Admission Requirements to Oxford University



Oxford Admission requirements are tied to a student’s performance, English language and the county of origin. Since this is one of the most prestigious universities, it’s not easy to be admitted for any course at the university, but with excellent performance in school, you will be selected for a program of your choice.


Here we discuss all the necessary documents required for you to be admitted to the university.


English language requirements

All teaching at Oxford University is carried out in English (with the exception of some language-specific teaching) and tutors must be convinced that you have sufficient fluency in written and spoken English to cope with your course from the start. Therefore, all non-native English-speaking applicants must satisfy one of the following requirements:

  • IELTS: overall score of 7.0 (with at least 7.0 in each of the four components)
  • TOEFL (paper-based): overall score of 600 with a Test of Written English score of 5.5
  • TOEFL (internet-based): overall score of 110 with component scores of at least: Listening 22, Reading 24, Speaking 25, and Writing 24.
  • Cambridge English: Advanced, also known as the Certificate of Advanced English (CAE): grade A if taken before January 2015, or a score of at least 185.
  • Cambridge English: Proficiency, also known as the Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE): grade B if taken before January 2015, or a score of at least 185.
  • English Language GCSE, or O-level: grade B (for IGCSE, please see below)
  • International Baccalaureate Standard Level (SL): score of 5 in English (as Language A or B)
  • European Baccalaureate: score of 70% in English.

Exemptions from this requirement will be considered for applicants who have

  • studied the International Baccalaureate programme, if it is taught in English
  • studied the Singapore Integrated Programme (SIPCAL)
  • been educated full-time in the medium of the English language throughout the two most recent years before the 15 October application deadline, and who remain in full-time education conducted in the English language until the end of the school year in their home country.


Oxford University does  not accept IGCSE in either First Language English or English as a Second Language as proof of English proficiency.

Evidence of your English language proficiency

You do not need to submit evidence of your English Language proficiency when you make your UCAS application.

If you have already achieved the required grade, please include the details along with your other qualifications in the appropriate section of your UCAS application.

If you have not yet achieved the required grade, this will form part of any conditional offer, and must be met by 31 July in the year after you apply.

Visa requirements

If you require a student visa the University will vouch for your English language ability on your CAS (Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies) provided you have achieved the University’s required results in one of the English language tests accepted by the University (as shown in the list above) or you have been granted an English language test waiver by your college. When submitting your student visa application, you will not be required to provide additional evidence of your English language ability.

Please note that the English language test you take does not need to be listed on the Home Office SELT (Secure English Language Tests) list as this only applies for students who want to study a course below degree level.

For IELTS you should take the IELTS academic option and not the new IELTS UKVI or IELTS life skills options.

International applicants

Oxford University admits students purely on merit. This is one of the few Universities in the US with top achievers from across the globe. As an international student, you have to be academically gifted to be allowed to study at Oxford University.


The application process for international students is exactly the same as it is for UK students, with the same deadline of 15 October. Please see the Applying to Oxford section of the undergraduate website for more information. There is a single admissions round each year, for courses starting in October the following year (or for deferred entry in October the year after that).  Oxford does not offer early admission or early decision.

Whilst the application process itself is the same, the university recognize that there are a number of additional elements international students will need to consider when applying to Oxford, including English language requirements, visa and immigration information as well as interview arrangements for international candidates. There are dedicated sections within the international students section of the website to address these.

Entrance requirements

Please see the Requirements tab of your course page for information on our requirements for A-levels, Scottish qualifications and the International Baccalaureate but please note that you do not have to take any of these qualifications to apply to Oxford. We accept many other school-leaving qualifications from many different countries. Further details on our requirements for international qualifications.

Making the transition

To help you make the transition to study at Oxford, the Student Information and Advisory Service provides a wealth of support tailored to the needs of international students. For more information on the support available, please see the Student Information and Advisory Service website.

Fees and funding

We understand that funding for international students may be a key consideration when thinking about applying to the University of Oxford. For more information on the fees for our undergraduate courses, as well as sources of funding available, please see the fees and funding section of our website.

International qualifications

If you want to apply to Oxford, you need to have achieved – or expect to obtain – one of the following qualifications with the grades shown, or another equivalent.

