Franklin University Switzerland Acceptance Rate



What is the acceptance rate for Franklin University, Switzerland?

Below we provide all the information you need about acceptance rate to Franklin University


Franklin University Switzerland is a private, independent university located in Switzerland. It was founded as Franklin College in 1969. It offers a unique and innovative approach to liberal arts education, characterized by an emphasis on international exposure and experiential learning in a culturally diverse environment. Franklin University Switzerland is in the unique position of being accredited in both the United States and within the Swiss university system (for more details see Accreditation below)


Franklin is located on a hillside above Lugano, the principal city of Switzerland’s southernmost Italian-speaking canton of Ticino. Visit Franklin.

Language of Instruction



Franklin University Switzerland is accredited in the United States by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (3624 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19014, United States – tel. +1 267-284-5000) and in Switzerland by the Swiss University Conference. The Swiss University Conference granted Swiss university accreditation to all major programs of study leading to the Franklin University Switzerland Bachelor Arts degree in 2005 and in April 2013 fully accredited the institution as a degree-granting Swiss university institution at undergraduate and graduate levels.


Fall 2016 Census

Total Faculty: 47
Full-time Faculty: 23
Part-time Faculty: 24
Faculty Full-Time Equivalent: 37
Student/Faculty Ratio (based on FTE): 9.4:1

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Class Statistics

Fall 2016 Census

Total number of classes: 108
Average class size: 15


Fall 2016 Census

Headcount: 352
Full-Time Equivalency: 349.1

Gender breakdown:
Female: 222 (63.1%)
Male: 130 (36.9%)

Housing breakdown:
On-campus: 293 (83%)
Off-campus: 59 (17%)


Countries Represented

Fall 2016 Census

North America (59.8%)
Canada, United States of America

Latin America and the Caribbean (5.5%)
Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Trinidad & Tobago, and Venezuela

Europe (19.9%)
Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Turkey, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom

Asia (5.0%)
China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Philippines, South Korea and Turkmenistan

Middle East, North Africa, and Greater Arabia (9.4%)
Iran, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, and United Arab Emirates

Sub-Saharan Africa (0.5%)
Botswana and Zimbabwe

Number of different countries: 58
Number of students with dual or multiple nationality: 51

N.B. Students with dual nationality are counted twice in the percentage calculation.


Student Performance

Freshmen graduating within 4 years: 41.8%

Freshmen graduating within 6 years: 44.2%
Freshmen retention to second year: 76.1%

Average GPA (all students, 2014-15 Academic Year): 3.04
Average GPA (excluding Study Abroad and Transfers, 2014-15 Academic Year): 3.08

Graduated in 2014-15 Academic Year: 78
Average graduation GPA (2014-15 Academic Year): 3.11
Graduating Summa Cum Laude (2014-15 Academic Year): 2
Graduating Magna Cum Laude (2014-15 Academic Year): 6
Graduating Cum Laude (2014-15 Academic Year): 10


Fall 2016 Census

Total Fall 2016 new enrollments: 151
of which:

Degree-seeking undergraduate-level students

  • First-time, bachelor-degree-seeking students: 52
  • Bachelor-degree-seeking transfer students: 4
  • Academic Year Program (Bridge or Advanced) students: 19

Visiting undergraduate-level students

  • First-year Study Abroad students: 68
  • Upper-Level Study Abroad students: 8

Average entry GPA (high school): 3.62
Middle 50% SAT – math and reading: 1070-1310
Middle 50% SAT – math, reading and writing: 1620-1875
Middle 50% ACT: 26-30
Average TOEFL iBT: 95

Acceptance rate 2015-16 academic year: 64% (acceptances/submitted applications).

Tuition and Fees

  Swiss Francs US Dollars
Tuition† CHF 23,825 $19,800
Fees 710 710
Residence ‡ 5,510 5,510

US Dollar accounts available only to citizens, green card holders or permanent residents of the United States or Canada.
† Price of tuition includes Academic Travel in Europe only, additional fee for other destinations.
‡ Average residence charge.

Fees and tuition are for the Fall semester based on the 2015-2016 academic year and subject to change.

Financial Aid and Scholarships

Number of financial aid recipients: 243 (62.31%)
Average US $ financial aid amount granted (for semester): $9,797.72
Average CHF financial aid amount granted (for semester): CHF 8,719.27

Student Outcomes/Destinations

Franklin University Switzerland graduates obtained full-time employment:

  • 75% 0-6 months after graduation
  • 20% 6-12 months after graduation
  • 5% 12+ months after graduation

29% of graduates achieved director/manager status within their unit/company/division within 3 years of graduation.

37% pursued Masters/PhD degrees within 1-3 years after graduation.

Employers that have hired recent Franklin graduates:

  • Al Faridah Publications
  • Arlen Group
  • Barclays PLC
  • Bloomberg LP
  • BMW
  • Boston Children’s Hospital
  • British Embassy
  • Dalma Capital Ltd.
  • Deloitte
  • Ernst & Young
  • Evernote
  • Fidelity Investments
  • Google
  • Hodgman Capital Partners
  • Houston Ind. School District
  • Human Rights Campaign
  • IBM
  • Leighton Broadcasting
  • Loro Piana
  • Milieu Law and Policy Consulting
  • Oasis500
  • Peace Corps
  • Prince’s Charity for Sustainable Development (UK)
  • Responsible Medial
  • Saudi Sanabel Company
  • US Department of State

Positions held by graduates within 1-3 years of graduation*:

  • Account Manager
  • Analyst
  • Clinical Researcher
  • Communications Manager
  • Financial Consultant
  • Coordinator of Fundraising and Special Events
  • Director of Women’s Economic Empowerment
  • Financial Advisor
  • Global Health Specialist
  • Marketing Officer
  • Project Coordinator
  • Tax Consultant

*Source: Survey of graduates from the Franklin classes of 2011, 2012 and 2013

Postgraduate university destinations (Masters/PhD):

  • Bocconi University
  • Boston University
  • Brandeis University
  • Columbia University
  • Diplomatic Academy, Vienna
  • ETH, Zurich
  • Franklin University Switzerland
  • Georgetown University
  • George Washington University
  • Harvard University
  • Hebrew University Jerusalem
  • IDC in Herzlia Israel
  • Johns Hopkins University
  • London School of Economics
  • McGill University
  • Moscow State University
  • New York University
  • San Diego State University
  • Simon Fraser University
  • Stanford University
  • Trinity University (Ireland)
  • Université de la Sorbonne
  • University College London
  • University of Illinois
  • University of Miami
  • University of San Diego
  • University of Southern California
  • University of St. Gallen
  • University of Texas at Austin
  • University of Waterloo
  • Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars