Jumia Kenya is one of the most popular employer in the country and one of the best paying online shops with attractive salary packages.
When employed by Jumia, you can either work as a sales executive officer, auditor, accountant, manager, lawyer, data entry specialist, social media expert or senior manager, but most of the jobs are related to sales and marketing.
Figures from the company shows that a sales executive of the company earns Ksh 20,000-Ksh40,000 depending on job title and work experience. An accountant at Jumia pockets Ksh 35,000-Ksh70,000 while social media expert earns Ksh 25,000-Ksh55,000.
At Jumia, the best paid individual is the CEO, who earns basic salary of Ksh 2.5 m-Ksh 4 m.This salary plus other benefits sum up to Ksh 7 million per month.
Chief Finance Officer of Jumia Kenya earns upwards of Ksh1.5 million while other middle level managers pocket between Ksh 180,000-Ksh 350,000.
What will determine your salary at this company is your qualifications and job title: if you possess a university degree with at least 3 years’ experience, you will pocket at least Ksh 70,000
One of the employees,who works as an accountant reveals:
“I work at Jumia as an accountant.I joined the company 3 years ago with a salary of Ksh 25,000.Since then,my salary has been reviewed upwards to my current pay of Ksh 68,000.I expect to earn over Ksh100,000 in the coming year.
Jumia is a good company to work for but the pressure is a lot…if you are not prepared to handle pressure,you will definitely quit your job”.
Another employee who works as delivery personnel noted:
“I am in charge of delivery services at Jumia.My work is to deliver products to customers and receive the money. My current salary is Ksh 22,000,which I believe is not bad compared to companies like Wells Fargo and Kilimall.I am comfortable because at the end of the year I also get my bonus”.