You may take any qualification from any country, as long as you meet the general entrance requirements.

There are also specific entrance requirements for some courses, particularly in the sciences, so please check the requirements for your course. The qualifications below will only be sufficient alternatives to A-level where they cover the same content as the required A-levels, to the appropriate standard.

If your qualification is listed as being insufficient to make a competitive application to Oxford, then you will need to undertake further study if you wish to apply.

You could take British A-levels (the British Council may know where you can take A-levels in your country), the International Baccalaureate (IB), or any other qualifications listed as acceptable on this page. The first year of a bachelor’s degree from another university could also be an acceptable alternative.

Please be aware that competition for places at Oxford is very strong. College tutors consider over 19,000 applications for around 3,250 places each year. This means that even achieving our academic entrance requirements does not guarantee the offer of a place.

In many subjects, students are required to take an admissions test as part of their application. Such tests allow us to compare students using a single benchmark, irrespective of the students’ educational background. They are in addition to the qualifications listed below and are not a substitute. For information on these admissions tests please the individual

United Kingdom


Conditional offers for students studying A-levels range between A*A*A and AAA depending on the subject.


Conditional offers are likely to vary between D2, D2, D3 and D3, D3, D3 depending on the subject. D2 is considered to be equivalent to an A* grade at A-level and D3 to an A grade.

Scottish Highers

AAAAB or AAAAA in Scottish Highers, usually supplemented by two or more Advanced Highers. Offers made to candidates on the basis of the Advanced Higher subjects are likely to be set at AA for two subjects, and AAB for three subjects.


Other qualifications

International Baccalaureate

A total score of 38, 39 or 40 points (depending on the course) including core points. Specific scores may be required in subjects taken at the Higher level. Please see the individual course pages for details.

American education system   

Oxford will accept both the old-system and the redesigned SAT. Students sitting the redesigned SAT will need to achieve a total score of 1,470 (out of 1,600). We do not require the optional essay in the redesigned SAT. Any candidates with a test date prior to, or including, January 2016 will be expected to achieve the SAT Reasoning Test with at least 1,400 in Critical Reading and Mathematics and also 700 or more in Writing, giving a combined score of at least 2,100 (out of 2,400).
ACT with a score of at least 32 out of 36


Grade 5 in three or more Advanced Placement Tests in appropriate subjects
SAT Subject Tests in three appropriate subjects at 700 or better.

A combination of APTs and SAT Subject Tests (or other equivalent qualifications) is also acceptable, if they are in different subjects. Individual courses may have specific requirements, so please check the course pages for details.


Candidates are asked to enter all their scores for any tests taken when they complete their UCAS application, showing the relevant dates for each. This gives tutors a complete picture of the candidates’ academic record, rather than just the ‘superscore’ of best results for the different sections of any test taken on multiple occasions.

Candidates are also asked to include any pending test scores on the UCAS application: that is, details of any test they intend to take up until the end of Senior Year. Again, this is to give tutors a complete picture of the candidates’ academic record, including studies which are still in progress.

European Baccalaureate

An average of 85% or above, with scores of between 8 and 9 in specified subjects.




Baccalauria / Baccalaureate Certificate would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


Certificate of Maturity / Secondary School Leaving Certificate would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


School leaving qualifications would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


The Habilitação Literárias (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) with three subjects at the two-unit level, all at grade I.

Antigua and Barbuda

Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) with three subjects at the two-unit level, all at grade I.


School leaving qualifications would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


Himnakan Yndhanur Krtutyan Attestat (Certificate of Basic Education) would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


Offers are likely to be for a position between 98.5 and 99.5 (depending on the course) of a maximum 99.95 in the Australia Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) and successful completion of one of the following qualifications:

  • ACT Year 12 Certificate
  • New South Wales Higher School Certificate (HSC)
  • Northern Territory Certificate of Education (NTCE)
  • South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE)
  • Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE)
  • Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)
  • Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE)


  • Senior Certificate from Queensland with an overall position (OP) in band 1.


Reifeprüfungszeugnis/Maturazeugnis with scores of 1 (sehr gut) in the majority of subjects taken.


Secondary School Leaving Certificate would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).




