Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) Open Distance Learning Courses and Application procedure



Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST)  offers open distance learning for various courses from certificate to PhD level. If you can manage to study from home, these are the courses you should enroll for.
Applications are invited for the following programmes:
Ph.D Programmes
PhD in Curriculum and Instruction
PhD in Kiswahili
PhD in English and Linguistics
PhD in Communication Studies
PhD in Educational Planning
PhD in Management and Policy Studies
PhD in Peace and Conflict Studies
PhD in Disaster Management
PhD in Physics
PhD in Pure Math
PhD in Applied Math
PhD in Chemistry
PhD in Information Technology
PhD in Crop Protection
PhD in Parasitology
PhD in Microbiology
PhD in Molecular Biology
PhD in Molecular Biology in Natural Resources Management
PhD in Entomology
PhD in Environmental Science
PhD in Immunology
PhD in Bioinformatics
PhD in Fish Biology and Aquaculture
PhD in Business Administration (by thesis only) Specializations: a) Human Resource Management b) Strategic Management c) Marketing d) Entrepreneurship
Masters Programmes
M.A. in Criminology
M.A. in Comparative Literature
M.A. in History
M.A. in Religion
M.A. in Applied Linguistics
M.A. in Communication (Development Communication, Media Production, Journalism and Mass Communication, Public Relations)
M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction
M.Ed. in Kiswahili
M.Ed. in English
M.Ed. in Educational Planning and Management
M.Ed. in Educational Management and Policy Studies
M.Ed. in Economics of Education
M.Ed. in Guidance and Counselling
Master’s in Business Administration
M.Sc. in Human Resource Management
M.Sc in Natural Resource Management
M.Sc in Environmental Science
M.Sc. in Disaster Management
M.Sc. in Emergency Management and Humanitarian Assistance
M.Sc in Agricultural Information and Communication Management

Bachelor’s Programmes
B.Sc. in Nursing (Upgrading Programme)
1. B.Sc in Business Administration
a) Human Resource Management
b) Strategic Management
c) Marketing
d) Entrepreneurship
2. M.Sc in Business Administration
Specializations: a) Human Resource Management
b) Strategic Management
c) Marketing
d) Entrepreneurship
Diploma Programme
Diploma in Information Technology
Certificate Programmes
Certificate in Crime Prevention and Rehabilitation

ODeL Programmes in Budalangi Centre

Following the Memorandum of Understanding between the University and the MP Budalangi, and the subsequent meeting held at the CDMHA Centre-Budalangi between Budalangi community, Area MP, The World Bank representatives, and the University Technical and Management teams, on Saturday 25th October 2014, the following programmes are now available on offer in Budalangi CDMHA Centre under the ODeL platform.
The Programmes will be offered at Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral levels:
Disaster Mitigation and Sustainable Development
Disaster Preparedness and Environmental Technology Management
Conflict Resolution and Humanitarian Assistance
Disaster Management and International Diplomacy
Public Health
Bachelor of Commerce.
Education and Social Sciences covering:
a). Education Arts. b). Bachelor of Social Work. c). Journalism and Mass Communication
And also:
Diploma in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance

Applicants must of necessity possess an email address. Applications are made online, addressed to [email protected] Acknowledgement will be made within 72 hours of receipt, excluding weekends. A provisional letter of offer will be issued within seven days of acknowledgement.





Admitted students are expected to attend an induction forum for three days where they will meet course lecturers and obtain learning materials. Interactive sessions and assignments will be conducted and administered online; while examinations will be taken at MMUST.
Where applicable, a student is allowed to take as many modules as s/he can manage, and will only be eligible to proceed to the next level after completing and passing all courses in the current level. In this way, a student’s completion rate is flexible, and based on his/her pace. Welcome to study at MMUST from a distance.
For further information, email your enquiries to [email protected]