Procurement Officer and Purchasing &Supplies Salaries in Kenya



Procurement, Purchasing and supplies officers are employed by companies to deal with stocks and procurement matters. These are the people who earn handsomely in institutions they work for.

Data in our possession indicate that procurement officers earn Ksh60, 000-Ksh150, 000 in most institutions. But we have noted that procurement managers earn Ksh180, 000-Ksh400, 000 in big institutions.

Companies like Unilever and Bamburi Cement, Kenya Power and Kengen which rely heavily on procurement pay senior managers up to Ksh1.5 million while junior procurement officers earn up to Ksh250,000.

The lowest paid procurement officers are those who posses diploma courses only while degree holders earn at least Ksh70, 000.

A procurement officer who possesses a professional course earns better than someone without the paper.