JKUAT Distance Learning Courses


JKUAT Distance Learning Courses. Jomo Kenyatta University of Science and Technology is one of the best public university in Kenya.The university attracts over 2,000 students annually,most of them into their regular degree programs.The institution’s distance learning programs are designed in  such a way that those who have little time to spare for classes can learn and do exams from the comfort of their desks.

Below is a summary of Distance Learning Courses offered at JKUAT

Postgraduate Programmes

Postgraduate Diploma in ICT (Integration and Instructional Design)
Postgraduate Certificate in ICT (Integration and Instructional Design)
Master of Science in ICT (Integration and Instructional Design)

  • Master of Science in Leadership and Governance
  • Master of Science in Computer Systems
  • Master in Research Methods
  • Master in Business Administration
  • Master of Science in Procurement & Contract Management
  • Master of Science in Project Management

Undergraduate Programmes

  • Bachelor of Business and Office Management
  • Bachelor of Commerce and Business Administration
  • Bachelor of Commerce
  • Bachelor of Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor of Purchasing and Supplies Management
  • Bachelor of Mass Communication
  • Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Diploma/ Certificate courses

  • Diploma in Business Information Technology (DBIT)
  • Diploma in Business Administration (DBA)
  • Diploma in Information Technology (DIT)
  • Certificate in Purchasing and Supplies Management
  • Certificate in Information Technology
  • Certificate in HIV/AIDS Management and Counseling




Continuing Education Mode

SODeL receives the dully filled application forms from the Accredited Centre- Kenya School of Monetary Studies (KSMS). The centre will forward the forms to the school for processing. Thereafter the school summarizes and presents them to the University’s Board of Postgraduate Studies.

Successful applicants will be issued with an admission letter emanating from the Board of Postgraduate Studies.

Distance Learning Mode

Those wishing to pursue the courses through the distance learning mode are required to fill the application form online and attach the relevant testimonials. They will be required to present the original testimonials for verification at the point of registration at the main Juja Campus.

Successful applicants will be issued with an admission letter emanating from the Board of Postgraduate Studies.


Continuing Education Mode

SODeL receives duly filled application form from all our accredited centres around the country. prospective students are expected to fill the forms from these centres as we a customer oriented. These applications will be sent to our school for scrutiny and summarized for the university Senate to also scrutinize and approve. The school releases the admission letters for all successful and unsuccessful applicants to the respective centres.

Distance Learning Mode

Those wishing to pursue the courses through the distance learning mode are required to fill the application form online and attach the relevant testimonials. They will be required to present the original testimonials for verification at the point of registration at the main Juja Campus.

Both Successful and unsuccessful applicants will be issued with an admission letter emanating from the School.