Diploma in Education Admission Requirements in Kenya


If you want to pursue a diploma in Education in Kenya, there are many universities offering the course. The admission requirements vary from one university to the other.

Egerton University Diploma in Education Admission Requirements

Admission Requirements
The programme is open to students who have passed with a mean grad or at least C (Plain) at KCSE Level. The applicant must also have passed with at least grade C (Plain) in English or Kiswahili. The applicant must have a grade C in the teaching subjects. Admission may be granted to holders of relevant equivalent certificate(s) from institutions recognized by the academic board. An applicant whose mean grade is at least C (Plain) and have bridged in the relevant teaching subjects can qualify for admission.

Mount Kenya University Diploma in Education Admission Requirements

Entry Requirements
The following shall be the minimum admission requirements for registration in the DTE Programme which in no way entitles the applicant to a place in the university. In addition, candidates shall be required to fill in specific admission requirements of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction to which they have applied for.

  1. Mean C+ and above or its equivalence from any other public or private university recognized by the Commission of Higher Education (CHE).
  2. For the purposes of this regulation, approved subjects shall be such subjects as senate shall from time to time determine.
  3. Candidates must give name and full address of a referee who is a person conversant with University Standards- preferably a graduate and who is well placed to assess the candidate’s potential as a University student. Candidates shall also be required to ensure that the referee has consented to report on them, and that their addresses are correct.
  4. No candidate, who has previously attended any University shall be admitted to the DTE course under these regulations, for which they failed to qualify during their previous attendance, unless they produce evidence of further study satisfactory to the University.

Tangaza University Diploma in Education Admission Requirements

For admission to this programme, candidates must have completed secondary education with a minimum grade of C plain in (K.C.S.E) Kenya Secondary Education.

Catholic University of Eastern Africa Diploma in Education Admission Requirements

Diploma programmes

  • Obtained a mean grade of C plain in Kenya Certificate of Secondary School Examination (KCSE) or its equivalent
  • Obtained subsidiaries or a principal pass in Advanced certificate (A level) or credit pass in International Baccalaureate
  • Obtained a credit pass at certificate level,
  • Must have obtained C plain or credit pass in subjects related to the course applied for.
  • Advanced Diploma in Planning and Management of Development Projects applicants must have an Ordinary Diploma from a recognized Institution.