Kenya School of Monetary Studies offers certificate, professional and diploma courses which are in line with the Central Bank of Kenya roles and financial institutions work. If you wish to join KSMS, here are the courses you will enroll for.
Diploma in Business Sciences (Banking and Financial Services)
Diploma in Business Sciences (Business Information Technology)
Diploma in Business Sciences (Finance)
Diploma in Business Sciences (Islamic Financial Services)
Diploma in Business Sciences (Microfinance)
Diploma in Business Sciences (Organizational Development)
Master of Banking and Finance
Masters of Economic Policy Analysis
Masters of Finance
Masters of Financial Economics
Masters of Public Policy Analysis
Post Graduate Diploma in Business Sciences
Postgraduate Diploma in Financial Management
The Kenya School of Monetary Studies is the best college to study finance, business and investment related courses in Kenya. It is also ideal institution to join if you wish to work at Central Bank of Kenya, mortgage companies,Insurance and Banking institutions.
Some of the best courses to study at KSMS include Diploma in Business Sciences (Banking and Financial Services), Master of Banking and Finance, Masters of Economic Policy Analysis, Masters of Finance, Masters of Financial Economics and Masters of Public Policy Analysis.
Anne,who works at Central bank of Kenya explains her academic and professional journey.
“I joined Kenya School of Monetary Studies in 2004 after I was referred by a friend who was working at IMF as an Intern. She told me the institution (KSMS) was the best for me because I was interested in working at the Treasury or Central Bank. After 4 years of training in finance courses, I graduated.
In 2010 I managed to also complete ACCA at Strathmore University. During that year, CBK advertised for entry level jobs and I applied. To my surprise I was invited for an interview and a job offer followed weeks later.
I am happy I got my dream job, I credit Kenya School of Monetary Studies and Strathmore University for offering quality education”
i will like to join the school for masters program in Accounts