Salaries of University Lecturers and Professors in Nigeria



University lecturers and professors are among earn moderate salaries in Nigeria. In this country of ours, even with a PhD and several years’ experience, a university lecturer is not able to earn even N1 million per month, which is so unjust.

Though lecturers in private university also take contracts in private hospitals, the money is not good enough to live a comfortable life. Due to this fact, request strikes and unrest have been witnessed in the past, but despite the discomfort the government always threaten them with sacking.

In Nigeria, it’s only that people become lecturers because they don’t have more options, otherwise they could even travel abroad for work. What is more shocking is that a university lecturer here earns less than what a driver earns in Dubai…is this right?!!!

Now, if you want to be a lecturer in Nigeria, this is the salary you expect to earn.

i Professor CONUASS 7 (N4,580,349 – N6,020,163.00)p.a.

ii Reader CONUASS 6 (N3,768,221 – N5,004,750.00)p.a.

iii Senior Lecturer CONUASS 5 (N3,091,505-N4,455,506.00)p.a.

iv Lecturer I CONUASS 4 (N2,079,996 – N2,684,010.00)p.a.

v Lecturer II CONUASS 3 (N1,649,509 – N1,979,640.00)pa.

i. Deputy University Librarian CONUASS 6 (N3,768,221 – N5,004,750.00)p.a.

ii. Principal Librarian CONUASS 5 (N3,091,505 – N4,455,506.00)p.a.

iii. Senior Librarian CONUASS 4 (N2, 079,996 – N2,684,010.00) p.a.

iv. Librarian I CONUASS 3 (N1,649,509- N1,979,640.00)p.a

v. Librarian II CONUASS 2 (N1,451,071 – N1,754,902.00)pa.

vi. Graduate Librarian CONUASS 1 (N1,263,377- N1,447,767.00)p.a

i. CONTISS 13 (N2,723,069 – N3,632,404.00)p.a.

ii. CONTISS 12 (N2,014,717 –N2,827,525.00)p.a.

iii. CONTISS 11 (N1,823,167 – N2,578,127.00)p.a.

iv. CONTISS 9 (N1,449,363 –N2,109,627.00)p.a.

v. CONTISS 8 (N1,247,854 – N1,855,515.00)p.a.

vi. CONTISS 7 (N1,073,217- N1,589,508.00)p.a.

v. CONTISS 6 (N698,251 – N1,062,683.00)p.a.

When you are joining Nigerian universities as a lecturer, the lowest grade is Lecturer II CONUASS 3,which attracts a annual salary of N1,979,640,this salary stagnates until one is promoted to the position of Lecturer I CONUASS 4,a position that attracts annual salary of N2,684,010.These positions normally go to individuals with at least masters qualification.

The highest paid university lecturer is a professor. This individual, after spending over 15 years as a lecturer earns N6, 020,163 per year, which can be considered as peanuts. Imagine a professor earning a salary per annum which a lecturer with the same qualifications earn per month in USA.

Due to these low salaries, most lecturers have moved to Europe and Asian countries to do even junior level jobs, which pay handsomely. Some of the lecturers, who I know, moved to Dubai and are earning over AED 15,000 per month, which is equivalent to N10 million .

Peter is one of the lecturers in UAE and he shares his experience:

“I am Peter and have been lecturing in Dubai for the last three years. This is how I landed here.

I got my first job at a Nigerian university as a lecturer. The job was paying me N60,000 per month. With this salary, I was straining paying my rent and other bills. After working for 10 years,my friend who had traveled to Dubai told me life was good up there.

We hooked up during one Christmas, where he told took me through what is needed for me to find myself in Dubai. Three months later,I was in Dubai.

What surprised me, here in Dubai, it took me 3 weeks to secure employment—I was shocked that some parts of the world, people even decline to do some well-paying jobs, simply because there are numerous job opportunities, but in Nigeria, you beg to be offered a sweeping job.

I am now happy and resolved to live in Dubai forever”.

There are many lecturers in Nigeria who share the same sentiments,but have not devised exit plans.