Counselling and Psychology Course Admission Requirements in Kenya


Several universities/colleges offer a degree or diploma in Psychology and Counselling. Admission requirements for each training institution differ. Below we shall list the best institutions offering the course and admission requirements to enable you to decide which one to join.

  1. Africa Nazarene University Diploma in Counselling Psychology Admission Requirements

Minimum KCSE grade of C- (Minus)
3 credits in IGCSE or its equivalent.
Minimum GPA of 2.3 from ANU Certificate

Website link:

  1. Mount Kenya University Bachelor of Counseling Psychology Admission Requirements

KCSE mean grade of C Plus (C+)
–    C (Plain) plus Diploma in Counseling Psychology / Education or any other related discipline.
–    C (Plain) plus P1 or Diploma in Counseling Psychology / Education or any other related fields.

Website link:

  1. Mount Kenya University Diploma in Counseling Psychology Admission Requirements
  • KCSE mean grade C (Plain).
  •           C- (Minus) plus Certificate of P1or Counseling Psychology


  • School based 5 trimesters Ksh.24,550 per trimester
  • Regular based 5 trimesters Ksh.24,550 per trimester
  • Evening 5 trimesters Ksh.24,550 per trimester
  • Weekend 5 trimesters Ksh.24,550 per trimester

Website admission link:

  1. Egerton University Bachelor of Psychology Admission Requirements

Applicants must satisfy entry requirements for admission into the University as prescribed by the Egerton University Senate. In addition, applicants must have passed K.C.S.E with a mean grade of C+ and minimum subject grades as indicated below:-
English or Kiswahili C+
Biology or Biological Science B-
Mathematics C+
Applicants with a minimum of Credit at diploma level in Psychology, Guidance and Counselling, Psychological Counselling, Education, Medical Health Professions, or Social Work, from institutions recognized by Egerton University Senate.
Applicants with a Pass at diploma level in Psychology, Guidance and Counselling, Psychological Counselling, Education, Medical Health Professions, or Social Work, from
a recognized institution with at least two years of working experience in a relevant field.

Website link:

  1. Kenyatta University Psychology and counselling courses admission requirements

Entry Requirements:

  • Mean grade C+ (plus) at KCSE or equivalent with at least C (plain) in English and Mathematics, or
  • Mean grade of C (plain) with a diploma (passed with credit) in any field of study from a recognized institution of higher learning.

Modes of Study

  • Full-time Regular classes 7.00-6.00 p.m. (Monday to Friday) Main Campus
  • For BA Psychology (Digital Mode)
    Entry Requirements:
    a)  A holder of a Bachelor’s degree with at least upper second class of Kenyatta University or any other recognized University.
    b) A holder of a Bachelor’s degree, with at least lower second class of Kenyatta University or any other recognized University, Plus a Post graduate Diploma in Education or Counseling, or its equivalent, with at least a credit level pass.
    c) A holder of a Bachelor’s degree, with at least lower second class of Kenyatta University or any other recognized University, plus at least two years of relevant professional experience in a clinical setting.
    Modes of Study
  • Part-time evening classes 5.30-8.30 p.m. (Monday to Friday) in the KU City campus located in the city of Nairobi Haile Selassie avenue), Mombasa Campus, Nakuru Campus.
  • Full-time Regular classes 9.00-12.00 p.m. (Monday to Friday) Main Campus- Located along  Thika Super highway
  • Institutional Based Programme (IBP) offered during School holidays i.e. April, August and December at Main campus

Duration &Structure

  • The M.A. programme in Counselling Psychology takes minimum 2 years and students are expected to do coursework, examination, practicum and research project/thesis.
    Entry Requirements:
  • The common regulations for the Ph.D. degree in the University shall apply
  • The general regulations for all Ph.D. degrees in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences shall apply
  • The following shall be eligible for admission to the PhD degree in Counseling psychology:
  • A holder of MA or M.SC degree in counseling or clinical psychology (or its equivalent) of Kenyatta University or any other recognized university with an aggregate grade of B plain or its equivalent in the Masters course.
  • A holder of M.ED. Degree in guidance and counseling of Kenyatta University or any other recognized university or its equivalent with an aggregate grade of B plain or its equivalent in the Masters course

Modes of Study

  • Part-time evening classes 5.30-8.30 p.m. (Monday to Friday) and weekends in the KU City campus located in the city of Nairobi Haile Selassie avenue)

Mode of study is by:

  • Coursework, examination, practicum
  • Thesis


  • Full time- 3 years

Website link:

  1. Technical University of Kenya Bachelor of Science in Counselling Psychology Admission Requirements

Applicants shall be eligible for admission into the Bachelor Arts in counselling Psychology Degree in the following categories:

KCSE Applicants

The basic admission requirement shall be the minimum entry requirements set for entry into the public universities, which is at least an average grade of C+ in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE). In addition, candidates are expected to have obtained at least a grade C+ in each of the cluster subjects in following cluster of subjects in KCSE examinations:

Cluster Subjects

English/ Kiswahili

Mathematics A/B/ any group II

Any group III

A Second Group III/ IV/ V

  • KCSE Subject Grouping

Group I: English, Kiswahili, Mathematics

Group II: Biology, Physics, Chemistry

Group III: History and Government, Geography, Christian Religious Education, Islamic Religious Education, Hindu Religious Education

Group IV: Home Science, Art and Design, Agriculture, woodwork/ metal work/building construction Technology, Computer Studies

Group V: French, German, Arabic, Music, Business Studies, Kenyan sign language

A-Levels or Equivalent

Applicants should have a minimum of two (2) principal passes in sciences or humanities and a subsidiary pass.

