Requirements for Registration as Supplies Practitioner in Kenya, Registration Fees



If you want to register as Supplies practitioner in Kenya, here are the requirements.


The Eligibility For Registration of individual Supplies Practitioners Is As Follows:

  1. Certificate of good conduct
  2. Successfully undergone a prescribed certificate, diploma, degree or research course of instruction and has passed the appropriate examination conducted or prescribed by the Institute,
  3. Or, has undergone a certificate, diploma, degree or research course of training and passed an examination elsewhere than in Kenya, which the Institute recognizes as equivalent to the training and instruction required in the case of persons trained in Kenya and as equivalent to the qualification by examination required under the Act
  4. Or, a person engaged in supplies practice immediately before the enactment of this Act shall be eligible to be registered if he is, in the opinion of the Council, of good conduct, and holds professional qualifications
  5. Has not been convicted in a court of law
  6. Has not committed offences under the Anti-corruption and Economic Crimes Act, 2003, the Public Procurement and Disposal Act and the Supplies Practioners Management Act
  7. Is not undischarged bankrupt
  8. Has attained the age of 18 years
  9. Has paid the prescribed fee

When providing evidence, the Institute will accept a certified photocopy, but reserve the right to demand for the original. If you have not yet been issued with a certificate, you may provide a signed letter from the examining authority. The letter must have the examining authorities name and address.

The following documents will be required:

  • Registration form duly filled and signed
  • Copies of all academic certificates
  • Copies of all professional certificates
  • Copies of other qualification and testimonials
  • Detailed curriculum vitae
  • Copy of national identification card or passport

Members of the Institute shall pay fees and subscriptions as the Council may determine.

Subscription Fees


  • Member/Associate: Ksh 3,500
  • Student: Ksh 500

Annual Renewal Fees

  • Member/Associate: Kshs 3,000
  • Student: Kshs 500