List of Best Degree Courses To Study at University of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania



University of Dar Es Salaam offer more than 100 academic programs, but not all the courses are the best. The best degree programs are those with ready job market and good pay, which are few.

In Tanzania, top 10 best degree courses come from engineering, health, mathematics and law departments, while the worst come from agriculture, front office and teaching.

  1. Based on the job market dynamics in Tanzania, the following is a list of best degree programs in Dar Es Salaam University.
  2. A. in Economics and Statistics
  3. A. in Statistics
  4. A. in Public Relations and Advertising
  5. Com. in Accounting
  6. Com. in Banking and Financial Services
  7. Com. in Finance
  8. Com. in Human Resources Management
  9. Com. in Marketing
  10. Ed. in Early Childhood Education
  11. Sc. in Civil Engineering
  12. Sc. in Electrical Engineering
  13. Sc. in Chemical and Process Engineering
  14. Sc. in Mechanical Engineering
  15. Sc. in Industrial Engineering
  16. Sc. in Metallurgy and Mineral Processing Engineering
  17. Sc. in Mining Engineering
  18. Sc. in Petroleum Engineering
  19. Bachelor of Laws
  20. A. in Law Enforcement
  21. Sc. in Actuarial Science
  22. Sc. in Computer Science
  23. Sc. with Computer Science
  24. Sc in Computer Engineering and Information Technologies
  25. Sc. in Electronic Science and Communication
  26. Sc in Telecommunication Engineering

Now,I will tell you why you should pursue any of the listed courses above. To be honest, you I warn you not to pursue courses which are easy for everyone. If you enter the trap, you will find yourself among a crowd looking for employment, from one office to the other. If you want to be safe, study a degree program which most people fear. That’s why I have included in this list engineering, computer science and mathematics related courses. These courses are feared by majority of Tanzanians, which means graduates being churned into the job market are as few as rain in dry season.

If you manage to pursue actuarial science and combine with actuarial professional certification or CFA, chances of getting employment in Tanzania are 100 %.Additionally, computer science and related courses are the trending courses you should consider pursuing at the University of Dar Es Salaam.

All the courses we have listed above also attract good salary package, in fact at least Tsh 1 million per month.