Bahamas General Certificate of Secondary Education (BGCSE) would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


Tawjahiya (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


School leaving qualifications would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) with three subjects at the two-unit level, all at grade I.


Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts or Certificat d’enseignement secondaire supérieur (CESS) or Diploma van secundair onderwijs. Where grades are available, we would expect at least 8/10 (if used), 17/20 (Flemish-speaking community ), 80% (German- and French-speaking communities) or Grande distinction (French-speaking community).


The Diploma of Specialised Secondary Education (Certificate of Secondary Education) from Belarus would not be sufficient to make a competitive application (see note).


Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) with three subjects at the two-unit level, all at grade I.


Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) with three subjects at the two-unit level, all at grade I.


The Diploma de Bachiller Científico-Humanístico, (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) from Bolivia would not be sufficient to make a competitive application (see note).

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Secondary School Leaving Diploma with scores of 5.


The Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education Examination would not be sufficient to make a competitive application (see note).


Certificado de Ensino Medio or University entrance examination (Vestibular, ENEM, PAS) would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


Brunei-Cambridge A-level with grades of AAA.


Diploma Za Sredno Obrazovanie with overall scores of 5.75. Subject specific scores up to 6 may also be required.


School leaving qualifications would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).




Cameroon GCE A-level with grades of AAA.


All Canadian Provincial Secondary School qualifications are acceptable for entry to Oxford University. Students would need to have, or expect to achieve, one of the qualifications listed below, with the grades shown.

We understand that many Canadian students may take the International Baccalaureate, or tests (SATs and APs) from the American education system alongside their Canadian qualifications. Any of these qualifications may be sufficient to make a competitive application to Oxford, but please note that candidates do need to state all their qualifications (test scores) when they complete their UCAS application.

Where subject choices are available, candidates are encouraged to select subjects related to the proposed degree of study at Oxford. For details see

Alberta: General High School Diploma with five Grade 12 (Level 30) courses, with a final average of 85%.

British Columbia: Senior Secondary Graduation Diploma with five Grade 12 courses, each passed at 85%.

Manitoba: High School Graduation Diploma with five Grade 12 (Level 300) courses within four subject areas, each passed at 85%.

New Brunswick:  High School Graduation Diploma with five grade 12 courses, each passed at 85%.

Newfoundland and Labrador: High School Graduation Diploma with five University Preparatory Grade 12 Courses, each passed at 85%.

Northwest Territories: General High School Diploma with five Grade 12 courses, each passed at 85%.

Nova Scotia: High School Completion Certificate with five Level 4 and 5 Courses, each passed at 85%.

Nunavut: Grade 12 Diploma, with five Grade 12 courses, with a final average of 85%.

Ontario: Secondary School Diploma with six Grade 12 courses, to include no more than two 4M courses, each passed at 85%. Students are encouraged to choose U course options in the subjects relevant to the degree of study.

Prince Edward Island: High School Graduation Diploma with five acceptable Grade 12 courses, each passed at 85%.

Québec: The Collège d’Enseignement Général et Professionnel Diplome d’Etudes Collegiales (CEGEP DEC) with a final average of 85%.

Saskatchewan: Completion Grade 12 Standing / Division IV Standing with five acceptable Grade 12 courses, each passed at 85%.

Yukon: Senior Secondary Graduation Diploma with five Grade 12 courses, each passed at grade A.


Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) with three subjects at the two-unit level, all at grade I.

Cayman Islands

Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) with three subjects at the two-unit level, all at grade I.


Licencia de Educación Media would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


Senior High School Diploma, Chinese University Entrance Examination or ‘GaoKao’ would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


The Bachillerato or Diploma de Bachillér from Colombia would not be sufficient to make a competitive application (see note).


The Baccalauréat from the Congo would not be sufficient to make a competitive application (see note).

Costa Rica

The Bachillerato from Costa Rica would not be sufficient to make a competitive application (see note).


Matura with the Maturalna Svjedodzba (matriculation certificate), with scores of 5.


Apolytirion with an average of 19 out of 20 points and A*A* to AA at A-level, depending on the course.

Czech Republic

Maturitni Zkouška / Maturita with scores of 1 (výborný) in the majority of subjects taken.




The Danish Studentereksamen (STX, HHX or HTX) or HF with an overall average score of 11 (using the new 7 step grade scale). Scores of 12 may be required in relevant Level A subjects.

Dominican Republic

School leaving qualifications would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


The Tawjihiyah (General and Religious or Vocational) from Dubai would not be sufficient to make a competitive application (see note).




Bachillerato would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


The Thanaweya A’ama (General Secondary School Certificate) would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


Gümnaasiumi Iõputunnistus, including the Riigieksam with an overall average score of 90%, with scores of 5 in 5 relevant individual subjects.


School leaving qualifications would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).



Faroe Islands

The Studentsprógv with an overall average score of 11 (using the new 7 step grade scale). Scores of 12 may be required in relevant Level A subjects.


The Fiji School Leaving Certificate  would not be sufficient to make a competitive application (see note).


Successful completion of the Ylioppilastutkintotodistus/ Studentexamensbetyg with four subjects, where no individual subject score is below eximia cum laude approbatur (excellent) and at least two subjects are at laudatur (outstanding).


French Baccalauréat or Option Internationale du Baccalauréat with an average score of 16 out of 20. Students applying for science subjects will be expected to have followed the science stream.




West African Senior School Certificate Examination would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


The Sashualo Skolis Atestati from Georgia would not be sufficient to make a competitive application (see note).


Abitur with a total mark between 1.0 and 1.5. Any subjects which are essential or recommended at A-level should be studied at Leistungskurse; for A* equivalent, a grade of 14 is required; for grade A equivalent, 13 is required. (Please see the requirements tab on your course page.)


West African Senior School Certificate Examination would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


Apolytirion with an average of 19 out of 20 points and A*A* to AA at A-level, depending on the course.


Bachillerato would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).




The Bachillerato of Honduras would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).

Hong Kong   

Hong Kong Advanced Level Certificate, with grades of AAA


Associate degrees from Hong Kong, with a result of 3.8 or better.


HKDSE with grade 5s in three elective subjects.  (The exception is for candidates applying to study Mathematics, who would need 5* in the compulsory Mathematics course, 5 in the Mathematics extended paper, and another 5 in another subject.)


A student taking the Erettsegi/Matura needs to take five subjects and achieve a score of five in at least four subjects. Where there is a required subject for the degree scheme (eg Mathematics for Mathematics, Physics or Engineering degrees) the student would be expected to take the Higher (emelt szintu) examination in this subject.




Stúdentspróf (from Gymnasium) with an average of 8.5 overall, and 9 in any subject or subjects required by your chosen course. (Please see the requirements tab on your course page.)


Year XII qualification, studied with either the CBSE or ISC examination boards, with an achievement of 90% in each of the five subjects studied. Science subjects may also require that candidates take the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) entrance examinations as a pre-condition for entry.


Surat Tamat Sekolah Menengah Umum Tingkat Atas/STTB: SMA (Senior Secondary School Certificate of Completion) would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


National Entrance Exam (Kunkur) with a result of 80%, and the Pre-University Certificate (Peeshdaneshgahe) with scores of 18 or more in relevant subjects.


The Iraqi Certificate of Preparatory Education / Sixth Form Baccalauréat would not be sufficient to make a competitive application (see note).


We are aware that the Irish Leaving Certificate grading has changed for candidates who sit their examinations from 2017. Oxford will accept both pre-2017 and revised grading Irish Leaving Certificates.

Candidates with the Irish Leaving Certificate, pre-2017: AAAAB1B1 at Higher level.

Candidates with the Irish Leaving Certificate, from 2017:

  • For courses with an A-level entrance requirement of AAA: H2H2H2H2H2H2 at Higher level.
  • For courses with an A-level entrance requirement of A*AA: H1H1H2H2H2H2 at Higher level.
  • For courses with an A-level entrance requirement of A*A*A: H1H1H1H1H2H2 at Higher level.


Bagrut with 90%, with at least three subjects at level 5.


Diploma Di Esame Di Stato with an overall score of 95% and may also require particular grades in specific subjects.




Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) with three subjects at the two-unit level, all at grade I.


Kotogakko Sotsugyo Shomeisho (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate) would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


Tawjihi (General Secondary Education Certificate) would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).




