How to Get a work Permit in Tanzania


If you want to get a work permit in Tanzania,there are several steps to follow.

Procedures for Issuance of residence and work permit class “A” and “B”. All foreigners intending to reside in the United Republic of Tanzania for investment, business or work or any other acceptable purpose are issued with residence permits.

  1. Types of Residence Permits
    There are three types of Residence Permits:
  • Class A: Issued to employed foreigners
  • Class B: Issued to foreigners employed by companies or institutions
  • Class C: Issued to other foreigners such as missionaries, students, volunteers, researchers or retired persons.

The authority to issue Residence Permits is vested to the Director of Immigration Services. Applicants who are not satisfied with the Director’s decision may appeal to the Minister of Home Affairs while they are outside the Country. Applications for Residence Permit Class B and C should be submitted while applicants are outside the country.

  1. Requirements for obtaining Residence Permit Class A
  • Residence Permit Class A may be issued to foreigners intending to invest in prospective areas such as: Industry, Mining, Forest, Social services and business.

Documents required for the first grant application :
2.1.1 Tanzania Mainland procedures

  • TIF 1 forms in duplicate duly filled
  • A covering letter from the applicant
  • Six photographs
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Education certificates (if appropriate)
  • Business license
  • Certificate of registration for Tax payers Identification Number (TIN)
  • Certificate of registration for Value Added Tax (VAT)
  • Copy of registration
  • Memorandum and articles of association for company by liability
  • Extract from the registrar-for business names
  • Evidence of business premises
  • Sectoral approval from any relevant Ministry (if needed)
  • Share certificate (if needed) or share transfer and board resolution (for investors who have bought some shares or company.
  • Power of attorney for a person given power as a Director
  • Copy of passport pages authentificating nationality and validity of passport.
  • Business licence tax clearance certificate
  • Evidence of the capital that has been invested in the company in terms of cash and assets. i.e.
  • Bank statement/financial statement

2.1.2 Documents required during application for renewal

  • As listed in No.1 to 8 above
  • C-9 or forms of annual returns of company having a share capital
  • Certificate of incorporation/registration
  • A copy of issued permit
  • Original permit

NB: Those who do not qualify under the T.I.C. should provide a Bank proof of or assets valued to 300,000 USD to be considered for the Class A permit by the Director of Immigration Services.

2.2 Applicants who would like the names of their dependant wife and children to be endorsed in their permits must produce a proof of relationship preferably marriage certificate and birth certificates for their children.

2.3 There is a fee of US $ 1600 for a Class A permit, which is generally valid for two years. Permits can be replacement for an additional two years for US $ 1600.

2.4 US $ 20 has to be paid for all types of permits as a fee for Re-entry Pass in respect of each permit holder and his/her dependant(s) endorsed in each permit.

Requirements for obtaining Residence Permit Class ‘B’

Residence permit Class B is issued to foreign expatriates with rare profession to obtain in the country to work for the companies in the country.

Documents required for the first grant application

  • TIF 1 forms duly filled
  • Covering letter
  • Certificate of incorporation
  • Business license
  • Tax Clearance Certificate
  • Tax Payer Identification Number Certificate (TIN)
  • Photostat copy of the applicant’s passport
  • Employment contract, signed by the employer and the employee. It should also include a clause on repatriation of an employee to his/her place of domicile or engagement in case of termination of contract for lawful cause.
  • Curriculum vitae (CV) of the applicant
  • Five passport size photographs
  • Organization’s chart
  • Memorandum and articles of Association
  • Translations (by authorised institutions) of documents/certificate in case they are written in languages other than English or Kiswahili.
  • Registration certificate from professional institution/Boards for posts of Accountants, Engineers,
  • Surveyors, Doctors, Nurses, pilots, teachers, and other posts of the like.
  • In case the applicant is currently employed in Tanzania and gets employed to another company, a letter of no objection, original permit from previous employer and current immigration status of the applicant is needed.

Fees for Residence Permit Class ‘B’-1st application:

  • Residence Permit – US $ 600
  • Re-entry pass – US $ 20
  • Replacement US $ 600
  • Dependents (especially wife and children under 18 years) should pay Re-entry pass US $ 20 each, if they have to be included in the permit.
  • If dependants are children under 18 years and intend to attend schools or colleges in Tanzania, they should apply for Class ‘C’ Permit special for students.

N.B: It is not allowed for the expatriate to be in the country when Residence Permit Class B is being applied for hi/her, until the same is granted. However, if an expatriate changes employer and he/she is still in the country, a special pass will be issued pursuant to section 12 of the Immigration Regulations 1997. The Special Pass costs.

Documents required during application for renewal

  • As listed in 1 to 12 above
  • A copy of a granted Residence Permit.
  • Zanzibar procedures

Applicants in Zanzibar are required to produce some additional attachments as follows:

  • A covering letter from Zanzibar Investment Promotion Agency (ZIPA) or export Processing Zones (EPZ) Authority.
  • Four passport size photographs
  • Police Clearance.

For more information Contact:
The Director of Immigration Services
P. O. Box 512 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Tel. 2552118640
Fax 255222112174/2112181

Foreign Investors are required to apply for a Class A Permit while expatriate staff applies for a class B Permit.

Class C Permits are for other categories of residents such as students, researchers, volunteers and missionaries.
Applications for Class A and Class C permits should be forwarded directly to the Director of Immigration Services while applications for Class B permits should be forwarded to the Director of Immigration Services through the Labour Commissioner. The Labour Department is only involved in the issuance of Class B permits. Application forms for Class A, B and C Permit. (Forms require Acrobat Read   to open)

Envoys, Consuls and Their Families

  • Applications have to be processed through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation.

Expatriates in Government-Funded Projects Working in government institutions
Applications should pass through their respective ministries in which they are intending to work.
The applications should be forwarded to the Ministry of Manpower for approval to enable the issuance of an Exemption Certificate by the Director of Immigration Services.  Basic attachments to the application include the following:

  • Five photographs
  • Covering letter from the applying Ministry or Organization
  • Copies of passport pages


This is to inform our clients and the general public that with effect from 01/07/2011 as published though the Government Notice (G.N.) No.185, 186 and 189 of July 01, 2011, the fee rates for various services offered by the Immigration Department have changed as to the following effect:

  1. Residence Permits
1. Residence Permit Class “A” For large Capital Investors in Companies, Industries, Fishing, Mineral and Transportation. US. $.2000 First issue and renewal
2. Residence Permit Class “A” For Peasants US.$.50 First issue and renewal
3. Residence Permit Class “B”For employees in industries, Private Companies, Public Cooperation, Fishing, Mines, Transportation and Music bands. US.$.1,500 First issue and renewal
4. Residence Permit Class “C”For Missionaries, Researchers and Students US.$.500 First issue and renewal
  1. Passes
1. Dependant Pass US.$.500 First issue and renewal
2. Special Pass US.$.600
3. Visitors Pass (CTA) US.$.200
4. Re-entry Pass US.$.50
  1. Visas(Please refer to rates set for Applicants at the Tanzania High Commission)
  2. Citizenship
1. Naturalization* US.$.5,000

*A fee of US $. 1,500 is payable upon submission of the application for naturalization, while US. $. 3,500 is paid after the approval of the application for the grant of Citizenship by the Minister responsible for citizenship matters.

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