Admissions to Bondo Technical Training Institute



If you are planning to join Bondo Technical Training Institute, here is the admission process

How to apply

  1. Download the Application form here.
  2. Fill it in Block letters
  3. Attach Two coloured passport size photos, a photocopy of your result slips/KNEC Certificate, National Identity Card, Birth certificate and former school leaving certificate.

Address your application to:

The Principal.


  1. BOX 377–40600, BONDO

Deposit Kshs 300/- non-refundable application fee payable to Bondo Technical Training Institute, Equity bank A/C No 0750263777542.

The total fees for the whole year are Ksh 31,200 for business courses and Kshs33,200 for engineering courses.

The fee is payable in two termly installments: First term Ksh.16,200 for business courses and kshs.18,200 for engineering courses, and second term Ksh.15,000 both business and engineering courses. New students will also pay Kshs.300 for Student ID.

For more information contact the Principal on Mobile phone No. 0726634041.