Diploma or Equivalent

Applicants with a Diploma in Guidance and Counselling of the The Technical University of Kenya or an equivalent qualification. Applicants with a Diploma in Counselling Psychology of The Technical University of Kenya or an equivalent qualification.

Higher Diploma (H.Dip.) or Equivalent

Applicants with a Higher Diploma/Diploma in Guidance and Counselling or Diploma in Counselling Psychology of The Technical University of Kenya or an equivalent qualification.

Website link:

  1. University of Nairobi Counselling Psychology Courses Admission Requirements

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

he University of Nairobi, Faculty of Arts regulations shall apply. To be admitted for the Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, a candidate should have the following minimum qualifications:

  • KCSE mean grade C+ or equivalent
  • KCSE mean grade C- or equivalent plus a Certificate and Diploma.
  • 0 Level Division II or equivalent plus a Diploma
  • 0 Level Division III or equivalent plus a Certificate and Diploma.
  • 0 Level Division III or equivalent plus a three-year Diploma from a recognized post secondary Institution for admissions to Bachelor of Education
  • Diploma from University of Nairobi or other recognized institutions and an aggregate of C in KCSE or equivalent.
  • A Level with two principal passes, IB or equivalent in relevant subjects
  • CPA II/CPSII/CIPS or equivalent and should have attained an aggregate of C in KCSE or 0 Level Division III
  • P1 from a two-year post secondary training institution for entry in Bachelor of Education.
  • Higher National Diploma in relevant fields and should have attained an aggregate of C in KCSE.
  • Degree from a recognized University
  • Equivalent qualifications to the above from institutions recognized by Senate.

Admission website link:

  1. Kenyatta University Bachelor Of Arts (Counselling Psychology) Admission Requirements

Mean grade C+ (plus) at KCSE or equivalent with at least C (plain) in English and Mathematics,
ii.    Mean grade of C (plain) with a diploma (passed with credit) in any field of study from a recognized institution of higher learning with evidence of experience of at least two years of practice in a relevant field (e.g. Counselling, Psychology, Religion/Theology, Social Work, Nursing, Computer Science, Public Health, HIV/AIDS, Lab. Technology).
iii.    Mean grade of C- (minus) at KCSE and progressed from certificate to Diploma at Kenyatta University or any other recognized/accredited Institutions.

Website link:

  1. KCA Diploma in Counselling Psychology Admission Requirements

Minimum of C plain (KCSE) , or C minus (KCSE) with a Certificate in Counseling + 1yr experience

Website link:

  1. Moi University Masters of Arts (Counseling Psychology) Admission Requirements

The admission requirements for this programme shall be:
An upper second class Hons degree in counseling psychology, psychology, guidance and counseling or any other relevant degree
Those with lower second class Hons will in addition be required to have two years’ experience in a relevant field or the lower second class Hons degree plus a post graduate diploma in counseling or psychology.

Website link:

  1. Zetech University Diploma in Counseling Psychology Admission Requirements
  • An aggregate grade of C-(C Minus) and above in K.C.S.E
  • Minimum grade of D- in either Mathematics /Business Studies/Geography/History/CRE/Computer Studies/Agriculture either with
  • Minimum grade of D- in English or Kiswahili

Website link:

  1. Tangaza University Bachelor of Arts in Counselling Psychology Admission Requirements

For students aiming to join the regular programme we accept applicants with:

– A C+ and above in the (K.C.S.E) Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education examiniations OR its equivalent

For students aiming to join the completion path we accept applicants with:

– A recognised Diploma in Counselling Psychology degree from an accredited institution.

Website link:

  • Minimum qualifications are KCSE D or KCE Div. 2 or the equivalent
  • Course open to Beginners, Community development workers, Welfare officers and Fresh students

Website link:

  1. Kenya Methodist University Psychology and Counselling Admission requirements
Doctor of Philosophy in Counselling A holder of First Degree in Philosophy in Counselling or related field from institutions recognized by the University Senate and Masters in Philosophy in Counselling or any other Masters Degree from relevant institution relevant to the disciplines in the Faculty of Education and Social Sciences.
aster of Arts in Counseling Psychology Be a holder of Bachelor of Arts in Counseling Psychology with a minimum of a 2nd Class Honors Upper Division or equivalent qualification. Holders of Second Class Honours Lower Division with at least two (2) years experience will be considered.

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