Kenya Airways Salaries



Kenya Airways salaries are what most Kenyans want to earn. If you want to work at the airline, this is what you expect to earn.

A captain earns Ksh 800,000-Ksh1.2 million while a new pilot (fresh graduate) earns Ksh 350,000-Ksh500, 000

Cabin crew members earn Ksh 90,000-Ksh150, 000 while customer care executives earn Ksh 70,000-Ksh120, 000.

System Analyst earns Ksh 400,000-Ksh600, 000.This is an individual who possess more than 7 years of professional experience.

Business Analyst earns Ksh 120,000-Ksh200,000 while graduate trainees earn Ksh80,000-Ksh120,000

Marketing officers earn Ksh 45,000-Ksh 70,000

The Chief Executive Officer is the highest paid employee with a monthly salary of Ksh 2.5 million-Ksh3.5 million while the Chief Finance Officer follows him closely with a monthly figure of Ksh 2.2 million-ksh 3 million