Best jobs for Schools Drop outs in USA, UK, India, South Africa,Dubai,Qatar and in the world.



Sometimes you can drop out of school due to school fees or at will. But there are many jobs you can do in USA to make a living even if you dropped out of school. Some of the jobs pay minimum wages but they can make ends meet.

Construction officer

These are people who work in construction sites and do not have specialist trining.They are specifically employed to help specialized workers with manual work-work that do not need much skills to perform.

If you don’t have a university degree, you can easily be employed as a construction officer.


A mechanic is someone who undergoes some training after dropping out of school. He can then start working in a garage as a mechanic to check simple mechanical problems in vehicles.


You can be a driver to a taxi, car, truck or any other vehicle requiring a driver. This position does not necessarily require a university or college degree.

A high school dropout is one that works perfectly as a driver especially in Dubai and they are paid well.


Guards are mostly people who left schools without furthering to degree level.They are trained basic protection skills and recruited by security firms to guard property.

Office Messengers

They help in delivering parcels and running errands. Office messengers don’t require university education to perform assigned duties.


They work in entertainment joints to serve beer. Most of the bartenders in the world didn’t complete schools, they are school dropouts.

Office cleaners/Tea girls

They are employed to serve tea and also office clesning.These people can be recruited even if they didn’t attend school.


You don’t have to secure university education for you to be a preacher. The best preachers are those who dropped out of school or those whose journey to success was motivated by problems.

Baby sitting

You don’t need a degree to be a house girl. People who take care of old people or babies are needed in USA and other developed countries even without education.