Universities Offering Degree in Statistics in Kenya



There are over 15 universities in Kenya offering bachelors in statistics. The following is a list of universities in Kenya offering a degree in statistics.

  1. Maseno University
  2. Kenyatta University
  3. JKUAT
  4. University of Nairobi
  5. Mount Kenya University
  6. Kabarak University
  7. Daystar University
  8. Strathmore University
  9. Kenya Methodist University
  10. Technical University of Kenya
  11. Egerton University
  12. Machakos University
  13. Chuka University
  14. Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology
  15. Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University
  16. Catholic university of Eastern Africa

The best universities to study statistics in Kenya include UoN,Moi university,Kabarak University,Maseno University and KU