The salaries of National Intelligence Services Kenya employees vary based on the title one holds and the amount of experience accumulated over time. For graduate trainees the salary ranges between Ksh 60,000 to Ksh130,000 per month. What most people don’t know is that National Intelligence Services earn more salary than police officers in Kenya, infact they earn like any other employee of Class A Parastatal in Kenya.
National Intelligence Service does not employ like The National Police Service, they employ Graduate Trainees who undergo rigorous training and later get deployed to collect information for action. The average pay at NIS Kenya is Ksh 180,000 per month, meaning that any worker who has accumulated substantial amount of experience pocket more than Ksh180,000 per month.
Parastatals and government institutions under Class A include; CBK, EACC, KAA and KCAA.It’s hard to find a graduate earning less than Ksh130,000 per month in these institutions. Since NIS pays the same as Class A parastatals, it’s obvious that their workers earn above Ksh 130,000 monthly.
Below is the amount of money you expect to earn as worker of NIS in Kenya:
Graduate Trainee—Ksh 60,000 to Ksh130,000 per month
1-3 years’ experience—Ksh 130,000 to Ksh200,000 per month
3-5 years’ experience—Ksh150,000 to Ksh 250,000 per month
5-10 years’ experience—Ksh 180,000 to Ksh 300,000 per month
10 years and above experience—at least Ksh 200,000 per month
You can see from the figures above that it’s better to join NIS than police service because of salary.
I am police officer currently working in nakuru east sub county I hold diploma in intelligence management if I were recruited as spy I would have do my best to over the challenges facing intelligence officer. Being spy is my carrier
I am a prison officer currently working in Isiolo prison.I graduated 2 years ago with diploma in security peace and correctional sciences.I will be glad to work with you guys under a professional field of experience.