Attestat/Svidetel’ stvo o Srednem Obrazovanii (Certificate of Secondary Education) would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


Maturski ispit / Diploma o završenoj srednjoj školi (Secondary School Leaving Diploma) with an overall score of 5.


Shahadat-al-thanawia-al-a’ama (General Secondary School Certificate) would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


The Certificate of Completed Secondary Education  from Kyrgyzstan would not be sufficient to make a competitive application (see note).




The Atestāts par vispārējo vidējo izglītību would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application, whatever grades have been achieved (see note).


The Baccalauréat General from Lebanon would not be sufficient to make a competitive application (see note).


School leaving qualifications would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


The Libyan Secondary Education Certificate would not be sufficient to make a competitive application (see note).


Matura, with scores of 6 in the majority of subjects.


Brandos Atestatas with an overall average of 9, with scores of 9 in the majority of 6 subjects taken, at least 3 of which must be assessed by state-level examinations from a Gymnasium or Secondary School.


A pass in the Diplôme de Fin d’Etudes Secondaires with an overall score of 50 out of 60.




Maturski ispit / Diploma o završenoj srednjoj školi (Secondary School Leaving Diploma) with an overall score of 5.


Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE) would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (Malaysian Higher School Certificate) with AAA.

Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM/Certificate of Education) or Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


UCLES A-levels with AAA.


Advanced Matriculation with A grades in the A-level subjects taken.


Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate with AAA.


Bachillerato General would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


French Baccalauréat or Option Internationale du Baccalauréat with an average score of at least 16. Students applying for science subjects will be expected to have followed the science stream.


Maturski ispit / Diploma o završenoj srednjoj školi (Secondary School Leaving Diploma) with an overall score of 5.


The school leaving qualifications from Mongolia would not be sufficient to make a competitive application (see note).


The Moroccan Baccalauréat would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


The Certificado de Habilitações Literarias (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) from Mozambique would not be sufficient to make a competitive application (see note).


School leaving qualifications would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).




Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate with grades of AAA.


School leaving qualifications would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).

The Netherlands

Diploma Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO) with 8 out of 10 in individual subjects.

New Zealand

University Entrance Certificate with National Certificates of Educational Achievement (NCEA) at Level 3 endorsed with Excellence.


West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) or Senior School Certificate Education (SSCE) would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


Vitnemål fra den Videregående Skole (Upper Secondary Leaving Certificate) with grades of 5.0 in each subject.




Thanawiya Amma (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).




Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate (HSSC) would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).

Papua New Guinea

The Higher School Certificate from Papua New Guinea would not be sufficient to make a competitive application (see note).


School leaving qualifications would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


Certificado de Educación Secundaria Común Completa would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


School leaving qualifications would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


Polish Matura with an overall average of 80% and:
i) For courses requiring AAA at A-level, three relevant subjects at extended level with scores in the eighth stanine or higher;
ii) For courses requiring A*AA at A-level, three relevant subjects at extended level, with scores in the ninth stanine in one subject, and in the eighth stanine or above in the other two subjects;
iii) For courses requiring A*A*A at A-level, three relevant subjects at extended level, with scores in the ninth stanine in two subjects, and in the eight stanine or higher in the third.

(To check the A-level requirements please see the requirements tab on your course page.)


Diploma de Ensino Secundário/Certificado with a score of 18 out of 20.




Thanawaya Aa’ma Qatari (Qatar General Secondary Education Certificate) would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).




Diploma De Bacalaureat with an overall grade of 9 and:
i) For courses requiring AAA at A-level, two relevant subjects (specified by the course) at grade 9;
ii) For courses requiring A*AA at A-level, one relevant subject (specified by the course) at grade 9.5;
iii) For courses requiring A*A*A at A-level, two relevant subjects (specified by the course) at grade 9.5 and a further subject at grade 9.

(To check the A-level requirements please see the requirements tab on your course page.)

Russian Federation

Attestat o Srednam Obrazovanii (Certificate of Secondary Education) would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


School leaving qualifications would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).



Saudi Arabia

Tawjihiyah (General Secondary Education Certificate/GSEC) would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


The Baccalauréat Technique from Senegal would not be sufficient to make a competitive application (see note).


Matura/Secondary School Leaving Diploma, with a score of 5 in the majority of subjects.

