Best Paying Companies for Engineering Graduates in Kenya



Not all companies will guarantee engineering graduates good pay but there are specific institutions in Kenya known for paying engineering graduates attractive salaries. Below is a list of those companies

Kenya Civil Aviation Authority

Kenya Civil Aviation Authority employs engineers to work on traffic control and technical support. This company usually employ fresh graduates as trainees and offer them rigorous training, after which they offer them employment.

The starting salary of engineer at KCAA is above Ksh120,000.

Kenya Airways

Kenya Airways recruits mechanical, electrical and aeronautical engineers. Their salaries are attractive irrespective of employee’s job group.

The basic salary of an engineer at Kenya Airways is Ksh120,000.

Kenya Airports Authority

The starting salary of fresh graduate engineers at Kenya Airports Authority is Ksh130,000.

The most preferred engineering courses at KAA include mechanical, electrical and civil engineering.

Safaricom Kenya

Safaricom Kenya mostly employs software engineers, computer engineers and electrical engineers. The basic starting salary of engineers is Ksh145,000


KETRACO is another institution under the ministry of energy. The ideal requirement to join the institution includes a degree in engineering or diploma in engineering related courses.

KETRACO pays fresh graduate engineers Ksh140,000.

Kenya Power


Kenya Power and KenGen are also under the ministry of energy.The companies pay fresh graduates Ksh130,000-Ksh160,000 per month

Bamburi Cement

Bamburi Cement is a cement manufacturing firm which is under Lafarge group. Mechanical, civil and electrical engineers find themselves here.If you possess undergraduate degree, your starting salary at Bamburi Cement will be Ksh90, 000-Ksh150,000

Toyota Kenya

Toyota Kenya does motor vehicle assembly and also sells various models of Toyota cars.The company recruits mechanical and electrical engineers.

Total Kenya

If you pursued oil and gas engineering or electrical engineering you can apply for employment at Total Kenya.

The best time to send your CV is when the company advertises graduate trainee positions.

Ministry of Energy

Ministry of Energy is another good employer, where one can earn handsomely. The best thing about this job is that the jobs are permanent, which is good for people who want to avoid employment risks.

National Construction Authority

If you pursued Civil, structural or electrical engineering, this is the right place to work in.National Construction Authority is among the best paying government institutions in Kenya.

Geothermal Development Company

Geothermal Development Company is a government owned institution which is under the ministry of energy. If you want to earn at least Ksh120,000 without any work experience, DC is the company to join.


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