Degree Programs offered at Blantyre International University Malawi



Blantyre International University Malawi offers popular degree programs, which are highly marketable in the job market.

The University is offering courses that are sought by employers on the job market, while at the same time preparing students as entrepreneurs who can start and run their own businesses. Currently, the university is offering the following degree programmes:

1)     Accounting and Finance;

2)     Actuarial Science;

3)     Banking and Finance;

4)     Business Administration;

5)     Economics;

6)     Entrepreneurship;

7)     Community Development;

8)     Guidance and Counseling;

9)     Hotel Management;

10)  Information Technology;

11)  Journalism; and

12)  Law.

All these degree programmes take a minimum of four years to complete, except for law which is an honours degree programmes and takes five years to complete. Enrolment into these programmes is a good secondary school ordinary level certificate such as the Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE) and the Generel Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), except for the Law degree where entry is after one year of university degree education..(Entry requirements BIU)

Entry into these degree programmes is also accepted under the University’s mature entry scheme.

Some of the most popular degree programs include IT, actuarial science, banking & finance, business administration and economics.


  1. I want an application form for first year students. When are they going to be realesed so that I should apply????? Actually do you have September intake???

  2. I would like to know more about degree program in Accounting and Finance. My daughter is interested in this program and she has not yet find the place for doing this course.