Best Paying SACCOs in Kenya



There are over 300 registered SACCOs in Kenya but not more than 30 % pay employees well. The best paying SACCOs are few and most of them situated in Nairobi.

Statistics show that the average salary for SACCO employees in Kenya is Ksh22, 000,where majority of clerks and cashiers earn Ksh20,000.It is unfortunate that most SACCOs pay their cashiers even less than Ksh20,000.

The best paying SACCOs in Kenya pay cashiers,tellers,accountants and other employees at least Ksh30,000.These SACCOS can be listed as follows.


Stima SACCO pays well because it has invested heavily in real estate and has other sources of income. The SACCO has also more than 50,000 members.

Cashiers at Stima SACCO earn at least Ksh 25,000.There are other cashiers who earn more than Ksh70, 000.

As a fresh graduate, you are assured of earning at least Ksh35, 000 at Stima SACCO.

Unaitas SACCO

Unaitas SACCO is expected to be a bank soon.The SACCO pays its employees very well as compared to small SACCOS.

When you join Unaitas as a fresh graduate, you are assured of earning at least Ksh 40,000.

Accountants, Tellers and other professionals earn over Ksh 45,000.

Mwalimu SACCO

This SACCO is owned by Kenyan teachers. In fact ,almost every TSC teacher is a member of Mwalimu SACCO.

The SACCO has several assets that bring in a lot of money to pay workers.

According to the figures in our possession, a fresh graduate earns Ksh 35,000-Ksh55, 000 at Mwalimu SACCO.

Mhasibu SACCO

This one pays good salaries as well.Mhasibu pays tellers Ksh 30,000-Khs 55,000.


Other well-paying SACCOS include:

  1. KUSSCO Sacco
  2. United Nations Sacco Society
  3. Afya Sacco
  4. Chai Sacco Society
  5. Hazina Sacco Society Ltd
  6. Ufanisi Sacco Society Ltd
  7. Metropolitan Teachers Sacco
  8. Kimisitu Sacco