List of Universities and colleges in Tanzania


Here is a full list of universities and colleges in Tanzania:

  • FULLY FLEDGED UNIVERSITIES 1A: Public Universities
SN Name of the University Approved Head Office Current Status
1. University of Dar es Salaam UDSM Dar es Salaam Accredited and Chartered
2. Sokoine University of Agriculture SUA Morogoro Accredited and Chartered
3. Open University of Tanzania OUT Dar es Salaam Accredited and Chartered
4. Ardhi University ARU Dar es Salaam Accredited and Chartered
5. State University of Zanzibar SUZA Zanzibar Certificate of Full
Registration (CFR)
6. Mzumbe University MU Morogoro Accredited and Chartered
7. Muhimbili University of Health & MUHAS Dar es Salaam Accredited and Chartered
Allied Sciences
Nelson Mandela African Institute of Certificate of Full
8. NMAIST Arusha Registration (CFR) and
Science and Technology
Certificate of Full
9. University of Dodoma UDOM Dodoma Registration (CFR) and
Mbeya University of Science and Certificate of Full
10. MUST Mbeya Registration (CFR) and
Certificate of Full
11. Moshi Cooperative University MoCU Moshi Registration (CFR) and
12. Mwalimu Julius K. Nyerere University MJNUAT Musoma Provisional Licence1
of Agriculture and Technology

1B: Private Universities

SN Name of the University Approved Head Office Current Status
1. Hubert Kairuki Memorial University HKMU Dar es Salaam Accredited and Chartered
International Medical and Certificate of Full Registration
2. Technological University and IMTU Dar es Salaam
(CFR) and Chartered
3. Tumaini University Makumira TUMA Arusha Accredited and Chartered
4. St. Augustine University of Tanzania SAUT Mwanza Accredited and Chartered
5. Zanzibar University ZU Zanzibar Certificate of Full Registration
(CFR) and Chartered
6. Mount Meru University MMU Arusha Certificate of Full Registration
(CFR) and Chartered
7. University of Arusha UoA Arusha Certificate of Full Registration
(CFR) and Chartered
8. Teofilo Kisanji University TEKU Mbeya Certificate of Full Registration
(CFR) and Chartered
9. Muslim University of Morogoro MUM Morogoro Certificate of Full Registration
(CFR) and Chartered
10. St. John’s University of Tanzania SJUT Dodoma CFR and Chartered
11. University of Bagamoyo UoB Dar es Salaam Certificate of Full Registration
12. Catholic University of Health and CUHAS Mwanza Accredited
Allied Sciences
13. St. Joseph University in Tanzania SJUIT Dar es Salaam Certificate of Full Registration
14. United African University of Tanzania UAUT Dar es Salaam Certificate of Full Registration
15. Sebastian Kolowa Memorial SEKOMU Tanga Certificate of Full Registration
University (CFR)
16. University of Iringa UoI Iringa Accredited
17. AbdulRahman Al-Sumait Memorial SUMAIT Zanzibar Certificate of Full Registration
University (CFR)
18. Mwenge Catholic University MWECAU Moshi Certificate of Full Registration


SN Name of the University Approved Head Office Current Status
19. Ruaha Catholic University RUCU Iringa Certificate of Full Registration
20. Eckernforde Tanga University ETU Tanga Certificate of Full Registration
21. Aga Khan University AKU Dar es Salaam Accredited and Chartered
22. Kampala International University in KIUT Dar es Salaam Certificate of Full Registration
Tanzania (CFR)

  • UNIVERSITY COLLEGES 2A: Public University Colleges
SN Name of the Institution Approved Affiliation Head Current Status
Acronym Office


Mkwawa University College of University Accredited and
1. MUCE College under Iringa
Education Chartered
Dar es Salaam University University Dar es Certificate of Full
2. DUCE College under Registration (CFR)
College of Education Salaam
UDSM and Chartered
Mbeya University College of University
3. MUCHAS College under Mbeya Accredited
Health and Allied Sciences


2B: Private University Colleges
SN Name of the Institution Approved Affiliation Head Current Status
Acronym Office


Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University Certificate of Full
1. KCMUCo College under Moshi Registration (CFR)
TUMA and chartered
Tumaini University Makumira, University Dar es Certificate of Full
2. TUDARCo College under Registration (CFR)
Dar es Salaam College Salaam
TUMA and chartered
Stefano Moshi Memorial University Certificate of Full
3. SMMUCo College under Moshi Registration
University College
TUMA (CFR)and Chartered


SN Name of the Institution Approved Affiliation Head Current Status
Acronym Office
Archbishop Mihayo University University Certificate of Full
4. AMUCTA College under Tabora
College of Tabora Registration (CFR)
St. Francis University College University Certificate of Full
5. SFUCHAS College under Morogoro
of Health and Allied Sciences Registration (CFR)
University Certificate of Full
6. Jordan University College JUCo College under Morogoro
Registration (CFR)
Stella Maris Mtwara University University Certificate of Full
7. STeMMUCO College under Mtwara
College Registration (CFR)
Josiah Kibira University University Certificate of Full
8. JOKUCo College under Bukoba
College Registration (CFR)
Arch Bishop James University University
9. AJUCo College under Ruvuma Accredited
10. Marian University College MARUCo College under Bagamoyo Accredited
St. Joseph University College of University Dar es Certificate of Full
11. SJUCHAS College under
Health and Allied Sciences Salaam Registration (CFR)
Cardinal Rugambwa Memorial University
12. CARUMUCo College under Bukoba Accredited
University College

  • UNIVERSITY CAMPUSES, CENTRES AND INSTITUTES 3A: Public University Campuses, Centres and Institutes
SN Name of the Institution Approved Affiliation Head Current Status
Acronym Office
University As per status of the
1. Institute of Marine Sciences IMS institute under Zanzibar
Mother University
Mzumbe University Dar es Salaam University Dar es As per status of the
2. Pending Campus under Mother University
Campus Salaam
University As per status of the
3. Mzumbe University Mbeya Campus Pending Campus under Mbeya Mother University
3B: Private University Campuses, Centres and Institutes
SN Name of the Institution Approved Affiliation Head Office Current Status
Jomo Kenyatta University of Centre under As per status of
1. Agriculture and Technology, JKUAT Jomo Kenyatta Arusha the Mother
Arusha Centre University of University
Agriculture and
St. Augustine University of University As per status of
2. Pending Centre under Dar es Salaam the Mother
Tanzania, Dar es Salaam Centre
SAUT University
Stefano Moshi Memorial University University As per status of
the Mother
3. Pending Centre under Moshi
College, Mwika Centre SMMUCo University
St. Augustine University of University As per status of
the Mother
4. Pending Centre under Arusha
Tanzania, Arusha Centre
SAUT University
St Augustine University of University As per status of
the Mother
5. Pending Centre under Mbeya
Tanzania, Mbeya Centre
SAUT University
6. Teofilo Kisanji University, Dar es Pending University Dar es Salaam As per status of
Salaam Centre Centre under the Mother
Teofilo Kisanji


SN Name of the Institution Approved Affiliation Head Office Current Status
University University