Highest paid statistician in Kenya



Statisticians in Kenya earn salary slightly above 80 % of all professionals in Kenya.However, their salary has a cap, meaning it cannot exceed a certain level unless they become CEOs in companies they work for.

The average salary of a statistician in Kenya is Ksh120, 000 while that of senior statisticians is Ksh 180,000.

Looking at statistics, the highest paid statistician in Kenya earns Ksh 1.2 million and is based either in UN, World Bank or IMF-local firms don’t pay such amount.

The highest paid statistician in Kenyan government earns Ksh 600,000 while the highest remunerated statistician in other NGOs earn Ksh800,000.

The highest paid statistician in banks earn Ksh400,000 while in manufacturing companies he earns Ksh350,000.