Zimbabwe Open University Undergraduate, Masters and PhD Programs



Department of Disability Studies

Diploma in Disability Studies (2 years)

Bachelor of Science Honours in Special Education (4 years)

Master of Science in Special Education (2 years)

Department of Disability Studies

Diploma in Disability Studies (2 years)

Bachelor of Science Honours in Special Education (4 years)

Master of Science in Special Education (2 years)

Department of Psychology

Bachelor of Science Honours in Psychology (4 years)

Bachelor of Science Special Honours in Psychology (1 year)

Department of Information Science and Records Management

Bachelor of Science Honours in Records and Archives Management (4 years)

Bachelor of Science Honours in Library and Information Science (4 years)

Department of Counselling

Bachelor of Science Honours In Counselling (4 years)

Master of Science in Counselling (2 years)

Department of Agricultural Management

Bachelor of Science Agricultural Management (4 Years)

Department of Educational Studies

Undergraduate Programmes (4 years)

Bachelor of Education in Educational Management

Bachelor of Education in Youth Development Studies

Department Of Teacher Development

Undergraduate Programmes (4 years)

Bachelor of Education – Secondary

Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Development

Department of Languages and Literature

Undergraduate Programmes (4 years)

Bachelor of Arts In English and Communication Studies

Department of Religious Studies and Philosophy

Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies and Theology

Department of Media and Journalism Studies

Undergraduate Programmes (4 years)

Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies

Bachelor of Arts Special Honours and Media Studies (1 YEAR)

Higher Degrees Directorate

Programmes On Offer

Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) and Doctor of Philosophy (D.Phil.) in various areas including Commerce and Law, Applied Social Sciences, Arts and Education, Information Technology and Multimedia Communication,Agriculture and Science and Technology.

Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.)

Entry Qualifications

Admission to the Master of Philosophy programme is normally granted on the basis of a recognised bachelor’s degree with an upper second (2.1) class or better, certificates and transcripts. Equivalent postgraduate diploma qualification may be considered at the discretion of the Directorate.


Minimum two (2) years and maximum five (5) years

Doctor of Philosophy (D.Phil.)

Entry Qualifications

Admission to the doctoral programme is normally a Master’s degree with a pass or better from a recognized university. A registered candidate may also apply for promotion from M. Phil to D. Phil on the recommendation of the Directorate provided the candidate has successfully defended her/his methodology stage/chapter. A candidate may enroll directly onto the doctoral programme provided the research proposal meets the requirements for entry into this programme. Submission of a copy of the abstract from the master’s dissertation and relevant certificates and transcript(s).


Minimum three (3) years and maximum eight (8) years

Department of Information Technology

Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) (BITH)  (4 Years)

Department of Software Engineering

Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours) (BSEH)  (4 Years)

Department of Accounting & Banking and Finance

Undergraduate Programmes (4 years)

Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting (Honours)

Bachelor of Commerce in Banking and Finance (Honours)

Bachelor of Commerce in Internal Auditing (Honours)

Bachelor of Applied Accountancy (Honours) (BAA)

Department of Management and Business Studies

Undergraduate Programme (4 years)

Bachelor of Commerce in Human Resources, Industrial and Labour Relations Management (Honours)

Career Prospects

Personnel Officers/Managers/Executives in both the private and public sectors Industrial and Labour Relations Officers/Managers/Trainers in Government, Commerce, Industry and Non-Governmental Organisations.

Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing Management (Honours)

Department of Postgraduate Degrees

Postgraduate Programmes

Executive Diploma in Business Leadership (EDBL) (2 years)

Masters Degree in Business Administration (MBAZ) (2 years)

Master of Applied Accountancy (MAA) 2 years

Department of Science, Mathematics & Technology

Bachelor of Science In Nursing Sciences (4 Years)

Entry Requirements

To be eligible for admission to the B.Sc (Honours) in Nursing Science, applications must have satisfied the following requirements: Should have obtained a minimum of 5 ‘O’ Level passes including English language and Mathematics or a Science subject with Grade ‘C’ or better or their equivalent (excluding Fashion and Fabrics, Woodwork, Metal Work, Technical Graphics and Building). Must be registered with the Nurses Council of Zimbabwe as a General Nurse and possesses a current practicing certificate. Must have post diploma qualification experience of a minimum of two years

Bachelor of Science in Physical Education and Sport ( 4 Years )

Entry Requirements

To be eligible for admission a candidate must: Have a minimum of five ‘O’ Level passes, including English Language and a science subject with a grade ‘C’ or better. OR A relevant qualification (Certificate, Diploma) from reputable organizations e.g. Zimbabwe Sport and Recreation Commission (SRC), Zimbabwe Olympic Committee (ZOC), Zimbabwe Institute of Management (ZIM) and National Sport Associations.

Bachelor of Science Special Honours in Physical Education and Sport (1 Year)

Department of Science, Mathematics & Technology

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics & Statistics (4 years)

Department of Science, Mathematics & Technology

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics & Statistics (4 years)

Department of Science in Geography and Environmental Studies

Bachelor of Science Honours in Geography And Environmental Studies (4 years)