Best Institutions to Pursue a Course in Nursing in Kenya


There are several institutions that offer nursing in Kenya, but only a few offer the best training. The leading college is KMTC which is known for producing the best nurses.

If you are looking for the best institution to pursue nursing in Kenya, here is a complete list:

  • KMTC

Entry Requirements

To join KMTC to pursue a Certificate course, you must have a minimum of C- with specific qualifications in cluster subjects in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Examinations (KCSE). For Diploma programmes, you must have attained a minimum of C with specific qualifications in cluster subjects. Upgrading courses require that a candidate has a certificate in a respective field while for Higher Diploma programmes, candidates must have attained a Diploma course as per the following guidelines.

The following table is a summary of the requirements for courses offered:

S/NOLevel of trainingEntry RequirementDuration of training
1CertificateA minimum aggregate of C- with relevant combination of other subjects is a requirement.2 years with the exception of nursing which takes 2 ½  years
2DiplomaKCSE mean grade of C (or equivalent) with relevant combination of other subjects such as English, Kiswahili, Biology, Biological Sciences, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Physical Sciences.3 years except Community Health Nursing which lasts 3 ½ years
3UpgradingHolders of a certificate in relevant fields and at least two years working experience. 2 years except Community Health Nursing which lasts 18 Months
4Higher DiplomaHolders of basic Diploma in relevant fields and at least a minimum of two years working experience.1 year
5Short CoursesIndividuals and groups such as corporate bodies, companies and government ministries interested in any course or courses can make a written request for arrangements to be made.2 weeks – 3 Months

KMTC offers diploma and certificate course in Nursing.


Kenya Medical Training College.

Off Ngong Road

P.O. BOX 30195-00100, Nairobi, Kenya.

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Admissions: [email protected]

Website admission link:


Bachelor of Science Nursing

Admission criteria

Direct entry
The minimum entry requirements are mean grade of C+ in KCSE or its equivalent with C+    in each of the following cluster subjects: English, Biology/Biological Sciences, Chemistry Mathematics or Physics.

RN to BScN Upgrading
•    KCSE aggregate C plain plus Diploma in Nursing
•    KCE/EACE Division 2 plus Diploma in Nursing
•    KACE 1Principal and 2 Subsidiaries plus Diploma in Nursing

At least 2 years working experience after attainment of the Diploma in Nursing

JKUAT admission link:

  • Egerton University

Bachelor Of Science In Nursing

Admission Requirements
Candidates wishing to study for the Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing shall have met the minimum University entry requirements as stipulated in the Egerton University Statutes.
In addition they should meet the following Faculty requirements;
i). Alternative A
a) Biology C+ (Plus)
b) Chemistry C+ (Plus)
c) Mathematics or Physics C+ (Plus)
d) English or Kiswahili C+ (Plus)
iii) Alternative B
a) A minimum of two principal passes in Biology and Chemistry and
b) Subsidiary passes in either Mathematics or Physics.
iii). Alternative C (for In-service students only)
a) Must have a minimum grade of C or Division III for KCSE Examination or I Principal and Subsidiary for A Level Examination.
b) Should be holders of the following:
a. Kenya Registered Nursing/Midwifery/Public Health Diploma. (KRN/M/PH) OR
b. Kenya Registered Nursing/Midwifery Diploma. (KRN/M/) OR
c. Kenya Registered Nursing Diploma (KRN) OR
d. Kenya Registered Community Health Nursing Diploma (KRCHN) OR
e. Equivalent qualifications assessed by the Faculty and approved by the Senate and Nursing council of Kenya.
f. Must be registered with the Nursing Council of Kenya or other institutions recognized by the Nursing Council of Kenya.
Course Structure and Duration of Study
Program Duration
i. The Bachelor of Science in Nursing shall extend over a period of 180 weeks divided into 4 academic years with a total of 221.5 CFs
ii. The Bachelor of Science in Nursing In service shall extend over a period of 120 weeks divided into two and half academic years with a total of 160.0 CFs
iii. The academic year in the Bachelor of Science Nursing program Sciences shall be divided into three terms. Each term shall comprise 15 weeks.
iv. A maximum forty percent (40%) credit transfer of the Senate approved credit factors towards the requirements for the degree program will be accepted, provided the candidate had obtained a credit or above in the specific relevant course.
Program Administration
i) The program will be offered in courses.
ii) The university unit system of study will apply as follows:
a) 1 Credit Factor is equivalent to 15 hours of classroom teaching per term
b) 1 Credit Factor is equivalent to 30 practical/ tutorial hours per term
c) 1 Credit Factor is equivalent to 45 clinical hours per term.

Egerton University admissions link:

  • Kabarak University

 Bachelor of Science, Nursing

Minimum Admission Requirements

All applicants for admission to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing must satisfy the following requirements:
A mean grade of at least C+ (C plus) in K.C.S.E. with a minimum of C+ in the following subjects:
Chemistry or physical science
Biology or Biological Science
English or Kiswahili
Physics or Mathematics

Website link:

  • Mount Kenya University

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

The programme has been designed to recognize that its graduands will have a strong clinical, biomedical and community health knowledge base in order to provide quality health care that will integrate curative, preventive, promotive and rehabilitative health care in clinical  practice.

Course duration
 Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) Programme takes FOUR years (12 trimesters) for direct entry intake and 2.5 years (8 trimesters) for BScN upgrading/ distance learning.

Minimum entry requirements for BScN direct entry
1.    Kenya Certificate of Secondary education(KCSE) or its equivalent with an aggregate of C+(plus) and also C+ (plus) in each of the following requisite subjects:

  1. English                                                                    
  2. Mathematics/ Physics                
  3. Chemistry                    
  4. Biology    

Minimum entry requirements for BScN- Upgrading group

  1. Diploma in Nursing from a recognized institution
  2. KCSE mean grade C plain or Division 3
  3. A valid practice license from nursing council of Kenya
  4. Two years work experience after graduation as a registered nurse

Website link:

  • Kijabe College of Health Sciences

Current Academic Programs offered:

1) KENYA REGISTERED COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING (KRCHN- Basic) Diploma in Nursing Course: 3 years 6 months.

Admission Requirements:

The MINIMUM academic entry requirements for KRCHN are:

• C plain and above in KCSE,

• C plain in English OR Kiswahili

• C plain in Biology OR Biological sciences

• C- in Mathematics OR Physics OR in Chemistry.

• Intake:  2 intakes every year, one in January and the other in September.

2) KENYA CLINICAL MEDICINE AND SURGERY (KCMS) Diploma in Clinical Officers Course: 3 years

Admission Requirements:

The MINIMUM academic entry requirements for KCMS are:

• C plain and above in KCSE,

• C plain in English or Kiswahili

• C plain in Biology or Biological sciences

• C- in Mathematics or Physics

• C- in Chemistry.

• Intake:  1 intakes every year, in September.

3) KENYA REGISTERED NURSE ANAESTHESIA (KRNA) Higher Diploma in Nurse Anesthesia Course: 1 year and 6 months.

4) KENYA REGISTERED PERIOPEARTIVE NURSING (KRPON): Higher Diploma in Perioperative Nursing Course: 1 year

5) KENYA REGISTERED CRITICAL CARE NURSING (KRCCN) Higher Diploma in Critical Care Nursing Course: 1 year

Admission Requirements:

The MINIMUM academic entry requirements for KRNA, KRPON & KRCCN are:

• Must have qualified as a KRCHN/KRN/KRNM/BSCN

• Have at least TWO years of clinical experience.

• Intake:  2 intakes every year, one in March and the other in October.

6) EMERGENCY AND CRITICAL CARE FOR CLINICAL OFFICERS (ECCCO) Higher Diploma in Emergency and Critical Care for Clinical Officers: 1 year 6 months.

Admission Requirements:

The MINIMUM academic entry requirements for ECCCO are:

• Must have qualified as a Clinical Officers

• Have at least ONE year of clinical experience.

• Intake:  2 intakes every year, one in March and the other in October.

7) OPERATION SURGICAL TECHNICIAN (OST) Certificate in Operation Theatre Technician Course: 1 year.

Admission Requirements:

The MINIMUM academic entry requirements for OST are:

• Must have finished form four with a grade of above D+ in KCSE

• Intake:  2 intakes every year, one in February and the other in October.

Website link:

  • University of Nairobi


  • The curriculum for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree shall extend over a period of not less than 4 levels of 165 weeks. Except in special cases approved by the Senate on recommendation of the Faculty Board and the College Academic Board, all candidates shall enroll in each level for all subjects of that level.
  • If a candidate is unable to continue with studies for any reason acceptable to the University Senate, he or she may be allowed to take time of or to register for fewer units within the level of study provided that his/her stay in the University does not exceed 6 (six) calendar years.
  • All nursing courses shall include intensive experience in both theory and practice.
  • Clinical projects shall be undertaken in the following courses: Community Health Nursing; Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing; Administration of Nursing Services and Curriculum and Instruction in Nursing.

