List of Courses offered at St Lawrence University Uganda



Here is a list of certificate, diploma, degree and masters courses offered at St Lawrence University Uganda

Undergraduate Degrees

Faculty of Business and Management Studies

BABC Bachelor of Business Computing: Duration 3 years
BAIB Bachelor of International Business Administration: Duration 3 years
BABA Bachelor of Business Administration: Duration 3 years
BEBM Bachelor of Entrepreneurship and Business Management: Duration 3 years
BAMM Bachelor Marketing Management: Duration 3 years
BAPS Bachelor of Purchasing and Supplies: Duration 3 years
BHRM Bachelor of Human Resource Management: Duration 3 years

Faculty of Computer and Information Technology

BAST Bachelor of statistics: Duration 3 years
BACE Bachelor of Computer Engineering: Duration 3 years
BACS Bachelor of Science in Computer Science: Duration 3 years
BAIT Bachelor of Information Technology: Duration 3 years

Faculty of Education

BAED Bachelor of Arts with Education: Duration 3 years

Faculty of Humanities

BAAT Bachelor of Arts Degrees: Duration 3 years
BADS Bachelor of Development Studies: Duration 3 years
BAEC Bachelor of Economics: Duration 3 years
BAGC Bachelor of Guidance and Counselling: Duration 3 years
BAEM Bachelor of Environment Management: Duration 3 years
BAPA Bachelor of Public Administration: Duration 3 years
BAMA Bachelor of Mass Communication: Duration 3 years
BASA Bachelor of SW. and SA: Duration 3 years
BDIR Bachelor of Diplomacy and International Relations: Duration 3 years
BAIH Bachelor of Local Governance and Human Rights: Duration 3 years

Institute of Industrial Art and Design

BIAD Bachelor of Industrial Art and Design: Duration 3 years
BIED Bachelor of Industrial Art and Des with Ed: Duration 3 years

Undergraduate Diploma

Faculty of Business and Management Studies

DIBA Diploma in Business Administration: Duration 2 years
DFSC Diploma in Financial and Business Computing: Duration 2 years
DESM Diploma in Entrepreneurship Studies and Management: Duration 2 years

Faculty of Computer and Information Technology

DICS Diploma in Computer Science: Duration 2 years
DIT Diploma in Information Technology: Duration 2 years

Faculty of Education

DSEA Diploma in Secondary Education (Arts): Duration 2 years

Faculty of Humanities

DGC Diploma in Guidance and Counselling: Duration 2 years
DDS Diploma in Development Studies: Duration 2 years
DIPA Diploma in Public Administration: Duration 2 years
DIEM Diploma in Environment Management: Duration 2 years

Institute of Industrial Art and Design

DIAD Diploma in Industrial Art and Design: Duration 2 years
DIED Diploma in Industrial Art and Des with Ed: Duration 2 years


Faculty of Business and Management Studies

CHRM Certificate in Human Resource Management: Duration 1 years
CESM Certificate in Entrepreneurship Studies and Manage: Duration 1 years
CEBA Certificate in Business Administration: Duration 1 years

Faculty of Computer and Information Technology

CECA Certificate in Information Technology: Duration 1 years

Faculty of Education

FDN Foundation program (short course): Duration 1 years

Faculty of Humanities

CEPA Certificate in Public Administration: Duration 1 years

Institute of Industrial Art and Design

CIAD Certificate in Industrial Art and Design: Duration 1 years
CHRM Certificate in Human Resource Management: Duration 1 years
CEGC Certificate in Guidance and Counselling: Duration 1 years
CEDS Certificate in Development Studies: Duration< 1 years
CEOM Certificate in Commerce: Duration 1 years
CPAM Certificate in Public Administration and Management: Duration 1 years
CESM Certificate in Entrepreneurship Studies and Manage: Duration 1 years


  1. Hello SLAU l have a diploma in health records bt I had wanted to change and do public health is it possible for me to do it