University of Swaziland Undergraduate and Postgraduate Courses



University of Swaziland offers several undergraduate and postgraduate courses, which are in line with the job market in Swaziland.

We are going to list all the courses offered at the university, both undergraduate and postgraduate so as to choose a course that suits your interests.

Here is a list of courses offered by the university:

Undergraduate Programmes

Faculty of Agriculture Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Management
Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education
Bachelor of Science in Agronomy
Bachelor of Science in Animal Science
Bachelor of Science in Animal Science (Dairy)
Bachelor of Science in Consumer Science
Bachelor of Science in Consumer Science Education
Bachelor of Science in Food Science, Nutrition and Technology
Bachelor of Science in Horticulture
Bachelor of Science in Textile Apparel Design and Management
Faculty of Commerce Diploma in Commerce
Bachelor of Commerce
Faculty of Education Certificate in Physical Education
Certificate in Adult Education
Post-Graduate Certificate in Education
Diploma in Adult Education
Diploma in Educational Administration
Bachelor of Education (Primary)
Bachelor of Education (Secondary)
Bachelor of Education (Commerce)
Faculty of Health Sciences Diploma in General Nursing
Diploma in Environmental Health
Post Diploma Certificate in Midwifery Science
Post Diploma Certificate in Community Health Nursing Science
Post Diploma Certificate in Community Mental Health Science
Bachelor of Nursing Science
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health
Faculty of Humanities Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication
Bachelor of Arts in Humanities
Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communication
Faculty of Science and Engineering Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Bachelor of Science
Faculty of Social Science Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Arts in Social Science
Institute of Distance Education Certificate in French
Certificate in Portuguese
Certificate in Psycho-Social Support
Post Graduate Certificate in Education
Diploma in Commerce
Diploma in Law
Bachelor of Arts in Humanities
Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor of Education (Adult Education)
Bachelor of Education (Primary)
Bachelor of Education (Secondary)

Graduate Programmes

Adult Education Master of Education in Adult Education
Agricultural Economics and Management Master of Science in Agricultural and Applied Economics
Agricultural Education and Extension Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Eduction
Master of Science in Agricultural Education
Master of Science in Agricultural Extension
Chemistry Master of Science in Chemistry
Crop Production Master of Science in Crop Science
Curriculum and Teaching Master of Education in Curriculum and Teaching
Education Foundation and Management Master of Education in Educational Foundations and Management
History Master of Arts in History
  Master of Science in Environment Resources Management

You can select a course from above courses and enroll at the University of Swaziland, which is the best university in the country.