the loan and the applicable interest, and is equal to the study period of the programme/course respectively.

  1. e) Grace period:

Undergraduate loans are permissible to be offered a grace period, which is a 12-month period commencing after the study period. The period is given to enable the loanee re-organise/settle or transit from student to working life.


Obligation of the loanee:

A loanee shall be required within one year after completion of studies:

  1. To inform the HESFB of their new contacts/address
  2. To inform HESFB of their plans to commence repayment of the loan and the applicable interest.

iii. To execute a loan repayment schedule with HESFB.

Obligations of an employer of a loanee:

An employer shall be required upon engaged of a loanee:

  1. To inform HESFB of the engagement in writing
  2. To deduct and remit to HESFB the loan amount and applicable interest due/outstanding from the loanee’s remuneration.

Types of Scholarships:

  1. Internal scholarships

Internal scholarships shall be given to students who qualify for programmes that are offered in Higher Education Institutions in Uganda

  1. External Scholarships

External Scholarships shall only be awarded to students who qualify for programmes that are not offered in Higher Education Institutions in Uganda.

iii. Bilateral Scholarships

Bilateral Scholarships may be awarded subject to conditions agreed upon by the Donor Country and the Government of Uganda.