How much money can one make from 1 million subscribers? If you post one video on your channel, at least a quarter of the subscribers will view it, meaning that 1 million subscribers will yield 250,000 views. For every 1000 views, you’ll earn $10, implying that 250,000 views will generate $2500.However, the income a YouTube channel gets depends on various factors, such as cost per view, niche, geographical location of views and quality of the video. If most of your views are from USA, you have to earn over $2500 for every video you post on your channel which has 1 million subscribers.
The more videos you post on your channel, the more amount of money you make. This simply means that the money generated through 1 million YouTube subscribers is not fixed. You can post 10 videos per month and make $100,000 or post one video that gets 1 million views and generates $3000.
It’s recommended that when you have such a huge number of subscribers, you should post as many high quality videos as possible in order to earn good amount of money.
Here is the amount of money you expect to earn from a YouTube channel with 1 million subscribers:
1 video—$2500
2 videos—$4500
5 videos–$10000
10 videos—$20000
100 videos–$150000
200 videos—$300000
Majority of YouTubers make their money through AdSense. Our income figures are based on AdSense rates. But for 1 million subscribers, one can get stand-alone adverts which will increase the amount earned from the channel. With 1 million subscribers, you can make more than $500000 every month if you post at least 3 videos on your channel daily.