Hillcrest Scholarships 2018

Hillcrest Scholarships 2018


Hillcrest is committed to broadening our student’s opportunities to access the education it offers and has a programme of scholarships to recognise academic, artistic, dramatic, musical, athletic and all-round talent in new students.

Scholars are encouraged for the contribution they make to school life and for the role they play in raising the aspirations of other pupils. The number of awards made in any year is based on the quality and circumstances of candidates.  

At Hillcrest, we offer two different types of scholarships – the Frank Thompson Scholarships and the Hillcrest Secondary School Scholarships.

ENTRY AT 13 – working towards IGCSEs

Frank Thompson Scholarship: This scholarship has been set up by Hillcrest International Schools, with the support of the Thompson family, in memory of the late Frank Thompson, founder of Hillcrest Schools.  It is intended for academically gifted students (KCPE 400) who would otherwise not be able to attend Hillcrest without the support of the scholarship.

Each scholarship is valued at up to 50 percent of the annual tuition fees for three or two years, depending on entry year.

Frank Thompson Scholarships Information 2018.docx

Year 9 Frank Thompson Scholarship Application Form

Hillcrest Secondary School Scholarship: This scholarship process for entry in 2018 is now over.

ENTRY INTO SIXTH FORM – working towards A’Levels

Frank Thompson Scholarship: This scholarship has been set up by Hillcrest International Schools, with the support of the Thompson family, in memory of the late Frank Thompson, founder of Hillcrest Schools.  It is intended for academically gifted students (KCSE A-)who would otherwise not be able to attend Hillcrest without the support of the scholarship.

Each scholarship is valued at up to 50 percent of the annual tuition fees for three or two years, depending on entry year.

Frank Thompson Scholarships Information 2018.docx

Sixth Form Frank Thompson Scholarship Application Form 

Hillcrest Secondary School Scholarship:  This scholarship process for entry in 2018 is now over.

Scholarship examinations are held at Hillcrest on the following dates:-

Year 9 and Year 12 entry January 2019 and September 2019, Scholarships will take place in November 2018.

Frank Thompson Scholarships are ongoing until January 2018. For more information please contact our Registrar, Maria Kimata ([email protected])

The Beacon Scholarship

We are pleased to offer The Beacon Scholarship at Hillcrest Secondary School for students with strong leadership qualities.

The Beacon Scholarship is a change-maker programme that offers access for financially disadvantaged students to top tier secondary schools in their home country, and undergraduate programmes of study at world class universities in the UK. The programme includes leadership training and development, a strong Mentoring structure, and a goal-setting performance management system.

All applicants must be able to demonstrate that they are ‘Change-makers’ i.e.

  • They are already making a difference now; and
  • A capacity to take people with them.

The Beacon Scholarship for Schools

For students to gain admission and attend at Hillcrest as a Beacon Scholar; Tuition fees are split three ways: 1/3 Hillcrest; 1/3 Beacon; 1/3 Scholar Parents/Sponsors/Guardians.

Eligibility requirements:

  1. Must be normally resident in Kenya or Tanzania
  2. Age 13-18
  3. Must show evidence of strong leadership capabilities in four areas:
  • Academic excellence;
  • Achievement in sport, music, or drama;
  • Social Influence & Communication;
  • Citizenship.
  1. Annual Gross Household Income must not exceed US$80,000

The Beacon Scholarship for University

For undergraduate study, medicine excluded. Candidates must already hold an offer from a Beacon Partner university in order to qualify. Tuition and maintenance fees are split three ways: 1/3 University Partner; 1/3 Beacon; 1/3 Scholar Parents/Sponsors/Guardians.

Beacon Partner Universities currently include: University of Bristol; University of Cambridge; Cardiff University; London School of Economics; University of Surrey.

Eligibility requirements:

  1. Must be normally resident in Kenya, Tanzania or Uganda
  2. Must show evidence of strong leadership capabilities in four areas:
  • Academic excellence;
  • Achievement in sport, music, or drama;
  • Social Influence & Communication;
  • Citizenship.
  1. Capacity to study independently overseas
  2. Commitment to return to home country within 1 month of degree completion
  3. Annual Gross Household Income must not exceed US$100,000

In order to apply for The Beacon Scholarship for Schools or University please register at www.beaconscholarship.com