160 University of Paris-Saclay Scholarships for International Students in France, 2017


For the academic year 2017-2018, up to 160 University of Paris-Saclay Scholarships are available for international students. These scholarships are awarded to students enrolled in University of Paris-Saclay master’s programmes on an academic merit-based basis.

University of Paris-Saclay provides a master’s level education program backed by research of the highest international level, benefiting from the pooling together of the resources and attractiveness of partners, and targeting a diverse student population, willing to reach the highest degree of knowledge to help them access the jobs of the future.

Very few program are taught in English. University highly recommends that applicants for French degrees have attained level B1 in French as a minimum. However, no language certificate is required.

Course Level: The scholarships are awarded to students enrolled in University of Paris-Saclay master’s programmes on an academic merit-based basis.

Study Subject: Scholarships are available to study the subjects offered by the university.

Scholarship Award:

  • The Université Paris-Saclay scholarship is 10,000€ per year. It is paid by the establishment the candidate is registered in for the duration of the academic year, and for a period of no less than 10 consecutive months per year.
  • A maximum of 1,000€ for travel and visa expenses is also awarded depending on the candidate’s country of origin.
  • The winners will receive the scholarship and the travel and visa coverage only upon their arrival in France. No advanced payment can be made.

Number of Scholarships: 160 scholarships will be awarded for the 2017-2018 academic year.

Scholarship can be taken in the France


Considered as eligible:

  • Newcomer international students, maximum 30 years old the year of acceptance.
  • International students living in France less than one year, enrolled into a student programme that does not confer a degree.
  • International students living in France less than one year, taking language classes that do not confer a degree (type FLE or other).

Considered as illegible:

  • Individuals already living in France (except for the cases mentioned above).
  • Individuals who have suspended their studies for more than two consecutive years.
  • Holders of any other type of scholarship whose amount exceeds 600€/month.

Important: Students who have already studied in France within an internship or a study-abroad programme as part of their curriculum (type Erasmus) are considered eligible.

Nationality: International students can apply for these scholarships.

College Admission Requirement

Entrance Requirement: Students wishing to obtain a master’s degree in one of Paris-Saclay University’s member establishments (entering an M1 or an M2 directly) can apply.

French Language Requirements: Very few program are taught in English. University highly recommends that applicants for French degrees have attained level B1 in French as a minimum. However, no language certificate is required.

How to Apply: Master’s applications are submitted on line from the Université Paris-Saclay website. Students can apply for up to 7 different master’s programs.

Application Form

Application Deadline: The scholarship selection process is organised into two waves. The Scholarship Application Deadline for each wave will be sent by email to all students concerned. To participate in Wave 1, the students must ensure their application file be completed and the references be provided before the beginning of March at the latest. For Wave 2 participants, the application file is expected to be completed before the end of April.

Scholarship Link