When you are choosing a university course, always go for the marketable one so that it can be easier to secure employment or employ yourself. Below we have picked the most marketable courses for the year 2023.
- Bachelor of Arts in Film and Animation Studies
This course is good especially for those who would like to make money online through YouTube. You will learn how to produce films, how to edit videos and how to capture the attention of your audience. Even major media houses will give you a job.
- Bachelor of Arts in Mass Media and Communication
Bachelor of Mass Communication will equip you with skills to write excellent articles for blogs or to secure a job in the major media stations. Even if you don’t get a job, you can employ yourself by making money online.
- Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor of Commerce may be flooded but it’s very marketable for those who combine this degree with CFA ,CFE or ACCA.If you pursue BCom and CFA you can’t be jobless. But if you don’t pursue any professional course, you may find it hard to secure employment.
- Bachelor of Counselling
Bachelor of Counselling is a marketable course. With this degree, you can secure a job in a counselling institution, health institution or employ yourself.
- Bachelor of Education in Special Needs Education
There are many schools especially in Nairobi which employ teachers with special need qualifications. Very few people have pursued this course, jobs are plenty.
- Bachelor of Laws
Law is a very marketable course, it’s one of the highest paying professions in Kenya. You can’t go wrong by pursing the program. Some lawyers make up to Ksh 10 million per month. It’s hard to find a jobless lawyer.
- Bachelor of Architecture
Architecture is also another very marketable course, but you have to be good in what you do for you to make a lot of money. You will design a building and earn 10% of the total cost of construction.
If you search online, you’ll realize that only a few companies design plans for houses, there is still a huge gap in this industry.
- Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery
Medicine & Surgery is always the most marketable course. For you to enroll for the JAB program, you have to score A plain. For a parallel program, you have to score B+ and above.
To complete a degree of Medicine course, it takes six years.
There are plenty of jobs in Kenya and outside the country.
- Bachelor of Pharmacy
Pharmacy is as marketable as Bachelor of Medicine. All hospitals employ these graduates. There are also plenty of opportunities outside hospitals. You can start your own pharmaceutical company or a clinic.
- Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science
Actuarial Science is marketable if you combine with Actuarial professional papers or CFA.But without those courses, you can’t be marketable.
- Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine
Clinical Medicine is also good especially where research is involved.Kemri is one of the institutions which can employ you. All hospitals will also give you a chance to work for them.
- Bachelor of Science in Dental Technology
If you cannot get a chance to pursue Bachelor of Medicine, try Bachelor of Science in Dental Technology. You will open your own dental hospital and become a millionaire within a short time.
This course is very marketable.
- Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
The jobs for Electrical Engineers may not be many but the course is marketable. You can employ yourself and get to work in construction sites to do electrical installations. You can also work for industries and government institutions.
- Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
There are hotels, clubs and other hospitality institutions which can employ you. The jobs are many especially in major cities. If you can’t secure employment, you can employ yourself.
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Nursing is marketable at diploma and degree level. Being jobless is someone’s wish, because there are plenty of jobs for these graduates. You can’t stay at home more than 6 months without getting a job.
- Bachelor of Science in Real Estate Management
You will be employed by available real estate companies or become a real estate agent. This industry doesn’t lack opportunities.
- Bachelor of Science in Statistics
Statistics graduates work in all sectors of economy. Those who work in the financial sector have pursued CFA,CPA or ACCA.Those who work in the research fields ,NGO and government institutions have pursued Statistics plus Statistical packages like SPSS,R and Stata.
Since Statisticians are employed in all sectors, getting a job is not so difficult as compared to other careers.
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
We are living in the era of technology & software development. At the center of this are computer scientists. The demand for these professionals is high.
By pursuing computer science, you are 100% sure of securing employment.
- Bachelor of Information Technology
Bachelor of IT is also marketable just like Computer Science. But ensure you specialize in the software part for you to become more marketable.
- Bachelor of Education
There is no single day Bachelor of Education will cease to be marketable. Teachers are employed annually. But the salaries are low.
If you don’t mind earning Ksh 20,000 to Ksh 60, 000, pursue Bachelor of Education.
- Bachelor of Monitoring and Evaluation
Bachelor of Monitoring and Evaluation is applicable in the NGO sector. Even a certificate in M&E is marketable. But you should be proficient in Statistical packages.
M&E experts earn between Ksh 180,000 and Ksh 600,000 per month.
- Bachelor of Applied Statistics
Applied Statistics is just like Bachelor of Statistics and it’s marketable. You can even pursue CFA and work in the stock market, audit firms, government institutions or financial research companies.NGOs, banks, hospitals and insurance companies also employ Statisticians.
- Bachelor of Software Engineering
Software design is a hot cake business in Kenya at the moment. All major companies need Apps for their businesses, this is the work of Software Engineers. Even telecom companies like Safaricom and IBM employ the graduates.
- Bachelor of Computer Engineering
Bachelor of Computer Engineering is just like Bachelor of Software Engineering or Bachelor of It,it’s very marketable. Majority of Computer engineers are working at IBM,Airtel,Google and Safaricom.