Kenyan Bloggers Income Reports 2019


Kenyan bloggers mostly rely on income from AdSense ,Enzoic and MIGD but they rarely post their income reports on regular basis. The gap between high and low income earners in in Kenya is so huge that you’d automatically know which blogger is struggling.

In the year 2019, Google Algorithm was updated and most sites that depended on AdSense saw their income shrink. However, there are few websites like Kenyans, Standardmedia and Nation that benefitted immensely from the update. But all in all, bloggers who joined the profession out of passion never gave up.

About 14 million Kenyans access the internet on daily basis, more than half of this number visit various blogs that contain relevant content. The websites that benefit most are those owned by established media houses like NMG and SMG. But there are new websites which have a sizeable stake, they are even threatening the established blogs. One behavior about Kenyan online community is that they go with time, they search for content trending on that time. If there’s a blog that posts content that resonate with online visitors, it will certainly go viral.

As of 2019 the average monthly income of bloggers in Kenya is Ksh30,000. However, there are individuals or companies which earn more or less based on traffic and monetization strategies.

Below is a summary of income from selected blogs in Kenya per month:

Standadmedia 5 million
Nation 5 million
Tuko 4.5 million
Star 3 million
Citizen TV 2 million
Kenyans 1.8 million
Ghafla 1.2 million
Kenyamoja 800,000
BrighterMonday 800,000
Capital FM 700,000
Mpasho 500,000
Cyprian Nyakundi 300,000
eDaily 300,000
Kenyaplex 250,000

There are many blogs we didn’t post here which make upwards of Ksh200,000 per month.