TAG, which is located in Dallas, has the following admission requirements
To be considered for admission, applicants must meet the admission standards presented below. Any student who meets these qualifications is eligible to go through the TAG application process, which will feature additional requirements. The application packet outlining the application process for the 2016-17 (enrollment for 2017-18) is available HERE.
Prospective students must have a grade point average of at least 82 in the core subjects (English, mathematics, science, and social studies) for last year and the first half of this current school year.
STAAR (or other standardized) Test Scores:
Students with STAAR scores:
Grade 7 STAAR: Average ELA/Math Score of: 1780; No single score lower than 1700
Grade 8 STAAR: Average ELA/Math Score of: 1780; No single score lower than 1700
Students without STAAR scores must score at an average of the 82nd percentile in the math and English sections, with no single score lower than a 75th percentile on any of the following exams (taken no earlier than 7th grade).
- ReadiStep
- Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS)
- Iowa Test of Educational Development (ITED)
- Logramos
- Terra Nova
- Stanford Achievement Test Series (SAT 10)
- California Achievement Tests (CAT)
- Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)
- Metropolitan Achievement Tests (MAT)
- Tests of Achievement and Proficiency (TAP)
- Educational Records Bureau (ERB)
- Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement
Students without STAAR or other exam scores can take a different, district approved and administered test. These tests are administered by Dallas ISD throughout January. To set up a testing date, call the TAG office at 972-925-5970.
If you have individualized questions concerning test scores, please call our office and we will be happy to help you.
If you meet the criteria outlined above for GPA and test scores, you are qualified to apply to TAG.
Application Process
2016-17 Application Process
The application process to apply during the 2016-17 school year (for enrollment in the 2017-18 school year) will begin on December 5, 2016 and conclude on January 31, 2017.
For detailed information regarding our application process and scoring, please see our application packet below:
2016-17 TAG Application Packet (Complete)
As part of the application, students are asked to read a specific article and complete a project on that article. This process is explained in the application packet above. The reading and the types of projects that students can choose from will be available below.
TAG Project – Guidelines and Rubric (This is also contained inside the application packet)
While any student can apply to TAG, regardless of his or her city of residence, students who live within Dallas ISD boundaries will receive priority in the application process. More details about out-of-district applications will be included in the application packet.
After all qualified in-district applicants (those who meet the minimum admissions requirements and have completed the application process) have been awarded seats, remaining seats will be awarded to out-of-district applicants.
Upperclassmen Applications
We have an enrollment cap of 260 students, with 65 in each grade level. If we have openings in our 10th grade, we will make those seats available to new applicants.
Waiting List
Qualified applicants who are not selected due to limited space will be placed on a waiting list. Applications will remain active until the beginning of the second six weeks of the fall semester and student vacancies will be filled until that time.