    Admission Requirements

  • Candidates for admission must obtain the prescribed minimum grades in K.C.S.E. in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and English or Kiswahili, or the following:
  • Biological Sciences, Physical Science, Mathematics, English or Kiswahili and one subject from group two of K.C.S.E.
  • Alternatively, admission may be granted to outstanding diploma holders from recognised Nursing Colleges. Such candidates must: Hold a diploma with credit or distinction from such Colleges.
  • Be supported in their application by a statement from the principal of that college to the effect that their performance in the diploma course was exceptionally good and that their understanding of basic sciences is such that they will be able to benefit from a degree course.
  • Any candidates currently employed shall have their application supported by a statement from their employer.


Admission Requirements

The common regulations for the Masters degree in the University of Nairobi and the Faculty of Medicine shall apply.

Candidates eligible for admission into the Master of Science in Nursing shall have the following minimum qualifications.

(a)      Holders of Bachelor of Science in Nursing.  The candidate must be registered by the professional body or

(b)     Holders of any first degree recognised by the Senate of the University of Nairobi as being of comparable academic status, in addition to holding a Diploma in Nursing.  The candidate must be registered or registrable by the Nursing Council of Kenya.

Website link:

  • Kenyatta National Hospital(KNH)

Specialized Courses Offered

  1. Critical Care Nursing
  2. Peri-Operative Nursing
  3. Nephrology Nursing
  4. Accident and Emergency Nursing
  5. Neonatal Nursing
  6.  Oncology Nursing

[All the Specialized Nursing courses offered are approved by the Nursing Council of Kenya]

Admission Requirements

  2. Two years working experience (3 years for KNH staff )
  3. KCSE ‘C’ minus (C-) or Div III ‘O’ Level
  4. Professional certificates
  5. NCK Registration Certificate
  6. Valid NCK Practice License
  7. National ID/Passport

Note: Foreign students must have equivalent of all requirements and must be registered by the Nursing Council in their country. Additionally, they require temporary registration by the Nursing Council of Kenya (NCK) before training commences. They should also have proficiency in English.

Short Courses Offered

  1. Theatre sterile Assistant (6 months)
  2. Stoma & wound care (3 months)
  3. Basic Life Support (BLS)
  4. Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)
  5. Pediatrics Advanced Life Support (PALS)
  6. Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)

Website application link:

  • University of Eastern Africa,Baraton

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN)

The minimum requirements for admission to the University of Eastern Africa, Baraton must be met.

1. A mean grade of C+ (plus) or better in KCSE, division II or better, or its equivalent, is required for all pre-service students.

2. A grade of C+ or credit in cluster subjects; Mathematics/ Physics, Chemistry, (or Physical science), Biology, and English.

3. Foreign students from non-English speaking countries must have their High School certificates/diplomas translated into English with accompanying statement showing how their system equates to the Kenyan System. Foreign trained nurses must assume responsibility to have their certificates or diplomas translated to English. It is strongly advised that they should apply for registration with the Nursing Council of Kenya before admission to the university

4. Foreign ‘0’ level certificates are sent to the Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) for equation to the Kenyan system. This is done before admission.

5. For Registered Nurses, a mean grade of C plain, or Division II, diploma certificate and a current practice license from the Nursing council of Kenya, and 2 years’ experience are required. Lack of 2 years’ experience will warrant a full year internship after graduation. 6. For enrolled nurses, a mean grade of C+ or better in KCSE or Division II in KCE, including a C+ or Credit pass in the following: Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics/Physics and English; OR according to provisions that may be made by the Nursing Council of Kenya.

Students who are admitted to UEAB with the necessary admission requirements for a BScN degree program are considered as pre-clinical nursing students. Upon attainment of required grades in nursing cognate subjects, students proceed to (clinical) professional nursing courses.

Website link:

  • AMREF International University

 BSc Nursing (fresh or direct entry)

Resident Programme

Duration: 4 years

Course Fees: Kes 710, 000


KCSE aggregate of grade of C+ or equivalent with English or Kiswahili C+, Mathematics or Physics/Physical sciences C+,
Chemistry C+, Biology/Biological sciences C+

Website admission link:

Meru University of Science and technology

Bachelor of Science (Nursing)Have a Minimum of C+ (plus) in K.C.S.E with a minimum of C+ (plus) in each of the following cluster subjects: Mathematics or Physics, English or Kiswahili, Chemistry, Biology/Biological Science.
Bachelor of Science in Health Systems ManagementBe a holder of K.C.S.E with an aggregate of C+ (plus) and C (plain) in Biology and both Mathematics and English/Kiswahili OR; Holder of a Diploma in Health Records or Information Systems from K.N.E.C or its equivalent.
Duration: 12 semesters   Mode of Study: Full-time   Campus: Main Campus (Nchiru) Tuition fees per semester: Ksh. 50,000

Website link:

  • Moi University

Bachelor of Nursing

Website link: