List of courses offered at Kabianga University



Kabianga University is located in Rift Valley. It is among the most popular public universities in Kenya. The institution offers certificates, diploma, degree,masters and PhD courses as listed below


Bridging Course in Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry and Physics


Certificate in French

Certificate in Computer Skills

Certificate in Information Technology

Certificate in Computer System Technology

Certificate in Business Administration


Diploma in Agroforestry

Diploma in Environmental Health Science

Diploma in Clinical Medicine

Diploma in Computer Science

Diploma in Tourism Management

Diploma in Hotel and Restaurant Management

Diploma in Economics

Diploma in Human Resource Management

Diploma in Guidance & Counseling

Diploma in Education (Science)

Diploma in Education (Arts)

Diploma in Early Childhood Development and Primary Education

Diploma in Information Sciences


Bachelor of Science in Communication & Public Relations

Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration

Bachelor of Environmental Studies

Bachelor of Science in Forestry

Bachelor of Science in Agroforestry and Rural Development

Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Extension Education

Bachelor of Science in Horticulture

Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics and Resource Management

Bachelor of Nursing (Upgrading)

Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Bachelor of Science in Applied Statistics with Computing

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, Botany, Physics, Zoology and Chemistry

Bachelor of Arts (Economics)

Bachelor of Science, Human Resource Management

Bachelor of Hotel and Hospitality Management

Bachelor of Business Management

Bachelor of Tourism Management

Bachelor of Education (Guidance and Counselling)

Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary Education)

Bachelor of Education Science

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Bachelor of Science in Microbiology

Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry

Bachelor of Science (Applied Statistics with Computing)

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, Botany, Physics, Zoology, and Chemistry

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Bachelor of Education Arts

Bachelor of Science in Information Science & Knowledge Management


Master of Arts in Literature

Master of Arts in Kiswahili

Master of Environmental Studies: Environmental Planning and Management (EPM)

Master of Science in Forestry (Tropical Forest Biology and Silviculture)

Master of Science in Agroforestry

Master of Science in Agricultural Extension

Master of Science in Agricultural Economics and Resource Management

Master of Science in Statistics

Master of Science in Pure Mathematics

Master of Science in Applied Mathematics

Master of Science in Chemistry

Master of Science in Microbiology

Master of Business Administration (Executive)

Master of Business Administration

Master of Education in Leadership and Policy in Education (Executive)

Master of Education in Educational Administration & Planning.

Master of Education in Early Childhood & Primary Education.

Master of Education in Educational Psychology

Master of Education in Guidance & Counseling

Master of Education in Educational Communication and Technology

Master of Business Management


PhD Literature

PhD Kiswahili

Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration

Some of the most popular courses to study at Kabianga include Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine, Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Bachelor of Science in Applied Statistics with Computing, Bachelor of Science (Applied Statistics with Computing), Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary Education) and Bachelor of Science in Nursing

These popular courses are marketable in Kenya and offer competitive salaries. A course like Applied Statistics is very marketable and only studied by few Kenyans, actuarial science too. It is also important to note that computer science is marketable world over-you can’t go wrong for enrolling for any computer related course.

A course in general education is extremely unpopular simply because it’s flooded, it is also among the poorest paying careers in the country. I know you will say there are jobs but remember an actuary’s one month salary is equivalent to a teacher’s 12-month salary.

Instead of pursuing general education, enroll for early childhood education or special needs education. With any of these two courses, you can get a job at a well-paying NGO,media house or international schools.