Sierra Leone

School leaving qualifications would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


SIPCAL with three A grades at H2. Please note that because applicants following the Singaporean SIPCAL are educated and assessed in English they would not be required to take an English language proficiency test.


Slovakian Maturitńa Skúška/Maturita with v’yborn’y (excellent) in the majority of subjects.


Matura with scores of 5 in the majority of subjects.

South Africa

The South African Senior Certificate (with Matriculation endorsement) and IEB curriculum would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).

South Korea

Ilbankye Kodung Hakkyo (General High School Diploma) would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


Attainment of 9 out of 10 from the combined Bachillerato and PAU. Students applying for science subjects will be expected to have followed the science and technology specialism.

Sri Lanka

The Sri Lanka Advanced Level with AAA.


Sudan School Certificate (SSC) would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


Avgangsbetyg with a total of 2500 points, with scores of MVG (excellent) or A or B in the majority of relevant subjects.


  • Maturitätszeugnis (Federal Maturity Certificate)
  • Certificat De Maturité
  • Baccalauréat
  • Attestato Di Maturità
  • Eidgenössisch Anerkanntes Kantonales Maturitätszeugnis
  • Certificat De Maturité Cantonal Reconnu Par La Confédération
  • Attestato Di Maturità Cantonale Riconosciuto Dalla Confederazione
  • Cantonal Maturity Certificate

Any of the above qualifications, with grades of 5.0 in each subject.


Al Shahada Al Thanawiya (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).




Senior High School Leaving Certificate or the Senior High School Diploma would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate (COHSC) or East African Advanced Certificate of Education (EAACE) with AAA.


Mathayom Suksa 6 (M6) would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).

Trinidad and Tobago

Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) with three subjects at the two-unit level, all at grade I.


Baccalauréat with 16 out of 20.


Anadolu Lisesi (Anatolian High School Diploma) with Grade Point Averages of 5.0.

Devlet Lise Diplomasi (State High School Diploma) or Lise Bitirme Diplomasi (Private High School Diploma) would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application.




Tawjihiyya (General Secondary Education Certificate/GSEC) would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


The Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) with AAA.


Atestat pro Povnu Zagal’nu Sersdniu Osvitu would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


Titulo de Bachillerato Diversificado would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


Oxford will accept both the old-system and the redesigned SAT. Students sitting the redesigned SAT will need to achieve a total score of 1,470 (out of 1,600). We do not require the optional essay in the redesigned SAT. Any candidates with a test date prior to, or including, January 2016 will be expected to achieve the SAT Reasoning Test with at least 1,400 in Critical Reading and Mathematics and also 700 or more in Writing, giving a combined score of at least 2,100 (out of 2,400).

ACT with a score of at least 32 out of 36


Grade 5 in three or more Advanced Placement Tests in appropriate subjects
SAT Subject Tests in three appropriate subjects at 700 or better.

A combination of APTs and SAT Subject Tests (or other equivalent qualifications) is also acceptable, if they are in different subjects. Individual courses may have specific requirements, so please check the course pages for details.


Candidates are asked to enter all their scores for any tests taken when they complete their UCAS application, showing the relevant dates for each. This gives tutors a complete picture of the candidates’ academic record, rather than just the ‘superscore’ of best results for the different sections of any test taken on multiple occasions.

Candidates are also asked to include any pending test scores on the UCAS application: that is, details of any test they intend to take up until the end of Senior Year. Again, this is to give tutors a complete picture of the candidates’ academic record, including studies which are still in progress.

Further information for applicants from the United States can be found in our American student’s guide to undergraduate study at Oxford.


Attestat o srednem obrazovanii (Certificate of Secondary Education) would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).




Titulo de Bachiller would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


Tot Nghiep Pho Thong Trung Hoc (Upper Secondary School Graduation Certificate) would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).




Al Thanawiya (General Secondary Education Certificate) would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).




Zambia School Certificate would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application (see note).


Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate (COHSC) or East African Advanced Certificate of Education (EAACE) with three A grades.

If your qualification is not listed here, please contact us and we will be happy to advise you. It would be helpful if you could provide further details about your qualifications, including the name of the awarding institution, and your intended course of study at Oxford.