Cashier Salaries in Kenya



Cashiers are mostly employed to deal with petty cash as well as perform bank transactions.The salaries for cashiers are not as high as those for experienced accountants.

Companies that mostly employ cashiers include manufacturing companies,banks,government institutions and SACCOS.

Cashiers in most SACCOs in Kenya earn Ksh25,000-Ksh45,000,which is a bit lower than what banks pay. In banks, cashiers earn Ksh45,000-Ksh120,000.

One thing I have noted is that the more you work for a bank the more your salary will be increased. For instance, if you have worked for a local bank for a period of four years chances are that you are earning over Ksh100, 000.

Cashier in manufacturing companies earn an average salary of Ksh30, 000, which is lower than banks and SACCOs.

Cashier in NGOs are the ones enjoying their work because their average salary is Ksh 55,000.