How Long Does a Diploma Course take in Kenya


A Diploma course takes 2 years in Kenya for one to complete coursework and graduate. However, there are diploma courses, especially those requiring technical skills that take up to 3 years.

Diploma courses in nursing, education, mathematics related courses, pharmacy and social science courses take two years. Those pursuing engineering courses sometimes take up to 3 years to complete.

To graduate faster, you need to go to colleges which experience less strikes and have good academic structures. Some of the best colleges for diploma courses include;

  • Technical University of Kenya
  • Kenya Institute of Mass Communication
  • Kenya Medical Training College
  • Kenya Institute of Management
  • Government owned Technical Training college for Education related courses
  • Kenya School of Law

If your school experience strikes, you will take even 5 years to complete your diploma course. But in a conducive environment, coursework and project work will take one and half years.