Is a degree in anthropology marketable in Uganda



A degree in Anthropology is not marketable in Uganda but you can make yourself relevant by pursuing a masters or pursuing a professional course to join other sectors.

To be honest,chances of getting a job with a degree in anthropology in Uganda are very slim.Most of these graduates end up being hopeless after finding it difficult to get employment in few companies and NGOs  in Uganda.They finally join the rest in business.

What I can advice you, however,is that there is hope.After realizing that no one is ready to employ you,you should immediately enroll for a masters so that you can start working as a lecturer as you prepare to pursue a PhD.Alternatively,you can pursue professional courses in ACCA,CPA or CIFA so that you can join banking and sectors that require such skills.

Anthropology used to be marketable long time ago but nowadays no one needs the skills because of technology. As a graduate you must think out of the box so that you can make bread out of your skills.