Clinical Medicine Admission Requirements in Kenya


There are a couple of universities in Kenya which offer clinical medicine in undergraduate or postgraduate. Below are the admission requirements for each university:

Mount Kenya University Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine & Community Health (Bscm) Admission Requirements

At least KCSE mean grade C+ and  a minimum of C+  in Mathematics or Physics, C+ in biology, C+ in English/Kiswahili; KCSE C and Higher National Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery. Diploma Holders must be registered with Clinical Officers Council.

Egerton University Bachelor Of Science In Clinical Medicine Admission Requirements

Candidates wishing to study for the Bachelor of Science degree in Clinical Medicine shall have met the minimum University entry requirements as stipulated in the Egerton University Statutes.
In addition they should meet the following Faculty requirements;
i) Applicants must have attained a Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) mean grade of B (Minus) or its equivalent and passed in the subject cluster as indicted here below:
a) Biology B (Minus)
b) Chemistry B (Minus)
c) Mathematics or Physics B (Minus)
d) English or Kiswahili B (Minus)
ii) Advanced level or equivalent with a minimum of two principal passes in Biology and Chemistry and a subsidiary pass in Mathematics or Physics.
iii) Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery candidates who have passed with at least a ―credit‖ and above plus mean grade of C (Plain) in KCSE or equivalent or relevant health related medical course from an institution recognized by Egerton University Senate. Clinical Officers with a Higher National Diploma in a related discipline who will need to enroll in this program will have an added advantage.
A maximum forty percent (40%) credit transfer of the Senate approved credit factors towards the requirements for the degree program will be given where applicable.
JKUAT Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine Admission Requirements

In addition, the applicant must have either of the qualifications listed below

Alternative A                                                            Alternative B
Biology                        C+ Biological sciences      C+
Chemistry                 C+ Physical sciences         C+
Mathematics/physics    C+ Mathematics                 C+
English/swahili            C+ English/swahili             C+

Exemptions:Or have a minimum of 2 Principal passes in science subjects in IGCE/GCE

  1. Diploma holders with Credit pass will join 2nd year level
    ii. HND holders will join 3rd year level
    iii. Students who have successfully completed one or two years of a BSc in MLS level study in any institution recognized by the JKUAT senate will be considered for appropriate credits based on the years of study in the institution they are transferring from

Masinde Muliro University Bachelor of Science, in Clinical Medicine, Surgery & Community Health (BSc. CMSCH) (Direct Entry) Admission Requirements


Mean Grade of C+ (Plus) at KCSE or its equivalent with minimum of C+ (Plus) English/Kiswahili and Biology and Chemistry and Mathematics or Physics, OR 2 principal passes in Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics/Physics at EACE Fees, Ksh. 65,000/= per trimester 4 academic years full time. (12 Trimesters)

All the courses are designed to ensure that graduates gain skills and knowledge to pursue careers in the industry.

Website link:

Thika School of Medical and Health Sciences Diploma in Clinical Medicine & Surgery Admission Requirements

Mean grade of C at Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E) level or its equivalent.

  1. English or K Kiswahili – C Plain
    2. Biology – C Plain
    3. Chemistry – C minus
    4. Mathematics or Physics – C minus

Website link:

KMTC Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery Admission Requirement

Diploma Clinical Medicine 3 years Bomet, Bondo, Bungoma, Chuka, Eldoret, Embu, Busia, Homa Bay, Gatundu, Garissa, Isiolo, Iten, Kakamega, Kapkatet,Kapenguria, Kitui, Kisumu, Kisii, Kitale, Kilifi, Makindu, Meru, Mombasa, Mwingi, Murangá, Machakos, Makindu, Msambweni, Meru, Nairobi, Nakuru, Nyeri, Nyamira, Nyahururu, Port Reitz, Thika, Voi, Webuye and Siaya Campuses KCSE  mean grade of C plain with C in English or Kiswahili, and C in Biology/Biological Science, C- in Chemistry/Physical Science.
C- in any one of the following: Mathematics, Physics/Physical Sciences
Higher Diploma Pediatrics 12 months Nairobi Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery and registration with Clinical Officers Council

Website link:

Kabarak University Bachelor of Clinical Medicine Admission Requirements

All applicants for admission to the Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine must satisfy the following requirements:

  • A mean grade of C+ (C plus) in K.C.S.E with a minimum in the following subjects: Chemistry or Physical science, Physics or Mathematics, Biology or Biological Sciences, English or Kiswahili
  • OR At least 2 principle pass in Biology, Chemistry and a subsidiary pass in either Mathematics or Physical sciences at the advance level or its equivalent as determined by the University Senate.
  • OR Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery from a recognized institution approved by the University Senate. Holders of Clinical Medicine and Surgery will be eligible for credit transfer for up to 30% as will be approved by the Senate in the first and second year courses only.
  • OR Degree in Medical Sciences: A minimum O level division II or C+ Mean grade and a credit pass C+ in the cluster subjects in K.C.S.E in addition to a credit pass in the subsequent professional qualifications from a recognized medical training institution.

Minimum Admission Requirements

All applicants for admission to the Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery must satisfy the following requirements:

  • KCSE C (Plain) with C in Biology; English/Kiswahili; and C– in Chemistry and in any one of these: Mathematics or Physics

Website link:

Kijabe College of Health Sciences Diploma in Clinical Medicine Admission Requirements

Course: 3 years
Admission Requirements:
The MINIMUM academic entry requirements for KCMS are:
• C plain and above in KCSE,
• C plain in English or Kiswahili
• C plain in Biology or Biological sciences
• C- in Mathematics or Physics
• C- in Chemistry.

Tenwek College of Health Sciences Diploma in Clinical Medicine Admission Requirements

Those interested in pursuing a Diploma in Clinical Medicine MUST meet the below requirements:

  1. KCSE mean grade of C Plain and above or its equivalent
  2. C Plain in English or Kiswahili
  3. C Plain in Biology or Biological Sciences
  4. C – ( minus) in any of the following subjects; Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry or Physical Sciences

Website admission link:

The Presbyterian University of East Africa Diploma in Clinical Medicine, Surgery & Community Health Admission Requirements

a.) Admission requirements

KCSE mean grade C (plain) with C in Biology; English/Kiswahili and C- in Chemistry and in any of these: Mathematics/Physics

b.) Duration: 2 Years

c.) Study mode: Day; Evening; Saturday & ODL

Website link:

Great Lakes University of Kisumu (GLUK) Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Clinical Medicine & Community Health Admission Requiements

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Clinical Medicine & Community Health-Direct Entry Full time 12 trimesters 66,700
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Clinical Medicine & Community Health (Upgrading) Part time 9 trimesters 66,700

KSCE Mean Grade of C+ and above OR equivalent

Diploma from a recognized University

Website link: